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Do u believe Joe Biden should be president of US...for 4 more years ? 鈽猴笍馃嚭馃嚥

I just watched the State Of Union from last night a few minutes ago. I admit it was somewhat impressive , but I am not sold. We were promised that in 2024 teachers will get a raise, the Affordable Care Act would be revised and expanded, and that property tax laws will be changed. Biden said he will crack down on price gouging and the deficit.
Overall I give the speech about a 7. It was emotional, captivating, and irresistibly engaging. The Speaker Of The House, Mike Johnson looked uncomfortable. Hmmmm. Maybe he sees Biden winning again. We shall see. But if Trump gets 20 percent or higher of the Black vote, it's game over. 馃幆 Remember illegal immigrants ok. Comments. 鈽猴笍馃嚭馃嚥

Biden is NOT my first choice; he's too old. So is Trump.

AND, if, as seems highly likely, November gives us Biden vs Trump, then there's no question I'm voting for Biden.
Zonuss41-45, M
@ElwoodBlues Because ? 馃
AthrillatheHunt51-55, M
@Zonuss same reason as the last 2 election cycles : the lesser of 2 evils (in his opinion ).
B has passed his neuropsychiatric tests.@ElwoodBlues
beckyromero36-40, F
If Biden wins and the Dems keep the Senate and re-capture the House, things will be a lot different than his first two years.

For one, Sens. Machin and Sinema won't be around to stymie Biden's proposals in Congress. Machin will be replaced by a Republican but Sinema could be replaced by Ruben Gallego, who is a team player. (That makes it 50-50, so it will be important for Dems to hold other Senate seats and perhaps pick off a Republican seat. An otther reason why I am so happy Schiff helped to elevate Garvey in the CA Senate race and helped saved about $500,000,000 of Democrat donor money to be spread around instead of Schiff and Porter pummeling each other in November.)

Two, the MAGA Republicans will face blame from more traditional Republicans who will start coming to their senses when Trump and his acolytes are blamed for the November losses.
Zonuss41-45, M
@beckyromero Interesting perspective. Let me ask what are your thoughts on Nikki Haley ? 馃
beckyromero36-40, F

She's more of a traditional conservative Republican, who supports the bi-partisan foreign policy of American exceptionalism that's been successful since the end of World War II.

A bit naive, though, since she cast her lot with Trump. I think she's done in elective politics for a while (maybe she'll run for the Senate when Graham retires).
@Zonuss I say Nikki followed Liz Chaney playbook and they will be sparring for the nomination in 2028.
All those things depend on Congress actually passing legislation.

You know, rather than looking at Hunter Biden鈥檚 naughty bits.
windinhishair61-69, M
I would rather have a younger Democrat running against Trump, but if it comes down to Trump versus Biden, there is only one choice: Biden.
Joe Biden is my first choice and if the exit polls are correct with 30% of those that voted for Nikki Haley say they will definitely not vote for trump; I don鈥檛 see a path for trump, especially with all of these trials for felonies coming up and also determined to have raped a woman recently.
Zonuss41-45, M
@Pfuzylogic Yes I am aware of that.
@Zonuss Ot amazed me that there is a path to the presidency as a rapist. Normally you are incarcerated in a correctional facility before given. second chance because the chances of reoffending are off the chart!
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helenS36-40, F
As someone on the outside looking in, I can fully understand the frustration of many Americans. They can choose between two men who are both too old to run such an important country.
Why is there no 50 year old woman or man to run the country?? What's wrong with the American political class???
beckyromero36-40, F
Whether Bernie would have beaten Trump, we don't know and never will.

The far left in the U.S. always overestimates its voting power. Lizzy and Bernie would have been crushed.

As to Gavin Newsom, consider that first wife is Kimberly Guilfoyle.

So I think it's quite reasonable to have questions about his judgement.

And I can also envision the ads that would run against him reminding voters of him going to the restaturant French Laundry, during Covid and how he granted parole to a kidnapper who forced 26 children and their bus driver into a truck trailer buried underground and demanding a $5 million ransom.

Not to mention that if you can't defeat Ron DeSantis in a debate, WTF?
Burnley12341-45, M
@beckyromero https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2020/trump-vs-sanders

It's not conclusive at all.

All politicians have flaws to attack but I can't see how Newsome.
beckyromero36-40, F
It's not conclusive at all.

Oh, I think it is. Same polling in 3/5 to 4/7 period you show had Biden up by much larger margins. In fact, eleven of the 20 polls had Biden leading Trump in double-digits.

And it still ended up a close race.


As for Gov. Newsom, his biggest liability is the state he governs: California.

Watch this ad.


Then imagine how easy it will be to show homelessness and crime in "fly-over country"'s most hated city: San Francisco.

With the narrator saying, "And Gavin Newsom promises to do for the nation what he's done for California."

At least Kamala Harris will be eight years removed from being a Senator from California.

I'll hear her out but I'd also be looking at some others,especially Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (Michigan), Gov. Josh Shapiro (Pennsylvania), Sen. Michael Bennett (Colorado) and Sen. Chris Murphy (Connecticut).

I'd unequivocally rule out any Trumpets for my vote, even when they do their mea culpas.

So among Republicans, there would be few I'd consider.

