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Do your pets have a daily ritual?

Every morning, for about 20 minutes, my cat lays belly up in my lap and soaks up as much love as she can. She insists on this, she does not ask, she climbs up and flips over, "I'm ready, commence with the love!".馃樆馃馃槅
My cat comes to get me. The sun is up, the cat is hungry, he finds me and Meows. It's a special meow that lets me know he is hungry.

I try to do two things before feeding him...go to the ladies room, and clean his litter box, because if it has even one spot in it, he will piddle on the rubber mat outside his litter box. He watches me while I am cleaning, meowing demandingly, and then follows me into the kitchen, watching me like a hawk as I wash his dish and empty out a can of cat food.

Later in the day, when there is not a cat hunger emergency, he meows and wants me to sit in "our" recliner chair, so that he can nurse on my lap. And then he jumps down and sits in front of his food dish and looks at me expectantly. "Where's my food? " 馃槀馃槀馃槀
Licking, eating, and sleeping
Jenny123451-55, F
For 14 years My dog would literally start barking every day at exactly 6am for someone to take him for his morning walk. Just letting him out to pee wasn鈥檛 good enough.

It had to be a full walk unless he decided it was too cold or snowy to go out, after he got you out of bed and you got dressed.
exexec61-69, C
Yes. My beagle has a strict schedule according to her clock. Early morning love time and breakfast. Afternoon walk. Supper at 5:00. She has different "woofs" for each occasion.
@exexec Different woofs, and you could recognize them from 100 yards away, but no one else has an ear tuned for them.馃槅馃槑
@UnderLockDown our cat does when mam goes down first thing in the morning she rolls over and goes too her scratching post
JimboSaturn51-55, M
My dogs are extremely regimented. They do the same things at the same time every day.
Wakes me up

@Lilnonames So she can steal the bed.馃樄

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