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Do u believe that Jesus died on the cross many years ago ? 📖 📖 📖

About 5000 or less years ago a man named Jesus walked the Earth. You know the story in the book of Matthew. He rose again on the 3rd day. Do you believe in the story and the crucifixion about the man named Jesus.

Happy Easter. 🐰

Adstar · 56-60, M Best Comment
I believe Jesus died on the cross in the year 30AD or 30 ce if onew uses that designator..

So thats about 1994 years ago Jesus died on the cross.. And yes after being in the tomb for 3 nights and 3 days he rose again and lives forever more..
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Tastyfrzz Passover is the day Jesus was executed.. Passover Day... And that happened on the 3rd of April in the year 30 CE.. I have no idea why you are bringing up easter.. I don't really care about Easter.. Bunnies and chocolate eggs are not part of the Passover..
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@Adstar Just saying that that is how it's defined here. We don't care about Passover.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Tastyfrzz Well this thread was not about Easter.. If you want to talk about Easter then start your own thread on the topic.. You have only wasted your own time and my time on this thread..

TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
Correct it. It's 2000 years not 5000.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@Zonuss Thank you. Just in here or you giving something for real?
Jimbo7 · M
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Zonuss · 41-45, M
@walabby It started long before Paul.
walabby · 61-69, M
@Zonuss It STARTED before Paul, but Paul turned it into the religion that we know today.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
The story is definitely a myth. Allegory. And a stretch of the truth.

In my opinion I feel there was a first human from the blood of Hebrews as they were called later known as Israelites. And associated with the essenes. This one was an esoteric occultist that was educated in ancient mystery school teachings from Egypt, India and Asia.

It’s very possible that this one was killed for teaching everyone that they were God also just as this one was.

If I would choose a name and gender I would say Yeshua, and a Man. But God also chooses women also. God is All in All. Masculine and feminine energy.

If anything the Spirit of Salvation( Yeshua) is in all of Us who choose it to overcome our adversity
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Diotrephes · 70-79, M
What else? Oh, I did forget about Jesus in Mark 10:19

You know the commandments: "Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, do not defraud, honor your father and mother"

The Jesus character broke all of those.
JustNik · 51-55, F
He may have existed. I certainly can’t say he didn’t. I do think it’s odd that it seems so difficult to find much concrete evidence since it seems like he was kind of a big deal, but that was a long time ago and things disappear for all kinds of reasons. The bible itself is just a human construct knitted together and continually reinterpreted for best effect at controlling the masses. If Jesus did exist and preached what he is said to, I have no doubt he would weep at what people have done in his name.
@JustNik the big deal is why we know he existed. Far too many eye witnesses were tortured to death for something they all made up
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP yes, youre right there!
Sharon · F
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP What eye witnesses? The only christians executed were rabble rousers stiring up trouble decades after Jesus is claimed to have lived. The might have sincerely believed the BS fed to them but they certainly weren't eye witnesses.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
No. I don't believe the biblical Jesus ever existed tbh.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@ShadowSister There may well have been a wandering nutcase who claimed to be God,who claimed to walk on water and who claimed to be able to raise the dead...however the god/man Jesus and all the things the Bible says he did...are fictitious.
ShadowSister · 46-50, F
@Entwistle Very few scholars believe that Jesus of Nazareth actually claimed to be a god. I would say a "wandering iterant preacher." He was almost certainly crucified in Jerusalem. And then legends grew up around him later. Yes, this is exactly the consensus position. Nothing extraordinary about it.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M

Here is Graves' main list, arranged chronologically:

Thulis of Egypt, 1700 B.C.
Krishna of India, 1200 B.C.
Crite of Chaldea, 1200 B.C.[5][6]
Atys of Phrygia, 1170 B.C.
Thammuz or Tammuz of Syria, 1160 B.C.
Hesus or Eros 834 B.C.
Bali of Orissa, 725 B.C.[7]
Indra of Thibet (Tibet), 725 B.C.
Iao of Nepaul (Nepal), 622 B.C.[8][9]
Buddha Sakia (Muni) of India, 600 B.C.[10]
Mitra (Mithra) of Persia, 600 B.C.
Alcestos of Euripides, 600 B.C.
Quezalcoatl of Mexico, 587 B.C.
Wittoba of the Bilingonese, 552 B.C.[11]
Prometheus or Æschylus of Caucasus, 547 B.C.
Quirinus of Rome, 506 B.C.
He also lists a number of other holy figures who took the form of men and then ascended into heaven, including:

