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December's Power

The veil between the worlds grows thin. The shortest days, the longest nights - perfect conditions for communing with the spirits. Tarot reading, scrying, & rune casting are musts. It's a witching time, a crucible where the old burns away and the new waits to be birthed.

Any other fellow witches & occultists feel like this too?
SparklyPrincess · 18-21, F
Just want to say a quick thank you for everyone that came to my defense and won't be engaging with them anymore.
Somerset · 26-30, M
@SparklyPrincess This has become a place of very hateful people, sadly. I remember when EP was around, the community was very diverse in regards to different ways of life. But SW has grown so limited and narrow-minded. Its not about letting people live anymore.
Not a shred of evidence. Did you pass your science classes?
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
@BlueSkyKing She wasn't trying to show you evidence. Nobody's trying to convert you to paganism.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
mainvane · 61-69, M
@SparklyPrincess Well said, Brittany💋
Somerset · 26-30, M
Did I do something? Why dont you answer my messages?
Somerset · 26-30, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic You are right there. But I believe there to be a social responsibility when you have started a conversation and were interacting. To stop and act like there is no basis for irritation is just illogical and antisocial.
SparklyPrincess · 18-21, F
@Somerset Look, I get that you might be irritated, but I don't owe you an explanation for every aspect of my online presence. I have my reasons, and I didn't feel obligated to justify them to you. If you feel I'm being discourteous, I apologize but I just prefer focusing my attention in a certain way.
Somerset · 26-30, M
@SparklyPrincess Absolutely. You dont owe me anything. And I dont want explanation for every aspect. Just for this one. Just for the things I cannot know. Still, it is my opinion that I owe you context to my actions when talking to you. Your opinion is different, and thats ok. But lets not start to presume things.
Lowkey · 22-25, M
The dark side's light ..
It’s interesting 🧐
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
I did, for a long time, but I've neglected my practice of late, because I have no coven and I've allowed it to cripple me.
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic Because it rings true for me, and it seems to match the things I've experienced.

Why do you care? It's not like I use my faith to pass legislation controller you. It's not like I demand other people follow my religion.
Why do you care? It's not like I use my faith to pass legislation

Nor do I.

It's not like I demand other people follow my religion.

We are WARNING ⚠️ you about what happens if you reject Christ, not forcing you into anything.
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
Nor do I.
Yeah, well, that's all the Christian community in the US tries to do.
We are WARNING ⚠️ you about what happens if you reject Christ, not forcing you into anything.
Okay, but you can't even prove that your religion is the right one.
I have always felt more at peace during the night, it's a lot more calm than during the day.
@SparklyPrincess That's why the religious hates us Pagans so much, we're tapped into the Universal Cosmos, we see all, we understand all. My insight was created during an out of body near death experience two months before my third birthday in 1973, I remember an illuminated blue area on a wall, it was like looking into eternity.
SparklyPrincess · 18-21, F
@NativePortlander1970 An out-of-body experience at such a young age? That must have been a profound awakening.
@SparklyPrincess I honestly don't remember what all I saw in the blue light, maybe my future along with awakening, it happened while I was in the ER having a tracheostomy, I often saw and experience many spiritual things all my life after that, including seeing beings collecting the souls of dead soldiers in an old WW I after battle documentary when I was six, my mother thought I was making it up. I often wonder why I chose to stay instead of going through the light due to my horrendous experiences and abuses I endured as a child after that.

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