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It’s curious to think that about forty years from now, people will be nostalgic about the way things are today and how we live.

Every generation does it.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Every generation does it.

But not everyone in every generation. Forty years ago I was 28 working for a company that was definitely going downhill. I left both the company and the country two years later, the best decision I ever made. While I am somewhat nostalgic for the childhood that I had in the 50s and 60s I really can't say that the eighties and nineties in the UK were anything special and in some ways 80s Norway was a bit dismal. I was at university in the mid 70s so for me that decade was great while other people just remember the misery of the oil crises.

I'm really pleased to have lived through one of the most technologically and sociologically interesting periods in human history from the 50s to the present day. On the whole for me life has got better and richer in almost all senses with each passing year.

I feel that nostalgia is for the old, for those who rightly or wrongly believe that they don't have much future. I'm 68 but life is still good and there are still good things to come.
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
@ninalanyon Yeah I didn’t say not everyone in every generation.

There’s always a few edgy contrarians.
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
Its quite scary to think that people might look back and think THESE days were better than they will be in 40 years.
Imagine in the period of your life from 1979 to 1985,40 years previously was WW2...
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
@wonkywinky It’s all perspective. My Uncle was born in to poverty and destined for a life of crippling work in a foundry.
Instead the war happened, he became RAF aircrew, met friends he would keep until their funerals and met the woman of his dreams. All only because of the war.

War is hell, for most.
Ynotisay · M
You're right and it's kind of interesting to think about. Maybe it'll be, "When I was a kid I had to type things on keys in to a computer. It was a different time before microchips were embedded in us." :)
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
True. But I still miss the 80s.
Doesn't it make you wonder in what horrible ways life is going to change?
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
@nonsensiclesnail Nah, we’ll be okay.

I was a kid popping wheelies on my BMX during the Cold War. 🤷
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
@nonsensiclesnail It does.40 years ago who would have thought of the collapse of western civilisation was coming so quickly?In the 80s,you never heard of anyone wanting to change sex,now its endemic amongst under 21s by the look of it.
Nanoose · 61-69, M
A very wise man once said – Every generation blames the one before – pass the dutchie on the left hand side. Cheers!
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Do you really think we're still going to be here in forty years?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
"Back in my day, we didn't have holodecks. If you wanted a virtual experience, you had to put your phone in a headset and strap it to your face."

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