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Don’t let circumstances dictate how you end up

Many people have lost all hope in life, in humanity and in themselves due to circumstances.

This Life is not going to just hand you peace and harmony and wellbeing of Life.That my friends has to be earned.

It doesn’t matter what spectrum you come from, wealth or poverty.

The crossroads is in your heart and your mind which is all within your body.

We should go within daily each moment and search the depths of our souls for what our dreams and purpose are in this life. See the vision of wellbeing and anchor it.

Do the hardwork in self evaluation and build our self esteem and Command our existence to be as we truly desire through the Right Steps and Right Actions.

Only Consistency, Patience and Right Effort will manifest in our perception as actuality due to new neuropathways developed and productive habits formed by accomplishing and overcoming circumstances, trials and tribulations.
Wise words indeed. But the toughest challenge lies in mustering up the strength and courage to keep moving forward after repeatedly being knocked down. Circumstances can deal some very cruel blows.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@OlderSometimesWiser if you don’t mind me asking … what as we get older is beyond our control besides transitioning/death.
@Heavenlywarrior You’ve kinda hit the nail on the head there. Losing several loved ones to brutal deaths can really take the fight out of a person. So can serious health issues, which yes, to an extent are within our control but certainly not totally. Cancer can even strike the King and future Queen of England. No one is immune from certain cruel blows.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@OlderSometimesWiser I definitely agree with you and sometimes these plain words come off as such an easy task which is completely the opposite as we are actually living this life and when life hits … it hits. It shakes us to the very core.

Stress is the number one killer.

So in my studies about psychology as well as placebo affects I began to adopt that mentality that Expectations play a massive role on our experiences. I also added the teachings of bhuddist the eight fold path regard right actions… there is a right way of doing things and then there is Error.

With all this in mind there is a way we can carve out pathway in to better moments regardless what’s going on.

To others our lives me seem lucky, or full of chance or miracles but in actuality we are very intentional.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Absolutely, only we hold the key to our own happiness. Past traumas will only define you and your future if you continue to hold onto them.
Workerbee · 31-35, M
Spitting facts here 🔥💯
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@Workerbee 💯 💪🏿🙏🏿

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