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Since the admins don't seem to grasp the concept, I created this group.

Hopefully, they will understand at long last. But probably not.
robertsnj · 56-60, M

I remember, as I am sure you do, when B Obama became POTUS. Out of the woodwork all these people who I knew for decades, who were so kind and charming on the outisde started flipping out.

Some of them posted memes of Obama with big lips, or as a monkey-man. Some of them openly compared his wife to a man. A number of think tanks like the Heritage Institute and FOX had hit pieces on him daily that many of my friends reposted very single day.

At first I was taken aback. On my list of newly revealed racists was my best friend from high school. My sales manager, as well of a host of both professional contacts and friends. Not a few, a lot, a whole lot.

When I had time to process what had I was seeigng I reallized it was a gift. It was like the balony mask they had worn in front of me for decades was taking off --by lots of them all at once.

I think we are in a better place now that it is out in the open. The racism and hatred was always there. But now instead of being a shadow in the darkness it is center stage for us all to see.

I don't want it censored. I want to know whom among my circle feels that way and I really want the data that came with it including most common backgrounds, religious beliefs and even hobbies.

I don't want them to hide or be the ones that hide them with censorship. I want them to stand out in the open and say I hate blacks, I hate browns, I hate LBTQIA+ I want those in their crosshairs to know for their own safetly even if for nothing else.

I know you are frusterated but to hide the bile that is in their heads and their hearts is for us to hide our head in the sand and not see what is occuring aound us. You can ban it here--but they will talk about it at their churches, their community centers and their own private forums.
SnailTeeth · 36-40
All blocksexualism should be banished from SW. It's predominantly non-consensual, and it's a blight on our community!
Why would you be forced to?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@sstronaut Okay, so let's say somebody posts some Nazi propaganda about how the Jews did 9/11 to replace white people In their ongoing quest for world domination, and I click the little flag. The website then forces me to block that person for a month, because the admins don't want to actually take action.
@LordShadowfire If you want them to take action, you need to do what the anti-child-predator group did.

Form a group somehow of active people, and post a link to the horrible event and then get (I'm making up numbers here) 5 people to flag it within 3 minutes... and then that's what gets the computer system to take it down (I think).

I don't know what the exact numbers are.

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