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A fake page been up of me for a year & it's make me mad. Please report it

Stolen my kid pics. Police won't do anything about it. It is the same creepy prankster who begged me for money behind this page because there is only 1 following. It's Gripp Goode. They didn't spell my last name right but still.
The cops cant do a thing unfortunately
Hopefully they get kicked out the site
@Shakealot stealing pics is not a crime in itself
But being kids pics thats the bad thing
Shakealot · 26-30, F
@rocknroll so pretending to be someone to harass folks is not a crime
Shakealot · 26-30, F
@rocknroll I wish I wasn’t born. I’m tired of not being supported. This fake page been up me about 2 years😡 Crazy how none of my Facebook friends won’t help me report it. More reports will get it shut down, but police cannot do nothing about it
Workerbee · 31-35, M
What do you expect the cops to do?
Shakealot · 26-30, F
@Workerbee I told everyone to report it. The more reports will get it shut down
Workerbee · 31-35, M
@Shakealot maybe a lesson for you to either make your accounts more private or not to post your kids online

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