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I Admire Inner Beauty

We are amazing, unique, and beautiful. There is nothing more we need to be, do, or have in order to be happy. We are perfect just as we are. Yes, really. So smile, give love, and enjoy every moment of this precious life. You don't really know how beautiful a woman is until you meet her, all her beauty is in her personality. Pretty is not enough. Pretty is nice. It's fine. Pretty can turn heads, but beauty? Beauty can change the whole world. Pretty is what we are, but beauty is what we do with it. Pretty lifts spirits, beauty makes them soar. So smile. Be bold. Let's show our beauty. Because when we put pretty into action, there's no limit to what we can do.

What makes us beautiful is what shines from within us, and what makes us wonderful is the things we do. Even the shiniest wrapping paper can conceal the most disappointing present. It's what's inside that counts. Beauty is about being comfortable in our own skin. It's about knowing and accepting who we are.
ChloeYoung · 22-25, F
it's true, i wish people weren't so shallow that they can't the inner beauty in others.
Riverman · 56-60, M

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