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Trump, a dictator?

A dictatorship is a government or a social situation where one person makes all the rules and decisions without input from anyone else. Dictatorship implies absolute power one person who takes control of a political situation, a family, a classroom, or even a camping expedition.

in modern political systems, a dictator is a single person who possesses absolute political power within a country or territory or is a member of a small group that exercises such power.

The dictatorial leadership style focuses on the leader and no one else. It is a style of leadership where. there is always personal control over the decision-making process for the team. A leader using this style. may choose to receive feedback from their team, but any decision is theirs to make alone.

Dictatorships are often characterized by some of the following: suspension of elections and civil liberties; proclamation of a state of emergency; rule by decree; repression of political opponents; not abiding by the procedures of the rule of law; and the existence of a cult of personality centered on the leader.

America is under dictatorship rule. Biden and the Democrat party are a Dictatorship.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
Another one of those posts where the modern day necromancer summons the most brainless people, so they can gang up and post their: slogans, memes and hate, while collectively killing the last cognitive brain cells in their skulls.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@graphite No... you just obsess about something at the homefront. The most impressive part of your obsession, is that you are ignorant about the subject you are constantly moaning about.
@Kwek00 Notice the projection. Everything he accuses Biden of applies to Trump.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@LeopoldBloom My eyes falls more on the: "we are so great, we are so important, we are so exceptional"-narrative. And ones someone shows interest in the great exceptional important player on this earth, they get laughed at for being interested and labeled as being "obsessed".
Biden: single dictator calling all the shots?

. . . . . . OR

Biden: senile fool unaware of surroundings?

Which narrative is it??
Sorry, dude, you can't have it both ways, ROTFL!!!


Regarding the arguments for Trump as a dictator, what exactly has Trump said?

"You are promising America tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?" Hannity asked.

"Except for Day One," Trump said.

Clearly, Trump is promising that he WILL abuse power on Day One. And what else has Trump said along those line??

Trump has plainly stated that he wants dictatorial powers with which to punish his enemies. And he sent a mob to violently overthrow Congress, but they failed. It was, as Mitch McConnell said, a "failed insurrection." Quit trying to whitewash and put stuff between the lines to serve your own agenda.

About a year ago Trump called for the U.S. Constitution to be suspended so that he could return to the Presidency.
A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!

Trump says he plans to invoke the Insurrection Act so he can dispatch the military to counter any demonstrations that might resist his policies.
If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them.

It's been widely reported that Trump said privately he'll order the Department of Justice to pursue prosecutions of his former aides and officials who have criticized him. In his crosshairs are former chief of staff John F. Kelly, former attorney general William Barr, his ex-attorney Ty Cobb, and former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Mark A. Milley; not to mention practically every elected official with a D after their name.
Joseph gobbells would be weeping tears of pride at the establishment and media..

DDaverde · 56-60, M
That’s the same tactic as Joseph gobbels ! You are correct!!

But these fool Biden people
Do not know history!
@DDaverde they gunna shit their pants when they realise Ukraine was a bigger con than climate and covid combined..

Richard65 · M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Joseph Goebbels might have wept tears of pride, but you'll have to explain to us all who the fuck Joseph Gobbells is....?
RedBaron · M
You’re wrong by definition.

“A dictator is a single person who possesses absolute political power…”

President Biden is one person. The Democratic and Republican parties comprise thousands of people, and the Republican-controlled House of Representatives comprises 400+ more.

To say nothing of the judicial branch, 50 state governors, and so on, and so on, and so on.

Come again after rethinking your wacko dictatorship malarkey?

You would do well to cut back on your drug use.
Cults control people's minds. It is a well-known fact that trump has a large cult following. He is their leader. "What you are seeing, hearing, and reading is not what you are seeing, hearing, and reading." Believe only him.

"They are not only coming after me they are coming after you". FEAR, can be used to convince and control a lot of people.
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graphite · 61-69, M
@softspokenman Meanwhile, those opposing Trump think we're all gonna die, aahhh!!! from environmental catastrophies and are prepared to surrender their freedoms to a Democrat-controlled government. Climate change garbage nonsense. Democrats want to control how much we eat, how we travel, where we live, pretty much everything, while these elitists still get to live as Imperial Royalty. Democrat Party: America's #1 Enemy. At least the climate change fanatics don't reproduce since those babies are bad for the environment. A solid victory there for the sane people, keeping the looneys from reproducing.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
Biden and the Democrats are NAZIS.
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@Reason10 Define "Nazi."
@Reason10 Trump was a close friend of Jeffrey Epstein and posed in photos where he felt up his daughter Ivanka when she was a kid, but Joe is a pedophile because he sniffed someone's hair for 3 seconds too long in 1983. Got it.