Salivahana of Bermuda
Zulis or Zhule of Egypt[12]
Osiris of Egypt
Oru of Egypt
Odin of the Scandinavians
Zoroaster of Persia
Baal of Phoenicia
Taut, "the only Begotten of God" of Phoenicia, inventor of letters[13]
Bali of Afghanistan
Xamolxis (Zalmoxis) of Thrace
Zoar of the Bonzes
Adad of Assyria
Deva Tat of Siam (Thailand)
Sammonocadam (Sommona-Codom) of Siam (Thailand)[14]
Alcides of Thebes
Mikado of the Sintoos
Beddru of Japan
Bremrillah of the Druids[15]
Thor son of Odin of the Gauls/Norse
Cadmus of Greece
Hil/Feta of the Mandaites[16]
Gentaut of Mexico[17]
Universal Monarch of the Sibyls
Ischy of Formosa (Taiwan)[18]
Divine Teacher of Plato
Holy One of Xaca[19]
(Fohi) of China
Tien of China
Adonis son of the virgin Io of Greece
Ixion of Rome
Mohamud or Mahomet of Arabia
pride49 · 31-35, M
I'm not religious so I don't care. I don't mind getting chocolate tho
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@Tastyfrzz The North European tribes used to celebrate the arrival of Spring... a time of renewal and fertility. The festival was named after the goddess of fertility... Esther (The word oestrogen comes from that).
Early christians corrupted that festival into a symbol of renewal centred on their own cult leader, but the symbols of fertility (rabbits, eggs, etc.) have remained.
The pushing of chocolate and gaudy decorations are simply artefacts of clever marketing over the last century.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
pride49 · 31-35, M
@newjaninev2 imagine how short people were back then. A chocolate rabbit the size of our hand would be a giant chocolate rabbit to them xD
Gumba1000 · M
It was 2000 years ago. Pontius Pilate was definitely a real person and there are records of his existence. He was governor for AD26 to AD36. So Jesus' crucifixion will have been within that time too.
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Gumba1000 · M
@NortiusMaximus Oh I did tell you how the papyrus was dated "As for the writings, paleography and archeology as well as early historian documents such as Tacitus". You're also getting confused with me explaining to you that wanting more evidence than writings, for Jesus, when Pilate was more famous of the time, only has carvings, coins and some historic references to his name - is ridiculous. You did not ask for "irrefutable proof" nor did I say I had it. Nor did I state the evidence I had was irrefutable proof. But I did say to you that it is evidence. Finally you're confused about my sarcastic request of you for a census. Keep up man.
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saintsong · 41-45, F
God is also Supernatural!!!! When I had sold my soul, I felt the grace like rain pour over me, the blood of the lamb though I didn't know it.... All of my clocks had stopped like time and space had stopped, Like I was taken to another time and place! I was in a catatonic state hearing the screams from hell when GOD gave me a supernatural vision of the cross, even when I wasn't even looking for him! It was accompanied by a loud cracking noise like the sound of rocks splitting, like an earth quake! When I saw the cross and in that moment the screaming stopped, in that moment I was redeemed! From that moment on I could smell the sweetest perfume fragrance that took me years to discover that it was the fragrance of LIFE! Ephesians 5:2
New International Version
2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

2 Corinthians 2:14
New International Version
14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.

Christ died to give me His LIFE, it took me 5 years to discover that this fragrance that get's caught up in my thoughts was acctually written in the pages of the bible given to me from the point of His death on the cross supernaturally just as it was written... I believe and no one can snatch me out of the Hand of the Lord Jesus Christ for the Father gave me to Him...The God of Heaven and Earth chose to give me to Jesus Christ and I fully believe because of Him I can now hear Heavenly Angels singing Holy Holy Holy just like in the book of Isaiah and Revelations....And He also revealed many mysteries that totally make so much sense even in this day and age! Plus He heals people at my local hospital! I am fully convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that the God of the Bible is the real true God.
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
@saintsong amen!!!
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@saintsong You sold your soul ? 🤔
saintsong · 41-45, F
@Zonuss Yes, I was 19 and dabbled in spiritism and became schizophrenic, when Jesus saved me from the pits of hell...He turned my darkness into light! He saved my soul, when most schizophrenics get worse over the years...In Him I got better because He delivered me from the darkness. I still have a battle over my soul, but it is well with my soul all because of His saving grace. My battle now is outwardly, other schizophrenics who wish to harm me.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
The Jesus character got crucified only once. A guy in the Philippines has been crucfied 35 times.

