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What would happen if it was now discovered that Trump,

for whatever reason, did really win the 2020 election?
Suppose it was found out that there really was election fraud and that Biden didn't get the legitimate votes he supposedly got to win.
Assuming he would be removed from office is a give in, but what about all the executive orders, financial pledges and support to other countries, etc, etc?
Would all Biden has done become null and void?
Even if it happened, the damage Biden has done will persist forever. You can null and void the policies. But you can't reel in the chaos and destruction that he and his criminal administration have wrought upon us.
FlowersNButterflies · 61-69, F
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Cheekyshorts not a single one of those you listed can be backed up by evidence!
FlowersNButterflies · 61-69, F
@Cheekyshorts So backwards!
When Bush Jr.'s brother Jeb threw the election between Bush Jr and Gore before al votes were even counted by calling the election prematurely.....the same question was asked. Later when Florida finished the "hanging chad" vote counts Gore had won and therefore he was entitled to be president and was cheated out of it. However legally once a president is declared the winner and sworn stands.

So despite the great MAGA wet dream of one day magically trump finally wins and Biden gets kicked out it is just that.............a wet dream. The 2020 election was the most investigated election in history and no one yet has found any voter fraud.........................other than what trump and his stooges are on trial for dong in the RICO indictments. One of the biggest whiners screaming election cheating......Brian Pritchard, first vice chairman of the Georgia Republican Party,...was just indicted for voting NINE TIMES himself.
Richard65 · M
Is this how you console yourself over Trump legitimately losing a democratic election...?
specman · 51-55, M
@LordShadowfire Amen! Brother! Lol
JSul3 · 70-79
@specman You are being played...just like Trump plays you.
specman · 51-55, M
@JSul3 I know he is just funnin with me. He’s not playing me. We both are just joking around.
I'm certain he did.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@LadyGrace but you just judged the other three. I won’t argue because I think you mean well. It makes no sense tho.
@Handfull1 I didn't judge the other three. I have seen their actions and so has America. They are the most evil people I have ever witnessed and their actions follow. That's not judging. That's observing.
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beckyromero · 36-40, F
What would happen if it was now discovered that Trump, for whatever reason, did really win the 2020 election?


FlowersNButterflies · 61-69, F
There has been election fraud. That Republican voted 9 times in the same election! But there would have to be fraud on a level which would up-end the results, and that absolutely did not happen. "The great lie".
Ynotisay · M
Well, what if the clouds opened up and started dropping Hershey Kisses?

There wasn't election fraud. It's been proven over and over so anything beyond that is moot. Why engage in hypotheticals that don't even touch reality? Isn't there enough REAL out there?

But let's do this. Which is far more likely given the GOP propensity for real voter fraud.

What if Trump didn't really win in 2016? What if the Russians were able to manipulate votes for their puppet? What if GOP electors lied and submitted false figures? Would everything that Trump did be rescinded immediately? What do you think?
It already was discovered when the numbers did not add up. Nothing happened. The Democrats simply outfrauded the Republicans this time. All's fair in love and war.
JSul3 · 70-79
@Auggie Do you get paid for each of your comments?
@LordShadowfire When have I insulted you? Where is your "evidence"? Unless of course the truth insults you. If it does, tell two lies and call me in the morning.

It is you and Vin53 who are hurling the 4th grade insults. 😂
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@Auggie The uni party
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
the same thing democrats always do, deny it and call everyone a nazi...
@wildbill83 They way they cheated in 2020 will be scrutinized more this November
GentleLucille · 26-30, F
It's a ridiculous hypothetical. There are no reasonable grounds on which to suspect that the result was fraudulently influenced.

Of course his actions would not be null and void. How would you reverse financial support already given to Ukraine and spent, etc? Government is about much more than a power struggle between two individuals.
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No. I’m more interested in 2016. Hillary DEFINITELY won it (if you believe Trump won in 2020, as Trump said both elections were rigged), so Trump should never have been president at all.

And the world would be a far better place.
@SW-User Trump was talking about the primaries where Killary was sabotaging Bernie, where a massive number of his supporters went for Trump after feeling betrayed when Sanders suddenly endorsed Klintoon
@NativePortlander1970 No he wasn’t
FlowersNButterflies · 61-69, F
@NativePortlander1970 Your imagination has been given free reign. But those of us who know better see you as a reason WHY tRump and his cultists will be decimated in November. Trump knows he is going to lose which is why he is pushing that baseless rhetoric again - saying that the fix is already in - even though the world knows he lost every filed court case in which is falsely claimed he won the election.

He lied, and is going to experience a lawful court butt-whomping shortly.

His mental illness has caused a lot of money to taxpayers.
No, because we found out that Al Gore won the 2000 election after Bush was sworn in and had been the president for a while. Bush wasn't kicked out and all of his policies reversed.
@JSul3 It was a complicated situation. They already did multiple recounts and at some point we needed to elect a president. It certainly wasn't good for Democracy, but it was understandable that we needed to just accept the situation and move forward.

