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I'm going to say something controversial...

I don't like Trump OR Biden.

That should alienate about 90% of the site...
Lilnonames ยท F Best Comment
I dont either
Lilnonames ยท F
Thank u๐Ÿ‘

beckyromero ยท 36-40, F
I don't like Hitler OR Mussolini.

That should alienate about 99.9% of Trump supporters.
WhisperingAngel ยท F
I'll probably offend someone
WhisperingAngel ยท F
@bijouxbroussard why don't we pay attention to the one that was installed in the white house. The same one who has no idea whats happening to this Country. The same one that made all prescriptions go higher then needed, for instances, people that are diabetic who are on insulin that use to pay $35.00 when Trump was in office, now that joe blow has taken over insulin is now $400.00 everytime its bought. Lets not talk about the economy and what he's done to that. Lets not forget his drug addicted son. China owns thier fucking asses and hangs then in a cling....when SHTF good luck.
bijouxbroussard ยท F
@WhisperingAngel My costs for diabetic supplies have actually gone down in the last couple of years. Perhaps itโ€™s a state thing ? Which means the president would have no control over it either way.
LordShadowfire ยท 100+, M
@WhisperingAngel I don't see why I would be offended by your display of blatant immaturity and homophobia. Pretty par for the course with the Trump cult.
Grateful4you ยท M
I would have preferred someone younger, a bit more pro-active but am glad Biden has been speaking up against Trumpsters and others of his ilk. Biden is trying to do what is in the best interest of the American people.

I hope young people will fight against the rising tide of fascism in this country.
Grateful4you ยท M
@bijouxbroussard Exactly. I just cannot understand people who would rather be led by the nose, sacrifice basic human rights, and kow tow to nationalism and Christianity. The USA is an emerging North Korea and still, we are more engaged in our Wal-Mart ads and Facebook than dealing with reality.

I*'m so glad I won't likely be around to see the worst yet to happen.
bijouxbroussard ยท F
@Grateful4you Same. The good thing about being our generation is, as bad as things were, at least we can remember when there was hope.
Grateful4you ยท M
@bijouxbroussard You already know where my hope is, one of Trumps "Shit hole countries" (Sorry for the gutter language) but I still have hope I can be in Mexico in a year or so. I can thrive easily on my frugal income and still hear the ocean waves, the chatter of a happy people, a simple life with my only U.S connection being SW and my few friends here such as you. Those thoughts keep me from feeling dispair and anxiety.
DeWayfarer ยท 61-69, M
More like 50/50. Most likely voted for Biden to get rid of Trump as a lesser evil.

Biden really is a moderate and fully endorses capitalism as well as religion. And that really does includes 90% of the site.

Another thing that few really talk about in politics is, there never has been a non Christian president in the whole history of the USA regardless of political party. Every single one at least had some christian affiliation. That includes both Trump and Biden.
Indieoriginal ยท 61-69, M
I don't like Democrats or Republicans, myself. The 'useful idiots' here, among many others, have convinced me the nation would be far better off without political parties and all the hatred and division they spawn.
meJess ยท F
Iโ€™m not American and you can choose who you wish. What amazes me is how intolerant each side seems to be if the other, to the point where ideas are dismissed because of who had them, not if they are good for the country.
me either but I voted for Biden because he seemed less likely to cause a nuclear fallout
Graylight ยท 51-55, F
Really not. It only alienates people who put stock in the personalities behind government business. Politics is the machinery of a nation, not who's polling higher in the Carolinas.
ron122 ยท 41-45, M
Hopefully neither one runs in 2024. We need younger blood in the white House.
Budwick ยท 70-79, M
@ron122 Maybe someone like Greta is more to your liking.

Indieoriginal ยท 61-69, M
@Budwick Annoying, but I don't think she could do much worse.
ron122 ยท 41-45, M
@Budwick Not that little b-tch.
deadgerbil ยท 22-25
Uniting both sides in crucifying you
Whodunnit ยท M
@deadgerbil They can try. My secret power is not giving a shit and turning off the alerts, lol
BetweenKittensandRiots ยท 36-40, MVIP
lol. that isn't controversial.

Honestly I don't like either one either, I just hated trump more so.
i'm kinda with Becky below.

I mean I don't like either camp but one side of the aisle is completely insane and stupid so i'm going to vote for sanity if nothing else.
bijouxbroussard ยท F
One of them was going to win. I will always be glad it was Biden. Trumpโ€™s cultists can go back to their Klan meetings.
Belladonna ยท 41-45, F
They both suck. I was so disgusted with them, I didn't even vote in the last election. I can't wait until we can stop talking about those evil windbags.
Ducky ยท 31-35, F
Me either. Revel in the alienation! Look at it as not sticking to either wing and keeping your feet on the ground instead.
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๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ doesn't bother me who likes them or doesn't like them

Oh noes..is that controversial too?
familyfunguy ยท 56-60, M
I feel the same way. This combo might be fairly popular, at least.
calicuz ยท 51-55, M
Same here. I wouldn't vote for either of them
What about AOC?
NoGamesTolerated ยท F
@SW-User ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ
Zaphod42 ยท 46-50, M
Heโ€™s a witch! Burn him! ๐Ÿ˜‚
OggggO ยท 36-40, M
Me either.
There are things I like, things I don't like about both

But if either went in for a hug they're getting shived

You can never be too safe
LordShadowfire ยท 100+, M

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