Man nailed to a cross for the 35th time on Good Friday in brutal tradition
"Mar. 29, 2024
MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A Filipino villager has been nailed to a wooden cross for the 35th time to reenact Jesus Christ’s suffering in a brutal Good Friday tradition he said he would devote to pray for peace in Ukraine, Gaza and the disputed South China Sea.

On Friday, over a hundred people watched on as 10 devotees were nailed to wooden crosses, among them Ruben Enaje, a 63-year-old carpenter and sign painter. The real-life crucifixions have become an annual religious spectacle that draws tourists in three rural communities in Pampanga province, north of Manila."
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Diotrephes Since he admitted his health declining I doubt he'd be successful. I think when he says he benefits it's mostly a mental high made up in his mind at the thought of suffering like Jesus did with the intention that Jesus sees what he does.

Crucification continually would have the body constantly inflamed due to the trauma inflicted on it, his health wouldn't be in decline if he had decided not to do it.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@SatanBurger This was his 35th time.
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TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
Yes i believe He died and rose again but not 5000 yrs ago
Julien · 36-40, M
@Sharon he’s not the messiah, he’s a naughty boy ! 😂
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Sharon Praise Brian!
Sharon · F
@SatanBurger "Romanes eunt domus"
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
These six oil lamps were discovered in a Nazareth tomb, and have been used in the scholarly literature as proof of a village at Nazareth in Hellenistic times, as early as the third century BCE. In fact, the six lamps date from the Middle Roman to the Late Roman periods, long after the time of Christ. Gross misdatings of the primary evidence, sometimes involving discrepancies of up to 500 years, are frequently encountered in the Nazareth literature.

The compromised archaeology of Nazareth
The Myth of Nazareth shows that the village came into existence not earlier than 70 CE (the climax of the First Jewish War), and most likely in early II CE—the same era in which the canonical gospels were being edited. Furthermore, this study shows that there was a long hiatus in settlement in the Nazareth basin between the Late Iron Age (c. 700 BCE) and Middle Roman times (c. 100 CE). Finally, it is probable that the extensive remains in the Nazareth basin from the Bronze and Iron Ages are in fact to be identified with biblical Japhia. These conclusions are based on a unanimity of the material evidence from multiple excavations in the Nazareth basin. Whether we are speaking of “Herodian” oil lamps (which constitute the earliest Roman evidence), glass, metal, or stone objects, inscriptions, coins, “kokh” tombs with or without rolling stones, wall foundations, or agricultural installations—all of these point to a Jewish settlement beginning in early II CE and thriving in Late Roman and Byzantine times. Extra-archaeological data confirm this conclusion.


Most scholars summarily dismiss the “invention” of Nazareth on the grounds that the town is frequently mentioned in the Christian gospels. Unwittingly, archaeology is thus held hostage to literary considerations. The textual case for Nazareth in the gospels is much weaker, however, than is generally supposed. The settlement is named only once in the Gospel of Mark, at 1:9 (other instances in the Greek text read “Jesus the Nazarene”). The passage as it stands demonstrably conflicts with the remainder of the gospel, which locates Jesus’ home in Capernaum. Thus, it can be shown that the Gospel of Mark contains the later interpolation of a single word, “Nazaret” at 1:9.

