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Why did NBC fire Rhona McDaniels ?

It seems that NBC has decided that it only wants DNC approved news. A person
that isn't part of the Progressive wing, is not allowed to be heard.

I heard that Hitler also would not let the Jewish people have a voice in the government
controlled media.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Not only were no Jews allowed by the Nazis in govt media, non-Jews had to join the Nazi party if they wanted to keep their jobs.

And in less than a year after the Nazi seizure of power, ALL opposition media had been shut down.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@Thinkerbell Sounds familiar, huh?
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@Thinkerbell An interesting program on YouTube about a downed USArmy pilot in WW2 who managed to evade capture to eventually make his way to Switzerland.

He had an interesting story about how the resistance helped him slip from one place to another. A local French resistance leader helped him but told him he had to keep moving because if the Nazis had even a whiff of him they would round up 10 innocent people at random and promise to execute them if the resistance didn't turn in the evading pilot, and after they executed the 10 they'd probably do it again the next day.
Vin53 · M
"Speaking on Fox on Nov. 10, Ms. McDaniel repeated unsubstantiated and soon-to-be debunked claims of “deceased voters” and “batches of votes that were invalidated,” declaring, “that is stealing.”

Behind the scenes, Ms. McDaniel at times played a more direct role, including helping Mr. Trump’s attempt to block certification of Mr. Biden’s victory in Michigan.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@Vin53 As if the demonocrat party is not a cult, eh?
@sunsporter1649 Hey IJIT!!

An hour ago you ridiculed what you thought was Biden's low rally turnout, remember?? That's your proof that Biden doesn't head a cult, ijit!!

P.S. Good of you to admit that trumpism IS a cult!!
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Why is NBC letting the anchors like Chuck Todd and Morning Joe dictate who they do and do not hire?

Ronna McDaniel is not a journalist and anything she would have contributed would have been an opinion piece, but Morning Joe isn't a journalist either, so why accept his opinions and not Ronna's?

Is NBC attempting to become another Fox, that only caters and broadcasts to one side?

Mistake to hire Ronna McDaniel in the first place, much bigger mistake to fire her 2 days later.
@independentone They no longer adhere to traditional journalistic ethics anymore, even local location reporters editorialize now.
jackson55 · M
@independentone She didn’t promote the liberal agenda. None of the networks show both sides of the story. They all lean left. CNN, NBC and MSNBC are the worst of them. There’s 120 million tv set in the US. MSNBC is lucky to get 2 million viewers.
@jackson55 Tell me without telling me you don't know what left means.
It's not like the mainstream media has never hired a RINO. Joe Scarborough is a fixture at MSNBC.
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PatKirby · M

Probably has a case for wrongful termination as well as emotional distress. Will they even bother with a paycheck?
carpediem · 61-69, M
@PatKirby Likely cheaper than paying for a defense. That’s how and why these suits get settled.
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
She can't get any respect from the right or the left. This is what happens whenever you try to be friends with lefties.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@Barefooter25 NBC hired her, and then caved to the far left haters, that did not want
to have to defend their far left positions.
NBC has catered to the Democratic side for years. It is not surprising that this sudden attempt by them to be Fox News light didn't go over well.

One correction though. NBC and no US media are fans of progressive anything. MSNBC did more than probably any network to sink Bernie Sanders for example.

But then again you clowns have gone so far right Ronald Reagan would be a commie pinko these days.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Oh please, the right is far left of Reagan these days.
And the Democrats are so far in left field now, that JFK would never see them.
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The head ( former) of the RNC goes for a position at NBC?
Yeah, get in bloody waters and not expect sharks? C’mon man!
Not a bright move on her part, though I don’t know that too many other more conservative leaning news outlets would have taken her.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

Nothing but the truth from Jen Psaki at MSNBC... 🙄
PatKirby · M

Jen Psaki, wasn't she the circle-back queen at those press conferences when the questions got too tough?

sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Because the majority of real newscasters on the corporation were outraged by the concept of hiring an open election-denier. It had nothing to do with her conservative politics, it was her support of the attempted overthrow of the US government.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@ChipmunkErnie silliest thing I ever heard. They inmates are running the asylum
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@carpediem The sane are running the office, you mean?
Heartlander · 80-89, M
They probably have to be careful about letting anyone who may not be politically connected to them have a peek behind the logo.

Broadcast TV like NBC is probably heading down the same path as AM radio. We tuned mainstream TV out years ago, Just too much quality programs elsewhere.
ThickMadame · 51-55, FVIP
For Playing with matches
Worse yet, NBC can't make up it's mind about how to deal with Trumpworld.

