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Can we add a group called Prayer Requests?

@Nuno @Andrew how would I go about doing that? I think it would be a great way for us to encourage each other. I was able to encourage @LadyGrace and got me thinking there has never been, not on EP or SW, a place to post our prayer requests.

Let me know what you think.
Andrew · Admin
This group now exists:
Prayer Requests - https://similarworlds.com/religion/prayer-request

Praying - Also, this related group existed before:
Sounds like a great idea but I wonder if others would feel like we left them out, no matter their faith or lack thereof. Sometimes even those who wouldn't admit it, would like prayer so would they be able to see this prayer group? We don't want to leave anyone out.
@LadyGrace um yes. A public group.
Arrow17 · 46-50, F
I want to join the group if it is existed.
Good idea but arguably you could host a daily forum
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@SW-User I don’t see how any of that is relevant. God knows who everyone is
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@SW-User oh I’m not saying all that - not at all

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