Furthermore, the literary genesis of Nazareth occurs in one of the most problematic passages of Christian scripture, Mt 2:23: And he went and dwelt in a city called Nazaret, that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, “He shall be called a Nazoraean.” No such prophetic utterance has been identified in the Jewish scriptures. For its part, the Gospel of Luke is equally problematic. The enigmatic scene in the Nazareth synagogue (Lk 4:16-30) has been shown to be an elaborate reworking of prior materials. Furthermore, the third evangelist demonstrates a strident anti-Capernaum stance, one which impels him to divorce Jesus as much as possible from Capernaum roots.
Sharon · F
@SatanBurger These christian apologists think it's the job of Atheists to find evidence to support christians' claims.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Sharon I believe people have confirmation bias, like those lamps that were incorrectly dated. They want to believe in it so bad that anything will suffice even if it's far reaching. It's funny cos I'm not even trying to be offensive but I can't lie when someone asks me if Jesus existed and the evidence is a little scant so I say probably not.
I read an interesting definition of what a myth is. Describing it as a made up story that’s true. An example; the story about Washington and the cherry tree. Totally made up. The purpose was to show other countries that the new United States was going to be an honest nation.
@Zonuss Lack of evidence means science cannot be conducted. So that make the claims superstition.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@BlueSkyKing Lack of evidence means nothing if you cannot discover or explain what is missing. Some things cannot be measured or explained by a mortal or carnal mind. You have not seen anything that's why you cannot conceive it mentally.
@Zonuss Bottom line is the religious agenda. I like living in an evidence based world.
black4white · 56-60, M
No even closely possible to believe this whole Jesus/Bible/all that jazz bs… I mean to each his own but in my reality the Bible represents a “journal of interpretation” of what people THINK and some how it became the all mighty book of whatever…BUT if that makes a person stronger or better then so be it good for them
@Zonuss Of course. People lie all the time and invent stories all the time. And this particular book is not in the least scientifically accurate.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@EarthlingWise Of course it is. Just look at what Putin just exposed to US. And that's the beginning. And again there are tombs of people from Bible. There is no reason to just make up all of those stories for nothing.
black4white · 56-60, M
@Zonuss we are talking about this bible/jesus bs stay on topic my friend…not EVERYTHING just a vast majority like 95% of this Jesus…Moses…Noah and the ark…you know those BS stories
OverTheHill · 56-60, M
Yes, I believe in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Have a blessed Easter. :)
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Gumba1000 · M
@jshm2 If you read the account, which John wrote "Jesus breathed his last". Can people live without breathing? Jesus definitely died on the cross according to the Bible. And if you're saying the Bible doesn't say that, you're not comprehending.
Gumba1000 · M
@jshm2 This is the same argument about what Jesus ate for breakfast on the day of the last supper. It wasn't written about. That does not mean other things didn't happen that weren't written about. What time did they fee untill? How far did they flee? More crucially, did they come back and when!?
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@Zonuss Pffft yeah, why not make it 10? 🤭
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic Let's avoid the truth shall we. Yes it was about 2000 years ago. But the Creation started about 5000. Keep in mind that we are living in a world that has existed after the flood. It was a completely different place afterwards. See Genesis chapter 6.
@Zonuss I'm an old earth creationist.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Let's avoid the truth shall we. Yes it was about 2000 years ago. But the Creation started about 5000. Keep in mind that we are living in a world that has existed after the flood. It was a completely different place afterwards. See Genesis chapter 6.

Your comment indicates that you are a member of the 6,000 year clique who thinks that the world will end in about 216 more years. Too bad you will never see it happen.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
We do not know when the Earth will end. What we do know is that there are tombs and burial grounds of the real Israelites along with.artifacts left behind. Not to mention the Tomb of Jesus. And the Tomb of King Solomon.
So there is proof these beings existed. And the Vatican knows everything about this story too. ☺️

It's good to have artifacts on hand to sell fairytales. But it would be impressive if the Jesus character was still wiggling on the cross. After all, it would be just a couple days in God time.

edit typo
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@Diotrephes Yeah you sound like someone who doesn't know a lot about anything. But then again I am not surprised. 😂
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Yeah you sound like someone who doesn't know a lot about anything. But then again I am not surprised. 😂

Well, if I'm ignorant maybe you can educate me.
walabby · 61-69, M
There seems to be enough anecdotal evidence to suggest that there was an apocalyptic preacher by the name of Jesus/Yeshua that was executed by the Roman administration for sedition, in or around CE33. The rest of the story just got better with each retelling...?
@FreeLilly “Does he still write?” “Oh, no, he has health problems.”
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
No. I haven't seen him when he died then rose 🥔🤷🏾‍♀️
@BittersweetPotato Whaaat, you don't believe in hearsay? 😯
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@EarthlingWise I am a kafir potato 🥔🥴
calicuz · 56-60, M
Is this a joke Zonuss, Christ lived 2000 years ago.