I think it has a lot less to do with the DNC than it does with the RNC, as well as journalistic and commercial concerns.

Either way, someone at NBC hired her, knowing who and what she is, and someone then fired her.
@DogMan If I remember correctly, what he did say wasn't quite go drink bleach, but it was too close for comfort.

But there's a good example. Joking aside, I'm not on Soros payroll, nor am I getting paid by anyone to post here. So, if I repeat some urban/cyber legend, its more likely I'm being careless than that I'm conspiring with the DNC or the MSM.

That shouldn't happen with professional journalists, and they should distinguish between rumors and what was actually said. It's really hard with Trump, because he says lots of bizarre half baked stuff, but I think we do better by calling out sloppy and unprofessional journalists then lumping them all into some vast conspiracy.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@MistyCee Thank you, and you are right, it is hard to follow a lot of the stuff Trump says.

I believe that his mouth is his worst enemy. I did not want him to run, but I believe someone
needs to counter all this woke stuff. Unfortunately the hate for Trump will dominate the
headlines for 4 years if he is elected, and that really sucks. Trump hate will be one of
the most important jobs in the country for many people.

As far as Trump, I do believe the conspiracy against him is pretty vast. The DNC and
MSM are out to destroy him at all costs. I believe the hate runs so deep that the
progressive wing would celebrate if he was assassinated.
@DogMan I can't speak for the progressive wing, but I personally don't see Trump getting assassinated ending well for the country. Granted, Rome hung on for awhile, and Christianity has some some good things, but it was a hell of a lot more stable, and Jesus' teachings were relatively benign as originally taught.

Now, I honestly do think we might all be better off if he chokes on a cheeseburger or something, but even then, well, look at MTG and the Baltimore Bridge.
She loved the conspiracy that maga republicans are forced to co-sign.
NBC does not need fantasy!
DogMan · 61-69, M
@Aliveshock Only DNC fantasy, right?
@DogMan They raised a cool $26 million last night including 25 I spotted them. donnie is merely a target now.
Theyitis · 36-40, M
Seriously? NBC has plenty of other conservatives and even Republicans on their payroll: Michael Steele, Dave Jolly, Joe Scarborough, Steve Schmidt to name a few. It was a good choice to get rid of Ronna McDaniel because she spread and enabled Trump’s Big Lie.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@Theyitis Joe Scarborough a REPUBLICAN?? 🤣
Never heard of Jolly or Schmidt. Steele is ok.
Theyitis · 36-40, M
@DogMan Uh yeah, Scarborough was a US Congressman at one time, a Republican representing a district in Georgia.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@Theyitis At one time, until he joined the DNC
They spent a few hrs with her personality..
DogMan · 61-69, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Who did? Did she ever make it on the air?
4meAndyou · F
Stereoguy has it right. She committed the great sin of voting Republican at one time, and she MUST be silenced.

TBH, I'm surprised they haven't co-funded a hit.
carpediem · 61-69, M
I'm surprised they haven't co-funded a hit.

RedBaron · M
She was RNC chair in 2020 and directly involved in the illegal fake elector scheme to overturn the election results.

But otherwise, she’s perfect.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@RedBaron Thats not why they fired her. That is just an excuse. NBC knew who
she was when they hired her, they were trying to add something other than the pre
approved DNC narrative, in order to make believe they were fair and balanced.

But they couldn't even do that.
RedBaron · M
@DogMan The bottom line, however, is that she’s a sleazeball who was willing to commit fraud to help Trump remain in power against the will of the electorate.

How she is able to get a job anywhere is totally amazing.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Well if she is as intelligent as the former RNC chair named Michael Steele they should never have hired her. I saw Steele tested a few times and I came away wondering how long it took his mother to teach him to breathe.
CNN wanted her Republican voice but the other on air personalities protested because she was part of Jan 6th and is in Jack Smith's filing. It's not about Party. It's about criminality.
PatKirby · M
Maybe NBC planned on firing her from the beginning and hoped it would raise their lagging ratings?
DogMan · 61-69, M
@PatKirby She has a law suit against them. I think for wrongful termination, or something
like that.
Agreed. Non-progressives stand in the way of a better world for all. I’m glad she’s gone.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@SW-User 🤣🤣
DailyFlash · 56-60, M
She's welcome to her own opinion just not her own facts.
sladejr · 56-60, M

uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I understand she's getting something like $600k as a severance? Well played.
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@sunsporter1649 What's your point?
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@SW-User Don't you remember all the Democrats that said Trump was an Illegitimate
POTUS? Hell, the NY DA that is trying to take Trump down, said it all the time.

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