Former Gov. John Kasich (Ohio), Sen. Jeff Flake (Arizona), Former Gov. Jeb Bush (Florida) and, yes, Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyoming). Much would depend on the Democrat nominee.
Confined56-60, M
This was a slam dunk he is too old and senile to be president again.
Alababy36-40, F
I feel sad for him. His family should have him in a rest home.
FreeLilly18-21, F
the only thing the democrats have going for them is that the other side has some ridiculous comic book villain running for them... and they are not as terrible.
but thats not enough... many people will simply not vote at all and the comic book villain will take the power... and there is noone to blame but the democrat party leadership for not even trying to prevent this.
@Zonuss Inflation is a bear and we went to another republican created severe depression.
Gas was real cheap but then umemployment was incredibly high. It is easy to forget the economic mess that trump led us into in addition to the 10 trillion he gave away with absolutely no return. Before you blame Joe Bide. I suggest looking deeper into causes of inflation.
Zonuss41-45, M
@Pfuzylogic Wrong. We had a booming economy with unprecedented low interest rates, and low unemployment . Then the pandemic hit. Please miss me with that one. 鈽猴笍
@Zonuss Of course the economy that he inherited from Obama and Joe was great!
They built it up from the shambles that bush 43 left and then the insanity of mislabeling a lethal pandemic occurred and he let over a million die when pretending he didn鈥檛 know it was an air transmissible disease.
trump did absolutely nothing for the economy unless you count adding tariffs to China!
luckranger7151-55, M
Yes. I鈥檒l happily vote for him. He鈥檚 exceeded my expectations. Although I鈥檇 vote for Attila the Hun over Trump regardless.
Zonuss41-45, M
@luckranger71 Yes please explain. 鈽猴笍
luckranger7151-55, M
@Perry1968 Most importantly the legislative accomplishments when faced with basically an intractable and radicalized Republican Party in Congress: the IIJA (infrastructure act) which was passed with very little Republican help and who's positive effects will be felt for generations. Trump promised but never delivered on infrastructure. Expanding broadband, clamping down on BS banking fees, increasing oil production while at the same time expanding renewable energy, semi-conductor production in US. Etc etc. He has worked Congress as well as any President since LBJ, who had huge majorities and faced a more sane Republican Party.

Although Presidents are given too much credit or blame for the economy: we are living through the best economic recovery from the worldwide covid slowdown of any industrialized county. Unemployment under 4%. Stock market at record highs.

I didn't vote for him in the primaries in 2020. In retrospect I think he was the right antidote to Trump.
@luckranger71 Just out of curiousity may i ask where you source such info? I was under the impression the western world in general is financially really to implode.
The republicans voted against everything you listed and they voted against controling the border.
Zonuss41-45, M
@Pitchblue The Republicans want the border closed. 馃敀
@Zonuss Republicans are kissers of the dark stinky side.
Except Lankford who did the work for the Bill.
@Zonuss There were clauses in the bill where the border would be closed. The border would be closed for the last month but Republicans voted Trump instead of border.
His brain will be in reverse in 4 months. Anyone in power should also face consequences of any serious unjust actions whilst in power. That truly would change the system as once youve left office no matter what youve done your still accountable for. Unfortunately thats not the case in politics.
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@Perry1968 I understand the sacrifice. Honoring your uncle鈥檚 death is not completed by disgracing those who have and are currently serving.
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Midlifemale61-69, M
He's got to gooooooo......we can't stand another 4 years of him.
The alternative is not that great either.....but better that Biden.
We all know something has to be done to get this country better
@Midlifemale Well Trump made the country infinitely worse. You think he could do better again? 馃ぃ
He did better than I thought he would. And was funny to watch Mike Johnson agreeing with most of what Biden was saying,
beckyromero36-40, F
funny to watch Mike Johnson agreeing with most of what Biden was saying,

He was afraid to stand up. How can you not stand up for freedom?
@beckyromero I thought that too, he looked like he wanted to stand more than once. He'll probably be ousted next week...
Patriot9656-60, C
WalksWith56-60, F
ron12241-45, M
AthrillatheHunt51-55, M
I had my parent teacher conferences yesterday and several black parents were vocally pro Orange (mostly bc of the migrants ). That 20% is very attainable .
Jimmy201661-69, M
馃......No one for president...........Doesn't matter who wins......It will not be good.......I just don't see Biden making it another four years.........
Blackie51-55, M
He鈥檚 gonna win again He got 81 million votes last time. He鈥檒l Probably get 90 million this time.
Oh c'mon now..he walks and talks like he passed away months ago 馃槀
helenS36-40, F
@LadyJ Isn't that a bit exaggerated? 馃槒
@helenS No not atall
I鈥檇 rather he wasn鈥檛; but there is no alternative.
SlaveEt36-40, F
Lol you're not serious, right?
Burnley12341-45, M
Americans have a choice for who to drive the car. One is maniac loaded full of drugs and the other is likely to fall asleep at the wheel

You should pick the one falling asleep at the wheel because the car crash will have less damage.
dakotaviper56-60, M
Well, until he can completely exterminate poverty and make sure that people don't have to live paycheck to paycheck, then Biden or Trump or whomever is not worthy of being President.
windinhishair61-69, M
@dakotaviper No president has ever been able to do that, and no one ever will. No country has ever been able to completely exterminate poverty.
jim4444470-79, M
I do not believe Biden should be reelected.
However he is a better choice then the alternative of a deranged silver spooned mamma's boy.
helenS36-40, F
@jim44444 Two fantastic alternatives! 馃槒
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Zonuss41-45, M
@Waymore If Trump was presidential we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. 鈽猴笍
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@sunsporter1649 The laws are already in place cause a very long tedious process for making asylum decisions. That needs to be sped up greatly.

Republican Representative from Texas Chip Roy said:
"I saw former President Trump make that allegation earlier today on one of his social media posts. 'All the president has to do is declare the borders closed and it's closed.' Well, with all due respect, that didn't happen in 2017, 18, 19, and 20. There were millions of people who came into the United States during those four years and Trump stopped very very few of them despite his lies."
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HoraceGreenley56-60, M
@ElwoodBlues enforce the laws we have

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