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Describe your first relationship.

Toxic af ..I was 15 ..
He was abusive in every way ..not a good intro for a first relationship..
It lasted on and off for a few years ..when I broke it off for good he pulled a knife on me and tried to slit my throat...then proceeded to stalk me for years ...scary shit
@TakeCare87 yup it did or forming any real.close relationships with anyone for that matter ...
Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
@SW-User I’m so sorry, that’s horrible!! 😨
@Jeephikelove Thank you
hunkalove · 61-69, M
She was 15, I was 17. We were together off and on for about 6 years. I thought we would get married and live happily ever after but she dumped me for my best friend when I was 23. I never got over it. I've never been able to trust anyone since, male or female. I've never been married.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I was 13, gr. 9. He was a grade ahead of me and I had asked him to the school dance with my friends standing behind me for encouragement. He said yes. We “dated” for 4 months

Looking back, he wasn’t even cute and was a pompous jerk so I don’t even know what I saw in him

He was one of the smartest kids in the school and top soccer player. Today he is an unemployed drug addict
TakeCare87 · 36-40, M
@Jenny1234 Life didn't work out so well for him huh...
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@TakeCare87 no it didn’t. And a lot of people care so much about him. We have many mutual friends and I see people writing beautiful messages on his Facebook page asking him to get in touch and telling him how much they care. Sometimes he responds and just says I hope I can get better and contact you soon.
Morvoren · F
A school crush that at the time seemed like something magical and turbulent but was actually just a storm in a tea cup.

Everyone’s been 15, right?
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@Morvoren Everything was a lot more dramatic when I was a teen lol
Barehugs · 41-45, F
I was 14 he was 24. He was my first and we stayed together for 4 yrs.
Guardian · 56-60, M
There were two of us. She was female. We held hands. Our tongues touched(our first kiss!). She moved to South Africa. We were 8 yo
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Married with kids, good job, seems happy. I haven't talked to her in like 30 years.
wackidywack · 22-25
insane. we are friends now. we grew up
TakeCare87 · 36-40, M
@wackidywack Are you both seeing other people currently?
wackidywack · 22-25
@TakeCare87 not particularly. she's separating from her husband and my eyes are set on somebody else
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
Ah the classic teenage forbidden love story. Just when we were getting close her dad is got sent to another base, leaving me to wonder what could have been.

Her Dad was an officer, mine was just a corporal so I can’t imagine I’d have been welcome, but we didn’t care.
TakeCare87 · 36-40, M
@WintaTheAngle do you know what she's up to now?
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Your typical teen romance I guess.
TakeCare87 · 36-40, M
@JimboSaturn Do you know what she's up to lately?
Blondily · F
He was cute very self assured but one day he ghosted me and the next thing I knew he was giving another chick a ride on his motorcycle and waved hi to me.
Saw him years later and he was over weight, bald and had grown a beard to compensate for his baldness. The hub was with me and asked me whatever did you see in him? 🤷🏼‍♀️lol
Tahitiangrandma · 61-69, F
15 or so he was older man 35 I thought I knew everything but I knew nothing lol winer and dined me impressed me etc etc but stole my youth and innocence luckily I caught on plus thanks to my mom who tried to stop me but I wasn't listening it went all the way until I was 17 or so
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Sloppy and dumped.

Because I wasn't that Hyper active...

Well fvck...what do you expect for my first date?

What am I going to do? Be professional in a short matter of time for her? Humans these days
exexec · 61-69, C
Puppy love at 15, evolved into deep love and over 40 years of marriage
Beautywithin · 36-40, F
My first everything! I was young and nieve and it was never meant to be.
Steve42 · 56-60, M
Train wreck. So were all the other ones.
deadgerbil · 22-25
To be determined
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
I was 14/15 he was 18,,,he moved in after a month or two and we lived together for 5 years.
DDonde · 31-35, M
We were in high school. She was younger than me by a couple years. We met in band/orchestra and we were both musically-oriented. She was very bright. We had opposing political views and views on religion. I learned a lot about relationships and didn't really know what I was doing. I think those were the happiest times I had in high school. We broke up after I went to college. We lasted about a year.
Justenjoyit · 56-60, M
Do prostitutes count
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
First love,
Blah blah blah

Broke up and moved on
empanadas · 31-35, M
It almost destroyed my life, first real relationship
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TakeCare87 · 36-40, M
@Superwoman1 and he?
Superwoman1 · 51-55, F
TakeCare87 · 36-40, M
@Superwoman1 terrible.
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