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Do you feel you have a calling?

4meAndyou · F Best Comment
I have two. I am trying to help some guys from my church get food to some elderly neighbors with dietary restrictions. Some of them are broke. One woman who just contacted me said she had $2.00 left for food for the entire month, and she bought ramen noodles, because they were only 30 cents a package. She's a diabetic, so you can imagine how great the ramen noodles are for her diabetes.

My second one is a hobby...genealogy. But it is also a calling.

I feel I am actually called to find missing families, or children who are forgotten and were part of a family that is otherwise well documented. Nothing makes me more angry than to find a beautifully documented family online...all except the mother, who is entered as Mrs. So and So, with no dates. Then it becomes my mission to find her maiden name, and find her family if possible.

What makes me SUPER angry is that it is usually not that difficult. The woman's entire line is just erased because some male chauvinist didn't give a hot damn. Sometimes it is the fault of the sh!t male chauvinists who couldn't be bothered to keep her records at the time of her birth and death.

I also like to enter families into the database who have not been entered...families from Russia, Poland, Italy, etc. Especially those families who changed their names to anglicized versions of their previous name because of mockery and persecution. It's a way of documenting the early history of the United States!

Iwillwait · M
I believe we all do, I'm not sure what mine is.
I think it kinda depends on how broadly you define calling. I used to feel like I definitely had a calling to live ultra simply. Now I don't feel that anymore, but I definitely still feel like I'm called to help in some way everyone who asks. In what sense did you mean the question?
yes but i'm bad at actualizing it. i hope i can do it before i'm dead.
@lovelywarpedlemon actualizing what exactly?
@SW-User my dreams of making a physical representation of the ideas in my head through an established piece of art... like a book, a music album, or something of like. if i can manage to just publish 1 thing before i'm dead that will be my contribution to the future of humanity. but preferably some form of music bc that's where my soul resides.
@lovelywarpedlemon I say start trying to actually do it, start trying to actually publish. Otherwise you can get stuck in various ways, like thinking inaccurately about it...
OhIsMe · 36-40, M
Gotta do the best I can in every moment. Leave every room better than it was when I walked in.
4meAndyou · F
Thank you for Best Comment!
Reflection2 · 36-40, M

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