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Alito and Thomas destroy the credibility of the Supreme Court

There are multiple issues currently before the Supreme Court which have serious political overtones. Chief among them: the question of Presidential Immunity.

The recent revelation that Justice Alito (and his wife, Martha) displayed the American flag upside down outside their home days after Trump’s attempted insurrection and his attempt to overturn our national election and the participation in that very same scheme by Ginny Thomas (spouse of Justice Clarence Thomas) demand that these two Justices RECUSE THEMSELVES FROM ALL POLITICAL ISSUES CURRENTLY UNDER REVIEW BY THE SCOTUS.

Many of my fellow veterans gave their lives for the principles, policies, beliefs, and values that that flag and our free & fair elections represent. This is spitting on their graves.

Lives were lost and over 140 Capitol Police were wounded in Trump’s insurrection.

Our nation was shamed on the world stage by these traitors. It’s time to see these Justices for what they are and what they are not—they are not patriots and they are spitting on our Constitution.

Neither Alito nor Thomas have risked their lives and livelihood for anything other than the enrichment of their own lives and families. Both must recuse themselves and undergo ethical reviews. If they were honorable they would resign immediately.

Interesting that both of these scoundrels try to shift the blame and focus to their spouses.

Clarence Thomas by the numbers:
38 destination vacations (including stays at a private resort in the Adirondacks, stays at a 10,000 acre private ranch, and travel on the private 161 foot superyacht Michaela Rose)
26 private jet flights
8 helicopter trips
12 VIP passes to sporting events,
2 stays at luxury resorts in Florida & Jamaica
1 standing invite to an uber-exclusive golf club overlooking the Atlantic
2 years "son's" tuition (Mark Martin), worth $100,000
1 RV, valued $267,000
1 house for his mother, valued over $200,000
Including renovations, & taxes paid

BTW, Justice Thomas disclosed almost none of these expensive gifts on his ethics reports. Thirty one years of conservative rulings on SCOTUS combined with 31 years of secret gifts and vacations. Coincidence?
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@KunsanVeteran feeling salty today ? He’s the only black guy . Even though race is just a social construct . Same as sex / gender . Which makes me wonder why people who don’t believe in gender neoliberal in a gender pay gap.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@AthrillatheHunt I don’t suffer fools.
@AthrillatheHunt This level of corruption makes Thomas unique among SCOTUS justices. You can't deny it and you have no counterexamples, so you respond with personal attacks and attempts to change the subject. SAD!!
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
The SC's credibility has been gone since they appointed George Bush Jr as President.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@Crazywaterspring True dat! But they achieved an all time low under Quad Indicted
trollslayer · 46-50, M
One reason the USA is called a “flawed democracy”
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@trollslayer we are an imperfect republic .

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