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Student protests show hope for the future

In a situation where state policy is shamefully supportive towards killing of Palestinians in Gaza, the US campus protests are a silver lining and show hope for the future.
What needs to be seen is whether the authorities wake up or do a Tiananmen.
biandlargeny · 56-60, M
Palestine is HAMAS, they deserve what they get. They should be grateful for the GAZA Strip.

In war the victor gets the spoils. Israel won the war and the land. Then allowed the Palestinians to have the strip as well as the Temple Mount.

For this they have earned the hateful rhetoric of Hamas.
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trollslayer · 46-50, M
@AthrillatheHunt iraq won against Kuwait. Japan won agains China.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@trollslayer yea you’re right.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Yup, the hitler youth are the hope for the future, no bout a doubt it.

WandererTony · 56-60, M
@sunsporter1649 except that a lawn mower isn’t required to start a revolution. But you won’t know that, would you? The types who need army men to talk to students 😏
helenS · 36-40, F
I've made a list, and you are on that list. Yes, you. (Points with her finger at you)
sladejr · 56-60, M


Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you got your talking points memorized.

Good boy - have a cookie
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blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
Actually no. Most are ignorant of the history of the of the area. Just as they are ignorant of the fact that if Hamas was successful in eliminating Israel, they would turn their sites on the West.
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trollslayer · 46-50, M
@blackarcher256 there is extreme ignorance on both sides
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@sunsporter1649 i don’t know. What did it mean when Ben Gurion said it?
Confined · 56-60, M
In the fog of war no one really has any clue what is going on over there. If Trump were in office none of this would have happened. There is no reason we should be giving half a trillion dollars to Israel. We should be protesting congress for giving money and just prolonging a needless war. There are other ways of dealing with Hamas. $1000 for each Hamas head.
WandererTony · 56-60, M
@Confined Fogs can be excused in war. This is no war. It’s genocide.
@WandererTony most unsuccessful 'genocide' in history
WandererTony · 56-60, M
@Activitykittens well, the proclaimed motive was to eliminate Hamas. So you are right there. With 70% of the population displaced 🫤
eMortal · M
Terrorists were smart enough to provoke Israel in a way that would make any armed response look bad. The general public is being manipulated to hate Israel.
The only option Israel had was to stand down and negotiate but , too much pride.
However, terrorists disregarded the fact that Israel has some war and international relations geniuses. It turns out they can erase Gaza from the planet, accept being hated for 3-5years then the world will move on. Most people forgot how the size of Israel grew to be what it is today.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@trollslayer I agree Israel has the ability (not the want ) to level Gaza .
He said they can , not they want to.
@eMortal The very antisemites Killary Klintoon and Madeline Albright started that campaign in 1994.
Except that arrest records show that half the protestors aren't students...they're paid activists who couldn't find Gaza on a map to save their lives. You must be so proud.
WandererTony · 56-60, M
@BizSuitStacy they are protesting mass killings. Not the location of Gaza.
WandererTony · 56-60, M
@AthrillatheHunt they aren’t supporting Hamas. They are protesting killing of babies. Mass killings.
Protest marches don't show hope for anything........other than giving you a possible police record...and you can be sure your pic is then in a file someplace as a person of interest....possibly a terrorist / activist file.

There were civile rights marches all thru the 60's and early 70's to end discrimination.. Did they work? There was protest for the Vietnam War.......for 6 years before the U.S. finally pulled out of Vietnam and you can bet protest marches wasn't why trhe gov pulled out....it was money and politics.

Stupid people naively believe that somehow the U.S. has the right.....or the power...to tell another country what they can and cannot do. Netanyahu will bomb Gaza into the ground and he will kill as many as he can. That was his intention from the get go. And Hamas will fight back. And at the end of the day neither country gives a crap who is protesting in America......6000 miles away.
Only a liberal would think that by protesting, he/she could stop a war that has been going on since the beginning of time. 😂
@hippyjoe1955 Fact: The South was overrun. Nothing wrong with MY sense of history.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@NoThanksLeon Yeah there is a huge problem with your sense of history including the FACT that is completely wrong.
@hippyjoe1955 So the south was NOT overrun? OK. 😂
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
no, hope will come when we start treating terrorists & the sympathizers like we did the nazi's in the 40's...

