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Pretty certain that jordan peterson has never read road to wigan pier.

He claimed that the book helped turn him away from socialism whereas in actuality is actually strongly advocating socialism
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Pretty sure Jordan Peterson has never read a book in his goddamn life.

Which is an extremely bold claim to make about someone with a PHD, but I'm makin git.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@CountScrofula he read his own cursed poetry book for kids
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@Ryannnnnn Hey Joeyyy I have one question what the fuck
bowman81 · M
I read Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto and it certainly helped cement my aversion to socialism. It isn't surprising at all that reading a proponent of something turns one away from it.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@bowman81 its not difficult. I just fail to see how anybody can be turned of from socialism after reading the manifesto
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Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@LvChris true
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Intelligent people turn away from socialism. Peterson being an intelligent person read a book advocating socialism and as a result abandoned it completely. He is a wise man unlike anyone who advocates for socialism.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Guitarman123 And one heck of a lot smarter than you or me. No one believes in socialism any more. It has a perfect track record of failure.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@hippyjoe1955 im sure he is but he spouts utter nonsense and pretends hes an expert in every subject.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@hippyjoe1955 if you dont want socialism then capitalism has to drastically change
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Can't stand that guy.
Essentially he advocates that everyone dealing with a problem is part of the problem....and he bores the sh🤬 out of me with his seemingly constant social media presence
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@Picklebobble2 hate his vagueness as well
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@Guitarman123 Yeah there's never a
Here's what you do if....
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@Picklebobble2 and he'd ask what each of those words mean
Viper · M
Just because you read a book, doesn't mean you have to agree with the books message.

Sometimes you can read a book, and it reenforces your opinion that the book is wrong.

Not saying that happened in this case, but it absolutely can happen.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@Viper he seemed to think that the book itself was anti socialism and that they just hated rich people
Viper · M
@Guitarman123 I don't take the time to care to find out what media people think, it's easier to not get triggered by them that way.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@Viper makes sense
random1232 · 26-30, M
i dont know anything about this topic but what i can tell u is that you are using faulty reasoning with that logic.
random1232 · 26-30, M
@Guitarman123 f u can follow his line of reasoning, then it doesnt matter the contents of the book. his interpretation of the book could be anything - similar to how 10 people can read the bible and each person ends up with totally variable conclusions ranging from total rejection to total acceptance
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@random1232 it makes no sense orwell in the book is strongly advocating for socialism and sees it as the only way to fight against fascism
random1232 · 26-30, M
@Guitarman123 idk, maybe ur right, but i dont see why it matters still i guess. his conclusion and reasoning is more important
GlitterEater · 36-40, F
It's getting harder and harder for the folks at the Daily Wire to hide is on going mental health crisis.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@GlitterEater yes hes definitely pretty unstable
Sometimes the way someone advocates for something winds up pushing people away from that way of thinking. I once heard an interview w/the leader of the Monarchist League of Canada and wound up being a little bit less of a monarchist.
SamInAZ · 41-45, M
I've never read it, so I have no idea if you are right about this ..but it is quite telling that you find it difficult to believe one can read a book that is pro-socialism & come out of reading it thinking socialism is bullshit. Lol!
It's like you think it's impossible for anyone to read pro-socialist arguments & reject them.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@SamInAZ he really wasn't. Orwell was a loud vocal supporter of the working class. He wasn't a marxist or anarchist but he was far left
SamInAZ · 41-45, M
@Guitarman123 nah..not far left, just left of center.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@SamInAZ democratic socialists advocate for common ownership of the means of production

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