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Why do Democrats want "Death to America"?

So far, we have not heard from a single Democrat politician, condemning their
anti-American base. Some say Democrats want a civil war, I'm not sure if
I believe that. But we do know that Act Blue is sponsoring the anti-American
hate coming from the left. It is a Biden/Soros group, that is also funding the Stop-
Trump campaign.
carpediem · 61-69, M
The democrat party is moving further left every year. You won't hear condemnation of these anti-American rantings because they now represent the base of their party. Middle of the road democrats are hiding their views lest they are cancelled by the extremist culture they helped create.
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Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
@carpediem The extremest culture is coming from trump and his followers
carpediem · 61-69, M
@Strictmichael75 LOL You’re not very good at this are you
Khrushchev said, "we will take America without firing a shot.". And while there is debate about whether he actually said Americans will be fed small doses of socialism until they finally wake up and realize they have communism - that is exactly what's happening.

A civil war within the US would be incredibly bloody, and the extreme left is outnumbered, but perhaps not quite as badly as it was before allowing in 10+ million illegals under Biden's watch. I believe civil war is still a possibility because the Constitution is a near insurmountable obstacle standing in the way of the anti-American movement.
missyann · 56-60
@BizSuitStacy Exactly. America won’t be destroyed by another country we are being destroyed by our own people
@missyann yep, the enemy has been inside the US for years
missyann · 56-60
@BizSuitStacy Agreed and I think we all know who they are
AbbeyRhode · F
The ones at the top are working to destroy the country for profit. The rest are mindless, brainwashed drones who just do as they're told by the propaganda media.
missyann · 56-60
Simply because Republicans are pro America
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Why do Democrats want "Death to America"

Your statement is self-answering. It's the old "When did you stop beating your wife" question. But you have not proven the premise.

I say it's the Democratic party that is safe-guarding American democracy. It is the MAGA Republicans who have thrown aside patriotism and democracy to support the treasonous swindler Trump and his brownshirts. The corporate billionaire class are using Trump to takeover the U.S. political system and impoverish the working and middle-class. Trump's supporters have fallen for Trump's deception.
DogMan · 61-69, M
When Democrat politicians do not condemn anti American people, it is because they do not
want to anger their base.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@DogMan the sad part is the same could be said in reverse. Their minds are fogged up with so much Trump love that they would side with the devil himself if he also loved Trump! Too extreme on either end!
Northwest · M
So far, we have not heard from a single Democrat politician, condemning their
anti-American base

You mean the possibly two people, off camera, during a tiny rally in Michigan, in support of Palestine. Because there is no such thing as an anti-American Democrat base.

So, about those two people, and while they were enjoying to their right to free speech. Sort the same way you're enjoying your protected right to make shit up. Nevertheless, it was condemned by Governor Whitmer, as it was a local Michigan thing, not sanctioned by the Democrat Party.

But we do know that Act Blue is sponsoring the anti-American
hate coming from the left.

I'm sure you can substantiate that, right?
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Lol. This is not the democrats’ “base”. You have been brainwashed by biased news sources.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Because Democrats are traders
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@DogMan @NativePortlander1970 i love both of you guys. Long live 🇺🇸
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@DogMan how can you say there’s no anger? Look at the comments! I try to be reasonable and not degrade. Can you say the same? Extremes on either side are not good for anyone but this site brings out the worst of both! Get a grip!
@DogMan Most of us share your sentiments!!
graphite · 61-69, M
Because Democrats HATE America.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@graphite It sure looks like it. I would not believe it, if I wasn't seeing it with
my own eyes.
@DogMan same
Hmm, now you mention it... Safe infrastructure, clean air, affordable healthcare, a blooming economy, acceptance of people, staying out of wars, ... That does not sound like America indeed. 🤔
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@NerdyPotato @TheRascallyOne
@DogMan @graphite @BohemianBoo
so true potato

This is all what the USA 🇺🇸 does :

1/ousting democratically elected leaders
2/Stirring coupes
3/Funding proxies
4/ wars conquests and bloodbaths including many illegal and immoral ones
To make the rich richer throughout it history
5/ supporting repressive regimes ( like the south African apartheid and the illegal occupation of the Palestinians for decades coupled with apartheid slaughter and no right of the natives to return to their homes which they were ethnically cleansed from in violation of international law that continue toppled now with a current genocide endorsed by the USA and using USA bombs. )

Have you ever heard of a middle easterner say death to japan ?
Death to greenland ?
I never did tbh
Why is it death to America ?
Maybe just maybe this is far fetched but maybe American bombs is what burns their baby to death ?
Maybe American taxpayers is what funds the illegal settlers in the West Bank for years in violation of international law ?
Maybe it’s America that vetoed every single UN resolution against Israel ? 🤔
Maybe it’s American defense system that was able to intercept Iranian missiles
But was not able to intercept a single Israeli missile towards hospitals in an already illegally occupied strip that has no means of self defense saying back then our hands are tied ?
Maybe America is Israel’s best ally ? So it’s the the oppressor’s best ally?

Terrorism is a label we give the economically and military weak
And human rights supporter is the label we give to the economically and military wise strong.