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WandererTony · 56-60, M
@wildbill83 True. The closest America ever got to war zone was pearl harbour. Yet they try to supply arms and take sides in every war around the globe. From the comfort of their homes, their citizens share their skewed opinions, mostly taking sides with White or Europian nations.
Paladin · 56-60, M
No. It is a problem for Israel and Palestine to work out for themselves.
Paladin · 56-60, M
@biandlargeny Since it involves Israel and the Palestinians, they are the ones who have to find their solution.
Paladin · 56-60, M
@Northwest No, I just quoted the wrong post. That's why I deleted the comment.
I actually agreed with your comment, which is why I gave you a thumbs up.
Northwest · M
No, I just quoted the wrong post. That's why I deleted the comment.

No problem. I captured it before you deleted it, and responded to it. You're welcome 🤣
Palestinians only getting support because the establishments ‘gaza isis’ HAMAS is about to be wiped out..
theyre running out of extremists to do their proxy terrorism..
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
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Reason10 · 61-69, M
US Campus protests are a carbon copy of this.

And they are pushing for DEAD JEWS.

Yup. It's 1933 all over again.
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biandlargeny · 56-60, M
@hippyjoe1955 genocide? Where?
WandererTony · 56-60, M
@biandlargeny that sounded like nazi 😀
IM5688 · 61-69, M
Student protests show hope for the future.
Yeh, right. That worked so well in the 60's and 70's...NOT.
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GovanDUNNY · M
Hippyjoe is the cause of all this ,he can cause troubles in an empty house
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Are they targeting the Palestinian people’s?
Biden needs to win so we can keep out Democracy, but I think he's also going to be the last Zionist nominated by the Democrats for a long, long time. The future of the Democrats is going to be a lot more humane and progressive.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@BohemianBoo well, 4 years from now the boomers will be dwindling, and you will have mostly genx or younger running. GenX grew up in a vastly different world, and i don’t think there is as much unquestioned israel support from that generation.
Mmiker · 46-50, M
Such a mistake. You’re understanding of the policy is so not to kill Palestinians. Way on Your country, man
WandererTony · 56-60, M
@Mmiker I don’t speak from my country. I speak from humankind.
Your understanding is such a mistake, man!
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Lol it's funny so many take your sarcasm seriously. Way to stir the pot! 😉👍
This is side you are championing...

And people gaslight about what happened on October 7 because supporting people who gang raped, tortured, mutilated, and killed women then paraded their corpses in celebration, causes cognitive dissonance

This is a photo I clipped from a video, so I doubt it is doctored. I also saw footage immediately after the terror attack.

The official account of HAMAS? Even their count has just been dialled back and nearly halved

Have HAMAS stopped firing rockets at Israel?
Are you calling for their immediate surrender?
WandererTony · 56-60, M
@Activitykittens official figures of UN I believe. I took from an US news site. Unbelievable numbers, right?

And regarding rape, Palestine women are not raped you say? Wow man, hats off to your types. That’s why we need these students to protest. And those are not Hamas, those include Jewish students ( if that is your yardstick for authenticity)
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So then, you side with hamas butchers and terrorists, gotcha.
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WandererTony · 56-60, M
@sladejr Humans do
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WandererTony · 56-60, M
@graphite I really don’t know why I am replying to such a rude person. Maybe it’s too tempting.
It’s ok if you haven’t read any neutral literature, leave alone the other sides narrative.
You didn’t answer my last question. So I will ask another. Try this one it’s easier.
Why do you side with Israel knowing their excesses committed. Is it race, is it colour, is it religion, or nationality? Which one?
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WandererTony · 56-60, M
@sladejr why don’t you read some neutral news for a change. Seems you are obsessed with only one side feed.
sladejr · 56-60, M

Like Democracy.org? Pravda has more credibility then those hacks.

And I know them - they were our clients
WandererTony · 56-60, M
@sladejr too many sites are there. Just google it. Most have similar numbers give or take 10%

Now if you feel google is pro Palestine… 😄
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Bumbles · 51-55, M
@WandererTony I have concerns to be sure! My particular interest and amount of posting is for a few reasons. I’m home from work recovering from a procedure, so have time on my hands, have kids in college where this is a huge issue, and went to a University where there is an encampment.

The kids aren’t going to vote for Biden, and if they disagree with him on Israel, just wait till they get Trump. Yikes.
WandererTony · 56-60, M
@Bumbles Yikes indeed!
Take care of your health. Sorry if I was too rude.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@WandererTony Not rude at all, and thanks!

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