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Do you think cooking classes should be given to everyone in like highschool?

I think it should be mandatory!
I think nutrition and lifestyle needs to be mandatory, and cooking can be an offshoot of it.
popmol · 22-25, M
@thinkingoutloud i mean a good cooking class explains the ingredients and whats important including nutrition.
@popmol if it does that, then good.
popmol · 22-25, M
We had both culinary and cooking as electives when I was in high school (chosen classes, not mandatory). The culinary students went to a vocational school the second half of the day but the cooking classes were in school and taught students basic cooking skills. This was based on who wanted to be in Culinary Arts and who just needed a basic life skill.
popmol · 22-25, M
@MorbidCynic yeah more people shoudl have it mandatory at least for the basic life skill.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Yes. Aren't they? All my children had to learn to cook at school in Norway. I still have the recipe books they used.
popmol · 22-25, M
@ninalanyon norway is a good place to live so maybe, here in belgium in a couple of schools you'll have the option, but only in certain areas anyone doing engineering can't take a cooking class for example.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@popmol They do cookery here before they specialise at the age of fifteen. Then they have two options: studieforberedende eller yrkesfaglige.

Broadly speaking:
- studieforberedende is literally preparation for study, that is, preparation for academic tertiary education, typically university.

- yrkesfaglige means vocational, that's things like preparing for an apprenticeship as an electrician, plumber, carpenter, etc. Work that typically involves handicrafts rather than analytical thinking.

I think both groups have to study both Norwegian and a foreign language but perhaps not to the same level.
popmol · 22-25, M
@ninalanyon they only specialize at 15? liek really specialise?
here you split at first year of highschool into several big things like technology or maths or languages then split up at 14 then even more at 16.

ooh here its similar, we split them into 3 kind of types, ASO which is academics, greek latin, languages maths and such.

TSO which is technology everything from engineering and such things.

last is BSO which is all the hands on things, working with wood or electricity and such!
SnailTeeth · 36-40
I think highschool should be extended by 5 years, with the last 5 years being a co-op trade-school, where children learn skilled trades to fall back on (which could include cooking), which will partially aid in solving the housing crisis. While simultaneously allowing them to save money for post-secondary education.

Especially since we're finding that adults don't mature until their mid-to-late 20's.

If you want to win the war on drugs and depression, you need to foster hope for the future.
popmol · 22-25, M
@SnailTeeth i do think that extending highschool might be good, as there's more and more information.
the math i learned was more advanced at than my parents at their age.
history too!
they need more time.

the last point especially
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
No. People should learn that as part of the whole traumatizing experience of potato adulting.
popmol · 22-25, M
@BittersweetPotato haha i feel like you had such an experience!
Yes... and more emphasis on proper meals instead of baking cakes.
popmol · 22-25, M
@HootyTheNightOwl Ooh yeah that's what i mean, a while back i was on the bus and some girls said "damn my brother can't even make an omelet" "at least i can do that"!

They looked behind to my schocked and horrified face and laughed and said "i know a little more cooking"
i said "I HOPE SO!"
AnyEne · T
I think so. It was for girls back in Latvia but not compulsory for boys.
popmol · 22-25, M
@AnyEne such a waste!
biandlargeny · 56-60, M
That and civics class
popmol · 22-25, M
@biandlargeny what's civics?
biandlargeny · 56-60, M
@popmol civics would teach things like how to file your taxes, how to reconcile your bank account, voter registration and the voting process, review of the us Constitution history and application.
popmol · 22-25, M
@biandlargeny defininitely important.
popmol · 22-25, M
@Lilymoon it also frustrates you people don't know how to cook?
Lilymoon · F
@popmol yeah I never learned... trial and error. lmao
popmol · 22-25, M
@Lilymoon lucky i had it from my youth and with my mother cooking and letting me cook.
ElRengo · 70-79, M
Would be good
popmol · 22-25, M
@ElRengo indeed!
popmol · 22-25, M
@Spoiledbrat why not?
@popmol Because taxes pay for it and that's something they can learn at home unless it's an elective.
popmol · 22-25, M
@Spoiledbrat true but loads of people don't learn it at home which is the issue so put it in school.
popmol · 22-25, M
@eventtemple123 people don't realy have enough skills in cooking these days!
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
popmol · 22-25, M
jehova · 31-35, M
jehova · 31-35, M
@popmol the goal of k 12 education is to prepare you to get a job to survive as an adult. Or go to college and survive as an adult there and then get a job. Does survival require high level math?
popmol · 22-25, M
@jehova in modern jobs more and more, if you go to a job you don't need advanced math for you don't get it.
its also to raise the general education.

theres to many videos online of people saying obama should have done something about 9/11 or that a dozen eggs is somehow 4.
and so much more.

most places in the world and certainly america the education is lacking.
jehova · 31-35, M
@popmol education is good some aspects of it arent necessary coking is necessary helpful and marketable. Is triginometry? Usually not.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
They are mandatory here and that’s a good thing.
popmol · 22-25, M
@iamonfire696 indeed!

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