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UK Conservatives lose popularity after pre-election tax bribe.

The Tories reputation is so far in the gutter that 37% of people surveyed think that their taxes have gone up with the latest budget. This is factually untrue because taxes have been cut. However, the British public is so sick of this party that they don't believe them, even when they are telling the truth! I'm not going to lie, I did chuckle at this one.

I'm not in favour of the tax cuts anyway. The money would be better spent on schools and hospitals but this whole episode just underlined how screwed the Conservative Party is and how certain it is that they will lose the next election.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
The tax cuts are essentially unfunded (they are to be paid for by unspecified "productivity gains" in the public sector) and a pretty spiteful gesture by a party in its way out (Labour will find it politically difficult to reverse them). In real terms, when the freezing of income tax thresholds is taken into account, net tax paid by lowest and highest earners has increased, while middle earners will be slightly better off (but will not feel it and probably will not be putting that saving back into the economy).

If they want a really popular measure that would lead to genuine economic stimulus, increase child benefits and remove the cap on the number of children you can claim for. That way money goes to people who genuinely need it and it gets spent almost immediately and recycled into the wider economy.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@MartinII It might well do. In which case there would be less pressure for economic migration, another conservative aspiration.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@MartinII I think this is a tired and directionless party that has imploded and run out of road.
MartinII · 70-79, M
@SunshineGirl I certainly agree with that. I’m not sure I follow your point about economic migration.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Found this in the wild

I don't really disagree with the sentiment/message. I'm very accustomed to the process where those who f*ck things up leave power just in time for the avalanche of the consequences to come down once they've left the chair to the opposition, that will take the blame, securing their re-election in the next iteration because people are generally too naïve or distracted to see the links, and right-wing propaganda machines centuries ahead.

Taking for good your analysis that Starmer won't be much better from a worker POV than the Tories, that's exactly how it seems it'll play out.

You're essentially replaying our 2008-2011/12.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
I think "The party of fiscal responsibility" as they like to tag themselves, has tried to limit their tax increases but it doesn't wash with either the Bank of England's view of troubles on the horizon nor the average voter who has seen so many squeezes on their earnings, including stubbornly high retail food and fuel prices.
MartinII · 70-79, M
It’s not untrue. One tax, national insurance, has been (strictly speaking will be) cut, but the overall tax burden will rise because the tax thresholds are unchanged. The better criticism than the one you offer is that the government seems to be incapable of telling the truth (even after Johnson has left office!). You are right, of course, that the electorate is capable of noticing this.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@MartinII Fair points. Like Sundhinegirl said, I missed the detail of the tax threshold tbh.
YouTube is already talking about tactful voting to get the Tories out...
Mordechai · 31-35, M
Voting for conservatives in the UK is like voting for Polio
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Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@jshm2 The first line made my chuckle.

I'm actually a member of the Labour Party and on the left of it. It's fair for people to point out that I did miss details of the budget though.

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