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I do not think it good that some churches ask its members to write their names on tithes, love gifts and offerings.

Like, honestly, it's a red flag to me.

“But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”
---Matthew 6:3-4
bowman81 · M
It just might be so they can give you a receipt for tax purposes at the end of the year.
Casheyane · F
@BritishPerson Honestly? Receipt. To give out receipts. Like what do I need that for?

It felt they just wanted to monitor how much I am giving. It didn't feel right nor safe, especially given the person who suggested I write my name is someone who seems way too interested in me and has connections to the heads. Not really a good advice, nor did it feel like it was done without intent.
BritishPerson · 41-45, M
@Casheyane Maybe you ought to ask them to spell out exactly why they are asking for such details. Why do they need receipts? Who is privy to the information? How is it going to be used?
Casheyane · F
@BritishPerson Nah. I could. But I think I learned enough. I'm thinking of threading with caution now. I can still attend but not get too close with some people. It is safer when they don't know much about you.

That's sad though. Cause I was actually hoping to make some new friends. But then, I pray God will lead me to true good friends, even if it isn't those people.

My late dad used to give tithes faithfully no matter how much challenging it was. Until he stopped, because he learned that his own family who were pastors on a church we attended before were stealing church money to buy themselves a car.

So really, I meant what I meant when I said it isn't just a small box. This post is way bigger than that.

But I can feel your enthusiasm on the topic. So I suggested you open a thread.

Also, it was pretty fun exchanging comments with you. I learned some things. Thanks for the knowledge sharing. It is my first time knowing those things about UK.
Amish · 22-25, M
I too second your thought. Doesn't writing names contradict the following...
Matthew 6:1-4 (NIV):
"Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."
Even though offerings may not exactly categorize as giving it to the needy...
4meAndyou · F
When I was a Catholic, I remember that the church used to send my parents envelopes by mail, and they were supposed to write checks and send them back every month. However, the church ALSO passed around a donation basket at service for cash donations.

Nowadays, my church allows us to tithe online.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
There is nothing to stop people from giving anonymously, and I used to do that.

But many parishioners in the US want a record of their donations for income tax purposes. At the end of the year, the church is obligated by law to send everyone a record of their donations.
Adstar · 56-60, M

That is using subtle pressure on people..

Also Jesus said Charity sould be given in secret to stop people seeking the praise of other people for their charity efforts..

(Matthew 6:1-4) "Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. {2} Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. {3} But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: {4} That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly."
Adstar · 56-60, M
@BritishPerson I did respond to your point.. In my first replay.. But you seem to have an inability to read it and understand.. Shock hey?? Not to me.. People who reject the Word of God are given over to deception and delusion..

And your pharisse projecting does not work on me.. I am honored by God to face the false accusations of false accusers for His names sake..

(Matthew 5:11-12) "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. {12} Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you."
BritishPerson · 41-45, M
@Adstar It really is really arrogant to accuse someone of "rejecting the Word of God" because they don't quite see it your way.

The fact is, you're taking a true Biblical principle (not to do good works in order to seek praise from others) to an unreasonable extreme to the point that you are preventing people from receiving as much help as they may receive. That's exactly what the attitude of the Pharisees was. Inflexible and extreme interpretations of rules which end up being to the detriment of others. You might not be able to see it but hopefully, third-party readers of this exchange will.

And you have a persecution complex too. People disagreeing with your stance or calling you out for holding an extreme view is not persecution. Don't claim it is and thereby insult those who truly are suffering persecution.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Adstar It really is really arrogant to accuse someone of "rejecting the Word of God" because they don't quite see it your way.

No arrogance involved.. If i believe someone is rejecting the Word of God i will say so out of love for that person.. Giving them warning about the danger they are in is a good thing to do.. No matter if the person lashes out and calls one a pharrise or arrogant or makes up all kinds of false accusations against one..

