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Why do we view Mid-East muslims as terrorists and protective of muslims in Xinjiang?

Have we been programmed by dis-information from British and US intelligence services?
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@IronHamster @BohemianBoo [@ThomReidTheBlack

“ Why do we view Middle East muslims as terrorists”

The Middle East has a specific meaning
It doesn’t encompass all of the Islamic world (it leaves a lot of Muslim majority countries across different continents out like Albania Malaysia Indonesia Maldives etc )
The Middle East is a geopolitical made up term
Ironically it’s the same region where Israel is and where majority of oil is coincidence ?😅

I don’t think so

Ironically I come from Saudi Arabia
Where rape theft shootings and crime are almost non existent unlike the USA
We don’t have USA or a China problem therefore Saudi has ties with both what’s the problem with that?

There was never a single moment in my life where I was taught to go bomb civilians or stab non Muslim children
Almost No one is taught this and almost no one preaches this
We are taught the opposite like the majority of Muslims globally how killing civilians is wrong particularly women and children and actually how saving any civilian life is like saving all of mankind

If Islam on its own breeds l crime this would have been impossible.
Because claims have to be consistent .
If you say the more Muslims u have the more crime you have then how come Saudi is safer crime wise than USA and many other nations who are majority non Muslim ? Then there must be an error with this logic .

Also , Saudi Arabia has immigrants/expats who come to work here and they are of different religions.
My regular plumber is a Hindu , my calculus teacher was a catholic Filipino . And I see many Christian westerners Asians Africans etc work at firms hospitals and companies here .
also Jews are welcome
To come visit for tourism or to work as long as they aren’t of Israeli nationality.
I even come from a city in the East (the East of Saudi is known for having a lot of Shia )
My town is mixed Shia mixed Sunni
Hate attacks
Against those non Muslim immigrants or Shia Saudi against Sunni Saudi or Sunni Saudi against Shia saudi
Is almost non existent
You are far more likely to get hate attacks because of your religion in the USA than you are in Saudi I guarantee you with my own soul and I already know many Muslims in USA who experienced hate crime while all the non Muslims in Saudi I know of experienced none.

Yes Saudi has no churches etc which means no freedom of religious practice for those foreigners (except in specific cases ) because at the moment Saudi is like the Vatican
However there is a possibility of Saudi building churches in the future
But the idea of you getting attacked in Saudi because of your religion is almost non existent and even when you tell people ur a Christian or whatever theyr gonna show u respect and hospitality. It’s not a myth it’s a daily reality but people are fed propaganda.

Other gulf countries like Kuwait , Qatar , UAE , Oman , Bahrain unlike Saudi all have churches and have many immigrants from different religious backgrounds and are extremely safe nations.
These nations u can leave ur phone on a table to reserve ur seat at a cafe.
These nations r the same
Very safe, continuously developing, no terrorism , good political relations with the world in general
So What’s the beef ?
You have other Muslim majority countries like Iraq and Syria known for having natives of different religions Yazids Assyrians Christians Shia Sunni Druze etc since forever with a history of co existence for the most part
who all have suffered due to civil wars (Syria/yemen ) and American/nato invasions (Iraq)
Of course there will be terrorism in war ripped nations it doesn’t take a genius does it ?
Isis utilized this weakness to slip in Iraq and Syria and cause more chaos
Because Isis is a group who wants to create a state by using religion as an excuse
How do they do it ? Find a country that is suffering from war and slip in .
Not just Isis did it.
Syria / Iraq became proxy war zones after the civil war in general
USA russia Iran etc all of them found a zone where they can fight it out without their own lands getting hit using proxies or bases.

Then you have Egypt
Egypt is like any country
Egypt’s cons is mainly bad economy and corruption
Not terrorism. Christians and Muslims in Egypt live side by side with a tiny friction.

Lebanon has a Christian president so I won’t speak for Lebanon.

that’s ur summary for the Middle East.