To the question: I do believe Christ lived and died, but the "resurrection," is questionable. I do not believe he was "God incarnate," we can't be human with only half of human DNA.
But with Christ not being God, doesn't change his message of being as good a person as we can be. Seeking out the True God can have a much more profound effect on us changing our lives personally than trying to follow doctrine.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@calicuz I believe many people will believe in the existence of God once they see whats coming in 2024 and especially in 2025. ☺️
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@Zonuss and what is that?
calicuz · 56-60, M

I do believe in God, and I'm anticipating something big as well. 🙂
jehova · 31-35, M
I believe its a story and that jesus was likely an immortal vampyre. Further the story is a repeat from isomotep and then zorostotai then the first emporeor of japan and the first importal nosferatu in romania and samael whom was adam in the adam and eve story
. Therefore its plargarized and i refuse to be involved.
Obviously not. It’s a myth.
@Zonuss If they were dead, they could not be resuscitated.
@Adeptlinguist My father was a doctor and my son is a doctor. Dead is dead.
jackieash · 26-30
@Adeptlinguist Certainly not after lying in a cave for three days, blood pouring out of him....
Well let me think, no.
No. There are no contemporaneous reports of this Jesus character. The earliest stories weren't written until 40 years after he was said to have lived. There's no reason to believe the stories are anything more than myths.
@Zonuss Many works of fiction sometimes refer to real people and places. The Harry Potter books, for example, mention London and King's Cross station. That doesn't make the whole story true.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@NortiusMaximus This isn't Harry Potter . Those people actually existed. There's a lot you have not seen a out this world that shall be revealed soon. The question is are you able to handle it when it does come to light. ☺️
Sharon · F

@NortiusMaximus is correct. London and King's Cross station actually exist, I know that because I've been there. If the fact that a few people mentioned in the babble existed is proof that the whole babble is true then, by the same argument, the Harry Potter strories must also be true.
th3r0n · 41-45, M
I know and believe the story of Jesus, though the Passover and oestre/ishtar are not related
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@th3r0n Explain.
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@Zonuss no modern holidays are actually about Jesus

Christmas comes from Mithras, Easter from celebration of Ishtar / Oestre

They are primarily Babylonian

The original celebration with the eggs being dyed was in the blood of children

The Bible is true, but none of the older translations use the word Easter ever
Sharon · F
@FreeLilly He was resurrected though. The Easter Bunny lives - He brought me Easter Eggs this morning!
Jimbo7 · M
He was only 33 when he was crucified, he was saved by an old washer woman from the bullrushes when he was a baby and adopted by Mary and Joseph
jehova · 31-35, M
Also zorastorai in persia in 25000 bce. Nostferatu in german and zorastor in persia its plagarism at best and lazy at that.
5,000? Certainly less than 5000, it probably isn't even quite 2,000
Julien · 36-40, M
5000 years ago ?
Julien · 36-40, M
@TheOrionbeltseeker so am I 😂
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@Julien We do know the Most High definitely have been speaking to people such as Moses, and Joshua since the beginning of time.
Julien · 36-40, M
@Zonuss but 5000 years ago the crucifixion
? That doesn’t add
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Right now I'd trade places with him.
Arantxa · 18-21, F
5000 years ago ? 😂
Keeper · M
Indeed I do.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@Quimliqer Because 🤔
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
Wiseacre · F
Not really sure if I believe it...it’s a nice story, tho...
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@Wiseacre It's true, very true.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@Wiseacre Well what Putin just exposed about this story ....just means that it is. He wasn't lying. He just told us what we already knew deep inside. And that's only part of what is being hidden from us. You ain't seen nothing yet. ☺️
Wiseacre · F
@Zonuss who cares about this mass killer?
ThickMadame · 51-55, FVIP
No, It was last Saturday
TheLordOfHell · 41-45
Something inspired Christianity. Whether it was the Jesus man, or someone else, I don't know.
TheLordOfHell · 41-45
@Zonuss My friend, I shall respect your beliefs. I did not come into your post to cause such a debate. I do, however, wish you a happy Easter!
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Haha I had a dream about zombies last night
The Bible has lots of stories about zombies. 1 Corinthians chapter 15 explains how Christanity is based upon the belief in zombies (or liches). Everytime you watch a zombie movie you are really watching a religious movie based upon the biblical stories. After all, they do have what appears to be eternal life, which is what Christians want.
TheLordOfHell · 41-45
@Diotrephes Someone always be wanting something from me. Hmph.
5000 years ago? Is that a typo?
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP No it's actually part of the West African timeline. And the artifacts from the Catholic Church. I seriously doubt you think this earth is millions of years old. You're not that slow.☺️
@Zonuss I... I guess it depends on your definition of "year". I define it as the time it takes for the Earth to perform one rev around the sun. I don't think the Earth has revved that much since Jesus walked it, and that should be the same whether you're in West Africa or West Virginia.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP I believe the Catholic Church knows the actual story. One that may silence all critics once it gets out. Watch and see. ☺️

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