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Minor Updates to Post Feeds ⬆️

Hello all,
We have recently released minor updates to the Home & Custom Feeds, which should provide some improvement for those who are still having issues with the feed.

Updates were released 2 days ago, as well as another update in the past hour.

The recent changes should help to:

• Make the Feeds less Stagnant.

• Shuffle in more New Posts, when you've already seen posts that are considered Priority/Relevant to you.


We are still working on "User Created Groups", and progressing well.
We're aiming to make this feature available soon.

Best wishes to you all, for the New Year 2023! 🎊 ✨
The SW Team
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Noticed some of it. Will take a closer look.

Have a happy New Year.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Maybe I'm the only one who hasn't figured this out, but when we go to customize our feed and we see the option to sort by relevance, how is relevance measured?
Andrew · Admin
Broadly, there is "Relevant" and "Non-Relevant" content.

Relevant Content also refers to content coming from sources you are Subscribed to (Users/Groups you Follow).

It extends as far as Users or Groups you interreact a lot with (assumed positive interactions).

So if someone isn't following a the topic "Politics",
yet, they regularly interact on posts from the Politics section, daily/weekly,
we may assume that user has interest in that topic, and we may occasionally show them content from that relevant source.

As for Feed Customization,

Relevance / Following:

More = Less "Random" (Non-Relevant) things appearing in your feed.
We will try to show you only content you have subscribed to, and may include also content from highly relevant sources you've interacted a lot with.

Less = More "Random", general posts may appear in your feed.
Posts from Users and Groups we aren't sure are of high interest/relevance to you.
This can cause the user to see a much more broad variety of topics, but also, potentially more posts overall (a faster flowing, but less relevant, feed).
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@Andrew Thank you. Happy New Year!
ImRileyTheDog · 22-25, F
I bet you will still get complaints from people
NangiUniverse · 31-35, M
Happy New Year to you as well, Andrew.
Confined · 56-60, M
Thanks yall and happy new year.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
Happy New Year! 🥳
Happy new year Andrew ….

And thanks to you and SW admin team for everything that you do to make this place a better place for all of us…

Viper · M
I think I've noticed a different ... I was surprised I was seeing more different posts earlier, before I knew y'all changed anything
So this is why the top of my feed has gone from posts that are six hours old to 1 day old?
Andrew · Admin
The results shown in your feed always changes during the day.

Checking internally, the Top of your Feed is currently:
- 3 mins ago
- 4 mins ago
- 4 mins ago
- 4 mins ago
- 2 mins ago


All first 10 posts on your feed, were made in the past ~10 minutes.

Your chosen settings can also affect the results, ordering and source priority of your feed.
@Andrew Thank you for getting back to me. I have my feed set to be sorted by time. I quite often have nothing on my feed newer than one hour, sometimes it's three hours.
This was earlier this afternoon with the exact same feed settings I have now.
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
Happy new year 🎉🎉🎉🎈😊
But i will like to know when sw gonna pay for our content on sw?😑
OldBrit · 61-69, M
Happy New Year to all those working behind the scenes for SW. Thanks for all your efforts.
Thank you. Happy New Year to you and crew. Be safe and be well.
Hi, Andrew! Thanks for the improvements you're working on.

Talking about improvements....remember when you posted this a few months ago?

Profit from Your SimilarWorlds Content 💸
Hello all!
We've had plans for a very long time, to make SimilarWorlds into a platform where users can actually EARN from their shared content.

Our general idea is to:

Allow our users to Earn 90%-100% of All Ad Revenue that is generated by their own content.

This includes the user's:
• Posts
• Profile
• Photos & Albums
• other unique user generated content pages, that we may add in the future.

I hope this really happens. Similar Worlds will greatly benefit since more posts shall be created and also there'll be more posts of quality if we want to attract advertisers and gain Ad Revenues. Why not have fun on SW and earn from it too, right?

I wish you and your team a Happy New Year!🥳🥂
Andrew · Admin

This is definitely still in our plans, and in something we hope to prioritize this year (hopefully sooner than later).

It's more complex to make available than other features, since it requires lots of 3rd party involvement (payment processors, ad networks), as well as proper legal research and compliances.

We'll try to provide some update in the coming weeks, regarding this feature,
but it's something we are very much eager to have available on SW Soon.

Thanks and Happy New Year to you also!
@Andrew I'm very happy to know that it's something being worked on and will be looking forward to your updates regarding this great feature. I have full confidence in you and your team !☺️👍

Thank you , Andrew!🤗
Thank you and Happy New Year! 🙂
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
Happy New Year
Happy New Year ☺️
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Why would you want to tell people what you think they want to see? Let them decide! All I want to see are the most recent posts in the order they are posted. How difficult is that? I couldn't care less about groups.
bookerdana · M
Thanks and Happy New Year🥳

Frankly the problem is the filtering itself..the only two filters a site this size needs is adult /fetish content and (maybe Circle/friends
We're losing members because of this,I hope you give it due consideration
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
While you are making changes you should do more to stop the abusive people on here
DDonde · 31-35, M
Happy New Year! Looking forward to seeing what ends up happening with the groups.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Thanks for the updates
Happy New Year. Do you have an alt account?
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
happy easter
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
[image - please log in to see this image]

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