It’s not that Muslims are terrorists
Christians do acts of terror like mass shootings 24/7
Many of the time Muslims are among their victims
It’s just their religion is never brought up because there is a propaganda and an agenda in the Middle East .
Also we need to understand it’s Israel/USA who decided who is a terrorist which is bias
Like USA says Hamas is terrorist
when the United Nations says it isn’t a terrorist group
Any logic you use to refer to Hamas as terrorist will make u have to call Israel the much bigger terrorist

But we pick and choose who we call terrorists


We oust democratically elected governments ? We are not terrorists
We stirr coupes ? We are not terrorists
When we kill civilians? We are not terrorists
When we invade nations illegally ? We are not terrorists
When we fund proxy groups for our benefit ? We are not terrorist
When we support and fund a brutal illegal occupation for decades coupled with land theft apartheid and slaughter : we are not terrorist
When it supports a current genocide where a self proclaimed moral army victims are 50% children , 80% of Gaza Strip destroyed , and almost 100% of Gaza hand are homeless : we are not terrorists.

Anyways on a side note

IronHamster · 56-60, M
@Moon3624 Interesting. I disagree. Hamas is terrorist. Israel is not. Hamas is sworn to delete Jews. Israel has been more than fair with their Muslim neighbors. They have enough firepower that if they were not so concerned about civilian life they would make quick work of ending the Gaza conflict. Very quick. But, they don't. Meanwhile, Hamas has used every tool at its disposal to kill Israeli civilians. See the difference? I shouldn't have to even mention this, as it is so obvious.
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
I already have a post about this human shield propaganda exposing Israel for using human shields in one of my older posts titled “ every Israeli accusation is an Israeli confession “

The UN also debunks Israel’s claims of dumping the blame on Hamas when it targets and kills civilians in its reports let’s also not forget that Israel has a history of killing civilians prior even to the creation of Hamas and in areas where there is no Hamas like the West Bank

Moving on,

Artificially made up memes don’t support your points and made up points Do not support your point.
But I understand that this is how laymen support their position.

Actual human right organization reports and actual united nation reports help support your argument among other similar methods .

Anyways I have a post dedicated for little hypocrites like you who thrive on hypocrisy so I don’t plan on retyping something I already wrote about

Go read it and reply to it :
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ThomReidTheBlack · 41-45, M
Political expedience. Those who scream about Xinjiang leave out the fact that that area is ground zero for the local branches of Al Qaeda and ISIS.

But anything to make the Chinese fit the evil stereotypes.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@ThomReidTheBlack China is not the target of Al Qaeda and ISIS.
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Sidewinder · 36-40, M
There are two sides to every coin.

If many of us tend to view them as such, then do many of them tend to view us as such?
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Sidewinder We westerners do look like the good guys.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@sree251 Anyone can LOOK like a "good guy" without BEING a "good guy."

Likewise, anyone can look like being a "bad guy" without actually being a "bad guy."

Which goes to show that appearances aren't always everything.

An aesthetically unattractive person can have good intentions, just as an aesthetically attractive person can have bad intentions and vice versa.
sree251 · 41-45, M
Anyone can LOOK like a "good guy" without BEING a "good guy."

This may be so.

Likewise, anyone can look like being a "bad guy" without actually being a "bad guy."

This, usually, is not so.

Which goes to show that appearances aren't always everything.

True, but if you are not within the "good guy" bell curve, you will be targeted by AI.

An aesthetically unattractive person can have good intentions, just as an aesthetically attractive person can have bad intentions and vice versa.

Xinjiang was infiltrated by western intelligence services to create unrest. China clamped down on the Uyhgurs before the situation became another Ukraine proxy war. Muslim Uyhgurs need western protection in the same way the good Chinese in Taiwan need protection from China.
Israel controls our foreign policy, not China.
@sree251 To quote a brilliant man, "Israel controls our foreign policy, not China."
sree251 · 41-45, M
To quote a brilliant man, "Israel controls our foreign policy, not China."

Do you mean Israelis control our foreign policy? They all have US citizenship.
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WandererTony · 56-60, M
Yes, the media shapes our thoughts and opinions a lot. In fact, when we act learned, most of us take the learning from the media!! Sad, but true.
Dumbman · 36-40
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IronHamster · 56-60, M
@sree251 Elucidate.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@IronHamster Trump's throat.
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sree251 · 41-45, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Millions of buggers are now Americans with dual citizenship? What kind of a nation are we?

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