Human nature tends to submit to the stronger and it would gladly re shape its values as best as it could to align with the stronger’s values to not be an outcast
This is why it’s easy to follow the master and the flock because u get a backlash when u refuse to be led by a leash

The only reason they fought Hitler because they had different political interests to Hitler the only reason Hitler is bad because he lost
Each one of them is his own type of Hitler
It’s just some Hitlers win and some Hitlers lose. You get it ?

American terrorism is 100% at work when it comes to its foreign affairs
When it comes to domestic affairs
It will not benefit their capitalistic goals to have terrorism within
they export their racism and terrorism towards the non white and the poor in their foreign affairs
And hide it as best as they can in their domestic affairs
And I’m not American that’s why I have free healthcare free education including uni and even monthly allowance as a student without paying taxes in my country .

Anyways close ur eyes and let ur self be racist
Hold onto the first few images that come to mind
The common factor
you initially might think it’s color or religion
But in reality
It’s economy
The poorer ur country is the more racism u will face and the more comfortable people will feel to beat u with the stick of human right violations and corruption bat and laugh at u

Racism and racial hierarchy is established based on the difference in economy .

But don’t worry Americans as a Saudi who lives among Middle Easters I assure you most of us don’t hate the American people
We genuinely don’t
No average middle eastern even Palestinians think that American civilians deserve to die
In fact we watch ur shows ur movies we listen to ur music
We talk to u online and even heart ur posts
While u watch biased ill informed headlines about us while not knowing where our country is no a map
All we do is grab
popcorn while laughing at how ur starting to run out of ideas to depict us in a worse manner

PS: I’m not anti America
Saudi and USA have good ties especially with their stance towards Iran
Don’t worry I say the same about
Iran Russia China etc etc
Even my country’s actions
But what I’m saying it’s all faces of the same coin

I just wish ppl could have different political views without politicizing human rights for their own propaganda when They’r the first to violate it to protect their own interests .

I prefer it when someone says “ I support Israel because it benefits me “
That’s okay buddy
Just don’t lie and say
“ I support Israel because of humanity and human rights lalalalal”

On a side note , a lot of Yemenis curse the Houthis
Many other Yemenis curse Saudi
Many Syrians curse Iran or russia others curss America others curse Bashar
Many Syrians curse anti bashar etc
So the idea that the Middle East is ur enemy and out to get u
Is a syndrome u have to get over dear Americans
Ur not the center of our world

Americans : Israel is our ally in the Middle East

Reality : Israel created a situation where it led u to believe u need it as an ally in the Middle East .

Either way everyone is free to endorse their own political views
Let’s not drag humanity into it in order to put make up on
I swear girlies you are all prettier without it

I don’t want the misery of Americans
I want Americans to live in prosperity and dignity and happiness
as I wish all peoples but for them to take a look into their own government and reflect on it just as they demand from everyone else
missyann · 56-60
Absolutely, amazing isn’t it?. AOC could not even say that if it was happening, she would be against it. She said she had to investigate it.. BS. None will ever stand up for America.
Great question but one thing is clear. They do hate America.
@DogMan if only they’d love their country more than they hate Trump!!
PatKirby · M

Perhaps they should take 1,000mg of Maga strength...

@PatKirby 😂
4meAndyou · F
Democrats have, basically, NO votes after Biden got finished destroying our economy. Too many people are going hungry. THAT is why they don't DARE alienate the most radical American hating extremist in their party.

Democrats have a BIG tent. A circus tent.

Their party now includes: Communists, Hamas supporters, Iran supporters, ALL Jew haters, ALMOST all LGBTQ, China loving globalists such as Soros, climate change extremists, Wall Street, and the Military Industrial Complex extremists. AND RINOS.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou Sad, but true!
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
A laugh a minute
You should be on stage! 😂😂
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
@NativePortlander1970 trump is only interested in trump
Have you ordered your copy of the bible and a pair of his boots ?
Lock him up!
missyann · 56-60
@Strictmichael75 Ridiculous
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RedBaron · M
Name one with a verifiable quote.
DogMan · 61-69, M
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RedBaron · M
I’m a Democrat, and I don’t.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Soros. That's enough.
Because their vision of utopia never came to fruition in the 80's, Saint Ronnie Reagan disrupted it.
Because their attempts to create utopia in the 60's and 70's failed
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@NativePortlander1970 damn, we tried!! I honestly think much of that era was more in target. Minimal possessions, peace, love, etc. Those are good things. Unfortunately, my generation sold their souls for the 80’s materialism!
@Handfull1 I remember the second half of the 70's very well, it was a magical time to be a child, we were healing from Vietnam, Nixon was gone, Carter was trying his best to bring us all together, and then Saint Ronnie Raygun messed it all up 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
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trollslayer · 46-50, M
@DogMan OH, so you havent seen it personally. So it happened a handful of times, and has received extensive coverage by right wing media, and now it is a widespread problem?
DogMan · 61-69, M
@trollslayer Yes I have seen too much of it. Why are you scared to look?
Take the blinders off, FYI, I am only on SW for a bit in the mornings.

Also I will be on vacation all next week, so I will not be responding to you.

So you can't name any Democrats who were chanting this. You were just lying, as usual. Why do righty crybabies lie so much?
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@DogMan Well, it asked for one name and one quote. Watch what happens next. 🤣
@NoThanksLeon It shows all Slow Joe’s bigotry.. but the people he insults are too dense to see it evidently …
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