The fact is, you're taking a true Biblical principle (not to do good works in order to seek praise from others) to an unreasonable extreme to the point that you are preventing people from receiving as much help as they may receive.

No.. I shared the Words of the LORD Jesus on the matter.. Words that caused me to be personaly attacked.. You're not rejecting me when you declare the positon to be unreasonably extreme.. You're rejecting the LORD Jesus..

hopefully, third-party readers of this exchange will.

I am not here for a popularity contest.. or to win some kind of popularity vote.. If 100 people declare they reject my posts then thats another 100 who are on their way to the eternal Lake of Fire..

And you have a persecution complex too.

Nope your the one who has been throwing around the parrise this and arrogant that accusations like confetti.. My first response had no personal attacks in it.. Your pride in your POV caused you to attack me personaly.. and yeah i am trully honored to face your viterol because i believe Jesus.. Unlike you..

Don't claim it is and thereby insult those who truly are suffering persecution.

I believe Jesus so when He saus being falsly accused for standing up for His Word is persecution.. It is persecution.. End of story..
The widow's mite is worth much more
Than all the gold on Afric's shore

(William Blake)
Casheyane · F
@SW-User From what I found, the widow's mite pertains to the verses that talk of the widow's offering of a small amount (but really for her it was big, and perhaps even was all she had). But the Africs shore, does it really refer to African shore?

Is this what you meant?
@Casheyane Yes, a Gospel story, that many gave from out of their wealth, but the widow gave all she had. Which Jesus spoke of.

I suppose, 1p is not necessarily worth less than £10 in a world of inter-being and inter-dependence.

Yes, a lot of gold came from Africa.
Casheyane · F
@SW-User Oh. I see. Thanks
BritishPerson · 41-45, M
In the UK churches might use gift aid envelopes so that they can reclaim tax on a donation made by a UK taxpayer. The Freemason lodges I am a member of use them as well. It means more money in the charity box for the benefit of those in need! It's not too much of a problem because there is a tear-off slip for your name and details which you place inside the envelope with the money you are donating. The only person who will see it will be the treasurer.
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
Doesn't happen at our church,
Natasmai · 56-60
Surely the church needs to know how much each of it's members gives in order to make sure that everyone is paying what they're supposed to?
Casheyane · F
@Natasmai No one is supposed to pay. It is a giving out of the heart. Tithes as per the Bible is 10% of what they get. Do you imagine people give this though?

If you have 10,000, 10% is 1000. If you have 1000, 10% is 100. But if you have 1000 and you give say 1000, which offering means more do you think?
BritishPerson · 41-45, M
@Natasmai That shouldn't be the reason. What you give is between you and God. It is no one elses business. I also don't think we should be legalistic about the percentage either. For some people, handing over 10% of their income is going to put them in financial difficulty, which should not happen.
Lostpoet · M
The only problem I have with charity is that most of the time the money never really makes it the cause, but rather ends up in pockets of the greedy.
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
@Lostpoet The key to making sure that your money goes where you actually want it to go is to find a not-for-profit charity, not a non-profit. Non-profit organizations are allowed to keep up to 90% of donations for themselves.
chrisCA · M
In Canada, donations are tax deductible.
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
I agree with you 💯
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
Yeah, that's one of those things that always made me wonder. You're supposed to do charity in secret, but you're expected to put your name on it? And for what? Tax purposes? You're really going to deduct that from your taxes? So then you basically didn't give anything away.
BritishPerson · 41-45, M
@LordShadowfire It's not deducted from you. The charitable organisation you are donating it to can claim it from the government i.e. they can claim from the government some of the tax you paid. The choice is simple. Do you want the government to keep that money or do you want it in the charity box for the benefit of those in need? The only person who will get to see will be the person in charge of the money in the organisation you're donating to, who will no doubt keep that information confidential.
They want to make sure their subjects are complying with membership requirements, so they know who to reward, and who to punish.

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