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Adam & Eve Theory Debunked. Twist to Genesis. Eve got created first.

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helenS · 36-40, F
It's well-known that Lilith was the first woman created on Earth - she's supposed to be the primordial she-demon. She was banished from the Garden of Eden for not complying with and obeying Adam.

We should see ourselves as being daughters of Lilith!
helenS · 36-40, F
@Slade No beauty without strangeness...
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
@helenS Lilith was given a raw deal based on the mythology I know. I would take her side.
@helenS I would put her to shame. ;-)
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
There are several problems with all religious texts.
No evidence offered for anything recorded in a holy book.
Thus it's reading and conceptualising and understanding was left largely up to whoever recorded it and whoever translated it and whoever decided it's wording was the word of God.

That, in essence, is a description of faith.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@in10RjFox You can't choose to ignore a perfectly logical idea in favour of a leap of faith.
Or worse. Discriminate against one piece of accepted doctrine just because suddenly a new piece of potential doctrine appeals to you.

Or maybe you can....see you've got me arguing your position !

With science you can always re-asses and amend your understanding as you get more information.
Are you now suggesting the same is true with religious doctrine ??
@in10RjFox did I offer a scientific fact ?

No, I get cheesed when someone is rude.

I have no trouble with conflicting ideas or challenges - but I am making a point of learning to be a better person and respectful .

So when someone isn't - for no reason at all - yes...I find that offensive .

You seem to think that just because this is all online that all social convention can be thrown aside and it's fine to be rude.

And it may be all fiction - so ?
Are you any better - offering an alternate fiction based on nothing ?

You are basically complaining about the very thing you are doing yourself - which makes no logical sense .

And if you want the sensitive button off - you got it .

And as a matter of FACT - telling someone they shouldn't be so sensitive is a text book comment of a narcissist.

Look it up .

And I remember you exhibiting other indicitive traits other times we have spoken .

We were speaking fine and now you've seen someone attacking me - here you are ganging up like a damn coward to attack me too .

I didn't say anything awful to you , or criticise you - yet you jump in on someone's hand wagon and be mean .

You're a fucking coward you are ...ganging up.
You prefer to be mean than be decent .you had no reason to attack me .

- we are also done .

I've tolerated your self absorbed nature for too long . Forgiven you your selfishness and egotism and arrogance .

Go hang out with your groupie and apese your egos flattering each other and making yourselves feel good and justified .

When both of you are so hollow - neither of you know how to be kind ...or friendly .

You know what ?
You deserve each other's company .

Good luck with that .

in10RjFox · M
You can't choose to ignore a perfectly logical idea in favour of a leap of faith.
Or worse. Discriminate against one piece of accepted doctrine just because suddenly a new piece of potential doctrine appeals to you.

Again you are making open ended statements without context. In an online forum, learn to be specific and quote / requote where necessary. Which is the perfectly logical idea that I am ignoring ? and what is my leap of faith ?

Which one piece of accepted doctrine which is being discriminated? if a new piece of potential doctrine has no place in the world, then why are we all living? why are we going to school and learning what? Hope you know that it was once thought that Sun and other planets were revolving around the earth and only later a new piece of doctrine arrived that it is earth going around the sun . So was it a perfectly logical idea that sun goes around earth ? Even now to the eye it looks so, because they say the sun rises in the east and sets in the west ..

With science you can always re-asses and amend your understanding as you get more information. Are you now suggesting the same is true with religious doctrine ??

Anything is science including logical reasoning. For instance a science is developed to asses the age of a tree based on the rings and layers .. similarly the age of rock or stone based on its radioactive decay. But even the scientists know that it's just an estimate. Nobody will vouch for its accuracy.
FreakLikeMe · 56-60, M
I think it’s important to not just rethink the creation story, but to abandon it outright. There’s no scientific evidence of spontaneous creation in the natural world, which takes us back to evolutionary theory once again. All living things evolved in a natural environment, which is governed by natural laws.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
I think it’s important to not just rethink the creation story, but to abandon it outright. There’s no scientific evidence of spontaneous creation in the natural world, which takes us back to evolutionary theory once again. All living things evolved in a natural environment, which is governed by natural laws.

There are trillions of planets in the universe so, if life exists on some of them, wouldn't that mean that the evolution process is standard and universal?
FreakLikeMe · 56-60, M
@Diotrephes I know that evolution is the standard on this planet. I wouldn’t dare try to speak about the possibility of life on other planets. You’ve raised a good question though.
in10RjFox · M
@FreakLikeMe Even Universe has an origin and evolution, and only that is universal, which for us is impossible to know and ascertain. And yes everything in this world is a replication and there is no one instance of anything. So there would be numerous solar systems having its own set of planets and an earth with life and their space program is what we know as aliens.
Giving Eve a more important role could certainly help solve gender inequality, but all the video says is that it would be interesting to interpret the bible that way. And though I agree that would be interesting, I did not hear anything about how that could follow from the text in Genesis. It sounds to me more like a proposal for a new (holy) book in which the creation happened in reverse order, than debunking anything or providing a new interpretation of the bible.

It doesn't really matter though. It's shocking how many books and movies fail the Bechdel test. Interpreting or rewriting any one book to give women a bigger role is just a drop in the ocean. We need a change of mindset, not a change of one story.
elafina · 36-40, F
Of course, Eve was God's perfect creation. Then God saw she needed a physical manifestation to follow her intentions, like collecting food, keeping warm and other stuff like opening doors etc so Adam was created. Things were working out perfectly, I'm telling you it was paradise!
Until she aspired to open the door and check out what's going on outside heaven..
elafina · 36-40, F
@in10RjFox God knows better! Water was created like that you describe, each individual drop falling from the sky...
in10RjFox · M
@elafina that's not the argument here.. the problem is what god has not written what he knows and he never comes down to write afresh .. 😀
elafina · 36-40, F
@in10RjFox no need, speaking through the creation!
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Lots of people lived in the Garden of Eden.

In the Jewish fairytales only Jews are considered to be men and humans. The Adam character is identified as the first man, or Jew. The Jesus character is identified as the last man (or Jew) who became a life-giving spirit.

1 Timothy 2:13 (NKJV) = "For Adam was formed first, then Eve."
Genetic bottleneck?
who did their kids make children with?
i appreciate the philosophical speculation, but it is just that, speculation,
the biblical accounts of these events, even those that include Lilith, require some kind of intervention to prevent in breeding
thenormalkindofcrazy · 31-35, M
To be fair, even in this version, we're all just a big ol' Sims-like simulation. Which would explain a lot of random events. And fires. So many fires.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Or it could be the story isn't true... I'm not atheist but the belief is rather peculiar.
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
Another fairy tale.
Renaci · 36-40
Religion = making the same claim for 10,000 years. Yet to provide any actual evidence.

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