Are you able to walk around a tree without getting lost?
graphite · 61-69, M
Exactly. BIden and the Democrats are using federal authority to break federal rules and allow millions of illegals to invade the country, and using the "justice" system that works for them to get of rival candidates.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
"I will be a dictator on day one..."!

Now who said that?

And if not true then he is a lier! And shouldn't be president because he's a lier.
DDaverde · 56-60, M
Absolutely not anyone who thinks he was
Is very misinformed and they DEFINITELY
Do not know anything about history!
Biden and his Buddies are actually
Acting like a dictator with all of the executive
Orders done by him.
Using the government against his own citizens = Biden!
Hitler = dictator ! Ww2 Germany
Stalin = dictator ! Post revolution Russia+ 1953
Pol pot = dictator ! Cambodia 1980?
Kim jun un dictator
You all are lost souls.
God help this country!
@DDaverde says
Acting like a dictator with all of the executive
Orders done by him.
Yeah, so I looked it up.
Trump issued 220 Executive Orders.
Biden has issued 131 Executive Orders.

Thus, according to YOUR OWN criteria, Trump is the bigger dictator, ROTFL!!!

Just for yuks, let's check your criteria for other presidents.
Obama: T1: 147 ; T2 129
2nd Bush: T1: 173 ; T2 118
Clinton: T1: 200 ; T2 164
1st Bush 166
Reagan: T1: 213 ; T2 168

WOW!! according to YOUR OWN criteria, Trump is the biggest dictator in the last 40 years; with Ronald Reagan the runner up, ROTFL!!!
Ynotisay · M
@DDaverde Couldn't reply to your other post but just to help you not look more ridiculous, foolish and fear-driven than you already are it's Goebbels. Not Gobbels. You're welcome.

A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth .
Sound familiar tiger?
@ElwoodBlues You're wasting your time. @DDaverde doesn't know what an executive order is.
America is under dictatorship rule. Biden and the Democrat party are a Dictatorship.

Where did you get this, from some crank on YouTube? Or you flunked civics class. Biden doesn't make all the rules. The whores and hacks on the Supreme Court made it legal for states to outlaw abortion; has Biden reversed that? Right now, Biden wants to beef up border security, and the Republicans won't let him; how is that possible if Biden is a "dictator?"

You're just mad that your orange lord and savior lost the election. Just because you people worship Traitor Tot like he's the Second Coming of Christ doesn't mean we feel the same way about Biden. You would have no problem with living in a dictatorship as long as it was Cheeto Benito in charge. People like you are traitors to this country, and in a real dictatorship, you wouldn't be free to spew your ignorant bile here without consequences. Now go suck on your binkie and let the adults talk.
JSul3 · 70-79
IN5688......tell me which party wants to restrict access to the ballot box?

Hint: It isn't the Democrats.
JSul3 · 70-79
@softspokenman Reducing early voting days and hours....reducing voting locations......reducing the number of voting machines at locations....reducing drop boxes for mail ballots....reducing Motor Vehicle License locations, the main outlet for picture id.

Not actions taken by the Democrats.
IM5688 · 61-69, M
@JSul3 No, democrats want to make it as easy as possible for anyone to vote, with no check and balance system in place, makes it easier to cheat while being less traceable.
JSul3 · 70-79
@IM5688 BS.

Prove your comment.
You can't because it is BS.

Tell us who was arrested for voter fraud? That would be several Trump voters. Do you keep up with facts?

Hate vote by mail? Here's one for you: Go visit that ruby red state of Utah gov web site. They fully support vote by mail and easy voter registration. Who knew Republicans love vote by mail. Their process should be the gold standard for nationwide vote by mail.
Ynotisay · M
So when you jumped the tracks and decided to live in a world of lies, fear and poor me, did it happen all at once or was it gradual?
We've seen it ourselves...repeat the lie enough times and the useful idiots turn into parrots.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Out Of Nowhere! This Woman May Have Just Single-handedly Destroyed the ENTIRE Biden Administration!

You really don't connect the dots well...
Historically speaking, Dictators were those who took control during times of war, you know, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Truman, LBJ, Bush43, Obama, BinBiden. Going by this logic, Trump was a peacemaker, he made a peace deal with North Korea and got FOUR miseast peace deals with Israel.
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