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Phenotypes and Natural selection

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helenS · 36-40, F
A dolphin, about 45 million years ago.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@helenS maybe there is still hope it’s just we have to learn ourselves and our nature as the dolphins and whales
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@Peaceandnamaste I will disagree with that being that there are different species of human on earth. We are not all the same. I didn’t come from a monkey.
helenS · 36-40, F
@Heavenlywarrior From a fish, not a monkey. 😑
ElRengo · 70-79, M
For most of the living domain, phenotypes that fit their enviroment (includding interactions) trend to have better chance of surviving and propagate both as individuals and as species.
I said most and not all cos we, the humans species, seem to have turned the object of evolution from the individuals to the social.
Of course that is not at all an absolute.....mainly because for most of uses "absolute" is just a word.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@ElRengo do you think we do evolve as individuals and as a society? Like for instance Nature favors the strongest and most wealthy society because of the resources it’s able to possess with puts its citizens and lineage in a more favorable position all around for the future?

Like for instance Elon Musk. Imagine his lineage 50-100 years from now if he continues what he’s doing and doesn’t fuck anything up
In nature the phenotypes that increase survival naturally dominate.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@Notmesam what examples do we see this with humans?
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Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@Notmesam that’s a good one
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
Law of the jungle? Law of attraction? I know of the terms but really know nothing about them, esp the second one since it relates to sex/romance/intimacy which I'm very bad at.
I know what i like.

No hesitation or compromise with another

Why drink poison when I can sip on filtered water lol 🤍
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KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@Heavenlywarrior Well, Trump is neither smart nor strong but so far he has been able to stay out of jail. But animals aren’t ruled by laws that can be corrupted and it seems that he’s headed for jail even though he may corruptly play the legal system to avoid his worst crimes—two of which potentially carry the death penalty.

At the end of the day, his cheating on his wife, his family, his taxes, his legal expenses and GOLF have certainly been exposed!
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@KunsanVeteran do you think that using his resources and corrupt ways to avoid prison for this long has nothing to do with natural selection.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@Heavenlywarrior Not particularly.

He was born into a corrupt & dysfunctional family with his father (Fred) as the worse possible role model. A mother who thought him a failure. A youth who idolized Hitler. A student who was lowest in his class and survived by cheating. A bully typically picking on students several years junior to him (as he was afraid to face his peers in a fair fight). An entitled prolific liar who was incapable of telling the truth. And through all his myriad of troubles his dear daddy was there to bail him out. Just as Fred did with the draft, after 5 deferments finally bribing a disgraced podiatrist to falsify medical records of a kid he never examined.

Then, and to this day, he lies about obtaining a misery million dollar loan from his dad (actually over $ 430 million) which he claimed and continues to claim he paid back (which he never did).

He was a slumlord. He has a trail of failed businesses, cons, and bankruptcies (how do you bankrupt a casino?). His “wealth” is a reflection on his tax cheating, overinflating his assets, defrauding his workers, grifting his supporters, and getting his followers to do his crimes while barely dodging the law—mostly by stalling to run out the clock.

He idolizes Putin, Xi, KJU, and MBS.

If anything he represents the very WORST of natural selection and environmental failures.

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