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San Francisco buys vodka shots for homeless alcoholics in taxpayer-funded program

Can this country get anymore insane?
The City of San Francisco is providing free beer and vodka shots to homeless alcoholics at taxpayer expense under a little-known pilot program.
Another taxpayer funded program that does nothing to solve a problem but rather enables an already existing problem. All brought to you by our liberal democrats who seem to want to make the abnormalities of society accepted as the new normal.
Can this country get anymore insane?


Lord.....please come back soon.
Northwest · M
What Fox would have believe, is that the city set up open bars. In reality, this is a pilot called the "Managed Alcohol Program".

Nurses provide regimented doses of alcohol to voluntary participants with alcohol addiction in an effort to keep the homeless off the streets and relieve the city's emergency services. They do that in homeless shelters or transitional or permanent homes.

This builds on programs in Canada and Australia.
dubkebab · 51-55, M
@Northwest Thank you for posting. Alcoholic detox can be a life-threatening event if not managed correctly.
Our society needs to address addiction as the public health crisis it has become rather than stigmatize, criminalize and politicize attempts to mitigate the damage.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Nacy is probably behind this. Maybe she need some drunken sailors.

Although I do like to drink :|
How about send them to AA meetings.
dubkebab · 51-55, M
@Spoiledbrat a reason to sober up? yeah,I know a lot about that.
I can definitely relate. @dubkebab
dubkebab · 51-55, M
@Spoiledbrat I favor open,honest discussions of this.
The best/hardest thing I've ever done for myself was quit drinking.
Today I have a life I could barely imagine...good and bad.
But I want people to know that help and support are available.
This issue transcends class,politics,background etc.
Great way to keep them on the streets. Then the local politicians can say...we need more money to help get them off the streets.
Get em drunk, then toss them off the Golden Gate. Fish need to eat too!
RedBaron · M
Since when is drinking abnormal behavior?
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Nasty Pelosi drank most of it
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F

I know someone who didn’t :

But he should be congratulated on another 3+ years of sobriety!
If true, I’m not surprised.
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
Wow. Unbelievable.
It's not the first time such a thing has been tried (although the vodka is a new one on me)
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dubkebab · 51-55, M
@BlueGreenGrey One time in the art room in high school I was like,whoa man,if I had a time-travel device I would load up a ghetto blaster with D-cells and play a tape of Herbie Hancock-Rockit at King Arthur's court!

~and poof!-decades later I'm down and out on the mean streets of Sanfrandisco... wierd,man.
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dubkebab · 51-55, M
@BlueGreenGrey "everything I needed to learn I nicked from Python" is chapter 3 of my shocking tell-all biopic,yo.

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