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True The Vote...another right wing failure in GA.

Conservative Group Concedes It Can't Back Up Its Election Fraud Charges
True the Vote told a Georgia court that it can't produce any evidence to support claims of widespread ballot fraud in Georgia.
ERIC BOEHM | 2.15.2024 1:45 PM

In the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, a conservative group named True the Vote claimed that President Joe Biden's narrow victory in Georgia was the result of widespread ballot fraud—including what it called "coordinated efforts" to stuff ballot drop boxes in the Atlanta metro area.

When ordered by a district judge to provide evidence supporting those explosive claims, however, True the Vote offered a very different story. In documents submitted to a Fulton County court in December and made public this week, the group repeatedly denied having any evidence of the alleged ballot fraud or contact information for alleged whistleblowers with knowledge of the supposed scheme.

True the Vote had been ordered to turn over evidence to the State Election Board as part of an ongoing investigation into claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, which first reported on the new court filings Wednesday. The state board sought a subpoena after the conservative group had previously declined to share its evidence—despite having filed a complaint with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in 2021 in which True the Vote said it possessed "a detailed account of coordinated efforts to collect and deposit ballots in drop boxes across metro Atlanta."

Some of those claims were recycled into a movie by conservative provocateur Dinesh D'Souza, including surveillance videos that allegedly showed ballot boxes being stuffed. A subsequent investigation by the state board found that those claims were unfounded: The individuals identified in D'Souza's movie were dropping off ballots filled out by family members, which is legal under Georgia law.

The inability of True the Vote to turn over any additional corroborating evidence or provide the court and state board with documentation to support its claims is another blow to the group's credibility—and to the ongoing efforts by Trump supporters to invalidate the 2020 election.

Meanwhile, Georgia officials have completed three recounts showing that Biden won the 2020 election there, and subsequent investigations have failed to turn up evidence of widespread voter fraud. In response to former President Donald Trump's claim that thousands of dead people voted in Georgia, the state election board found that a total of four absentee ballots were cast by voters who had deceased before Election Day. Similarly, the Trump campaign's claim that two election workers in Atlanta engaged in malfeasance while counting votes was disproven after a state investigation.

"Once again, True the Vote has proven itself untrustworthy and unable to provide a shred of evidence for a single one of their fairy-tale allegations," Mike Hassinger, a spokesman for Raffensperger's office, told the Associated Press. "Like all the lies about Georgia's 2020 election, their fabricated claims of ballot harvesting have been repeatedly debunked."

An absence of evidence is not always evidence of an absence, but at a certain point, it seems reasonable to expect those who have made explosive claims of election fraud to offer something to demonstrate the validity of those theories.

From Rudy Giuliani to Sidney Powell to True the Vote, it now seems obvious that many individuals and groups with an interest in seeing Trump reelected either fabricated or exaggerated claims of election fraud after the 2020 election. They have a right to make outlandish claims, but no one should feel an obligation to take such evidence-free claims seriously.

Next time—and there will almost certainly be a next time—everyone ought to take a deep breath and approach claims of widespread voter fraud more skeptically.
LOL...True The Vote has been kicking liberal ass in GA. The deep state has thrown the kitchen sink at them for 3 years now, including arresting Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht. GA still can't legitimately explain why they still have 430,000 invalid voters on the register or why they won't/can't clean it until after 2025. GA still can't explain the 67,000 invalid ballots from the 2020. They're gonna lie and continue to deny it. And why wouldn't they?
Treason is punishable by death. Continue parroting yhe media narrative like a brainwashed sheep.
@JSul3 if you think the decision from this twat below will stand, you're a bigger fool that I initially imagined. No jury...just a decision from a perv based on a bogus property appraisal that MAL is worth only $18 million 🤣🤣🤣 BTW...Trump paid the entire loan back in full, with interest. Who was hurt financially? No one...therefore, no fraud.

Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Treason is punishable by death

It's good that you want to execute the orange traitor and his ass-kissers.
@Diotrephes ahhh...now see, I would never suggest executing Biden supporters, since being brainwashed minion isn't a valid reason.

But if you want to go after Trump supporters...go ahead. FAFO
Ynotisay · M
Just want to toss in the FBI informant about Hunter Biden's ties to Ukraine. He got charged with lying a couple of days ago. Conspiracies are the bastion of those who choose belief and lies because of their feeeeelings. But the courts don't care.
cuppatea · 31-35, F
How many ways can Trump's GOP attempt to overturn OUR democracy?

Enough is enough.
you seem a little butthurt that there is in fact ample evidence of evidence fraud you so decry as a conspiracy..
essentually. once again. you let the media rule your brain.

@JSul3 you’re right.
You election stealing fascists are desperately trying to remove him from the equation..
Cause ya know… you can’t win without cheating or being fascists..
let’s ask RFK
JSul3 · 70-79
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout LOL!
Rudy G, is that you?
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Deny...deny...deny. The Bloated Buffoon has taught you well. ;-)
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I can see why people suspected election fraud when I think about that Biden beat Trump in a state passing a tax holiday for buying guns and passed doing away with the need for a pistol permit to carry a gun. Does not sound like a democratic state.

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