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When Will We Ever Learn

When Thomas Paine wrote "These are the times that try men's souls" we can only imagine the type of quote he would convey today considering all the events that are concurring through-out the world. The rising tide of cynicism of a political system that is ripe with collusion amidst corruption has further pushed the US down into the abyss of irrelevancy. Sure, we have one of the most powerful military forces in the world and yet government officials keep pushing the envelope that has kept the world a powder keg of raw defiance of what the US continues to do.

It was almost a decade ago that the United States had an opportunity to bring forth a new day in American history only to have that shining light dimed by the still existing power structure hell bent on keeping the status-quo. This status-quo has only deepened Americas dive down into mediocrity. Could it be too late the hero? We all know of fairy tales where the Knight in shining armor comes riding in to save the day. And, yet if our future lies with the status-quo of a stagnate partisan political process there really isn't a brighter future at all. We are left wondering of what could have been.

Today's realities have shown no apparent resolve to initiate the changes needed to pull the US out of irrelevancy and mediocrity. As the world is tumbling toward a conclusion of immense suffering that can and must be avoided but only if? This if only as quinquennial and pondering as it is remains elusive until we the public realize just how far we have fallen from united we stand to divided as we are to fall.

The rising tempests of our world are a testament to the failures to understand the repercussions of our actions either domestically or internationally. We have allowed history to repeat bringing with it a torment of continuing dire realities. The symbolic reactionary responses we continue to make has brought with it a host of other potential catastrophic consequences. When will we ever learn?

Much can be said about the music of the late 50's and early 60's when the Kingston Trio ushered in one of their most pointe songs "Where have all the flowers gone" the lyrics point a very accurate picture of the travesties of sending men in harm's way. And yet we have and continue to do it. When will we ever learn?
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Hearkening back to Thomas Paine to contrast with our current dysfunctional society is an interesting perspective. The comparison I keep increasingly use -- particularly during the excesses of Super Bowl's two weeks -- is more to the last days of the Roman Empire, with a self-indulgent, materialistic common society distracted and entertained by gladiators and lions eating Christians while the 1% preen and congratulate one another in the suites above for their grand sleight of focus for the masses.

BTW, while the Kingston Trio was first to record Where Have All The Flowers Gone, it actually was written by Pete Seeger. Credit where credit is due.
Kygirl · F
Thanks for taking the time to send what I feel as a very heart felt message to try to wake up some sleeping giants.
But as Christrains know as strong as evil is God is yet millions of times stronger.
God's word is and has always overcome the sins of the past present and future.
Yes we're definitely living in some very perilous times and God will return to take what is his and destroy that which is evil.
If our founding fathers knew what we as Americans have done to our great nation they would turn over in their graves. 😢😢😢😢😢
@Kygirl Abortions don't kill babies, they kill ZEFs. "Baby" is a vague term that could apply to anything from a fetus to a grown woman in a Led Zeppelin song. Also, it's not "murder" if it's legal. Vegans say "meat is murder" but a vegan can't have you arrested for eating a steak. Misusing words for their emotional effect doesn't help your argument.

If Jesus cares so much about abortion, why didn't he do something in the 49 years when abortion was legal in every state? During that time, the standard of living in the US rose, the crime rate plummeted, and we saw our lives improved by advances in medicine and other technology.

Also, since Jesus was Jewish, he would have gone along with the position in Genesis 2:7 that life begins with the first breath. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that life begins at conception. Sperm and egg cells weren't even discovered until the 19th century. Christian groups like the Puritans allowed abortion up to "quickening" or when the fetus' movements could be felt around the 24th week or later. The fetus was not considered "alive" until that point.
Kygirl · F

Only Jesus can enter your heart and change your mind.
I have no words for people who thinks like you do.
Kygirl · F

I stand on these words here :::::::,

Matthew 7: 6-7
Thomas Paine, is my favorite Founder

you write well, I will read more thanks

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