Now the situation in 2021, where we all knew Biden won but the Republicans tried to overturn the result, that's just indefensible. If they succeeded, and elections no longer mattered, then America would no longer be a Republic.
JSul3 · 70-79
@BohemianBoo The layout of the ballot was confusing....then the 'hanging chads' farce.....and Gore didn't carry his home state.
@JSul3 Yeah, from what I heard the situation in Florida was a huge shitshow. Which wouldn't have been such an issue, but the entire election came down to that one state. It really was an insane election. But still, I understand why the SCOTUS got involved, and I think Gore did the right thing by conceding.
Null v void…
Every executive order. Every bill passed from the house n senate.
Oh and about 150m ppl will want his and his entire admin, the media, justice departments balls
tindrummer · M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout You and the 150 m can dream on
@tindrummer okie dokie 😎
ididntknow · 51-55, M
And of course Biden got 81 million votes, even more than Obama, but Biden has always been so popular, hasn’t he 😂 and then another popular one, cackling Kamala, what a team eh, what a team 🙄
Northwest · M
What would the "whatever reason" be?

In fact, the Supreme Court has already ruled on it. The districts courts ruled on it. More than 50 court cases decided it.

Several people are currently on trial for attempting to reverse the legitimate elections results.

Several people are serving time, or already served time, for attempting to reverse the legitimate elections results.

So, unless you're preparing a piece of fiction, the past four years should be erased from your life, and that's the only erasing that's going to happen.
Ontheroad · M
So, having a senior moment, are you? It's either that or a MAGA wet dream.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Its an interesting question, since results have now been certified and would need rto be legally undone. And since the next election is in November, with the speed things happen in the US its probably not worth it..😷
RedBaron · M
It’s not going to happen, so don’t worry about it.

And that’s a GIVEN, not a GIVE IN.
Adrift · 61-69, F
@RedBaron Its a hypothetical question.
You can settle down.
RedBaron · M
@Adrift It wasn’t even your question, so how do you know that?
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@janesanders They just can’t let it go, can they🤭
SnailTeeth · 36-40
I would investigate the vote counters, because it shouldn't take 5 years to recount the votes.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@SnailTeeth Point of order. It takes very little time to count votes. But when one side doesnt like the answer and wants them counted over and over, then to have the building searched for more votes. Then to have the voting machine pulled apart to see if they were rigged and they still be the same answer over and over, that takes time..😷
Gore was nice about it when that happened before.
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@Roundandroundwego Like everyone that came before him, he did the right thing for America. That was the norm before Trumpism and the modern Republican Party.
@tindrummer he let democracy drop for discipline and unity.
Adrift · 61-69, F
Not sure, but it would probably cause a shit load of problems.
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JSul3 · 70-79
Why continue to fan the flames of The Big Lie?
Vin53 · M
@LordShadowfire 🙄 Even if you ARE being sarcastic (questionable) your targeted audience is sarcasm deaf.
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ididntknow · 51-55, M
Was there any Russian collusion ?
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@JSul3 in your opinion, was there any Russian collusion ?
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@JSul3 I’ve had a read, do you honestly believe that ?
JSul3 · 70-79
@ididntknow Yes. There were no 'votes cast by Russians' but by a barrage of disinformation on social media, convinced a percentage of people that the lies were facts, and influenced their vote.

There was a website that was supposedly run by Bernie was not...and likely changed some voters minds on who to cast their ballot for.

Look at the Russians that were involved. Paul Manafort was a political operative who owed Russian oligarchs $$$ he went to work on the campaign for free. Why? It was no secret that Putin wanted Trump elected and wants him to win in this election.

There is plenty of valid information.
Don't take my word. Read the GOP Intel report. They tell you Russia interfered.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
I would get on my knees and thank God for the 3 years we were spared!!
Vin53 · M
@Handfull1 And I would stand in front of you! errrr....With you!
PleasurePunch · 100+
He didn't though. I don't dream like most SWeeps
tindrummer · M
get a grip
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Do you believe the election system doesn’t work and it’s fraudulent?

So if Trump does win this time do you think that the win will be valid? If it didn’t work in 2020 why would it work correctly in 2024?
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iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Workerbee · 31-35, M
Funny how trump keeps you all relevant huh?
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ididntknow · 51-55, M
@JSul3 and MSNBC / CNN told you to think that, well done you 😉
Workerbee · 31-35, M
@JSul3 yes but I made that comment because it seems like that’s all people talk about on here @ididntknow
The establishment press and deep state has done everything they can to suppress Trump's win, there is no way BinBiden got 81 million votes, "winning" 476 counties, when there were less than 145 million registered voters, Trump getting 74 million and winning 2,000+ counties, and less than 70% turnout.
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@NativePortlander1970 P.P.S.

“But…but.. BinBiden’s rallies!!😩😩😩”

Well, that’s what happens when one candidate follows official guidance about public gatherings during a pandemic, while the incumbent claims it will be wished away 😂

What’s that you say? “Trump had bigger rallies, therefore he HAD to win!!?”

Well, who had the biggest rallies in 2016..? Hillary! And who won…?

Not you that’s for certain. YOU have lost 😁
Jaw dropping testimony from Georgia that throws egg on Fani Willis.
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