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Because Bidenomics is working so well...

Walmart is closing 23 stores in 8 states, (all blue states.)

Target is closing 9 stores in 4 states, (all blue states.)

Walgreens is closing 900 stores in mostly blue states.

Bed, Bath & Beyond is closing its remaining 360 stores.

Lowes has closed 50 stores.

Macy's is closing 150 stores in mainly blue states.

Starbucks has closed 61 stores in mainly blue states.

Home Depot is closing 15 stores.

Dollar Tree is closing 1000 stores.

Foot Locker is closing 400 stores.

Gap is closing 350 stores.

Party City is closing 24 stores in mostly blue states.

Big Lots is closing stores in California and Colorado.

Burger King is closing 400 stores.

Best Buy is closing 20 stores.

Boston Market is closing 27 stores.

Kmart only has 2 stores remaining open.

Sears closed all but 22 stores.

Regal Cinemas has closed 429 movie theaters.

Kroger grocery has closed 413 stores.

US Bank is closing 23 branches.

Wells Fargo is closing over 60 branches.

Capital One is closing 50 branches.

Bank of America is closing 20 branches.
calicuz · 51-55, M
That's not "Bidenomics," that's retailers closing Brick and Mortar stores to save money and channel resources to Online retail. Our entire economy is structured to benefiting the retailer, and not the American worker. There is no more retailers can do to increase profits, other than begin to close stores, lay off employees and increase sales online. The labor costs are lower for online retailers.
Ynotisay · M
Well, at least we know that you have zero idea what "Bidenomics" really means. The "blue state" references drove that point home.

But let's go after the first three so we can establish a trend.

Walmart is closing 23 stores. They are also OPENING 150 new stores and renovating 600+ more in '24.

Target is closing nine stores. They are also OPENING 300 news stores in '24.


I just around across this. Maybe you'll find it helpful.

Have you ever heard of Snopes? Their lane is to analyze statements for truth. So here you go.


This might give you a little better understanding. If you look at it of course which I doubt. But if you do, I'd like to think you have enough self-respect to delete this post.

Bet you won't though. You're response will be probably be, "They're lying." Typically how it goes. So Go America. A nation you seem to hate and would like to see fail and be destroyed.

black4white · 56-60, M
@Ynotisay you are suppose to only read part of the article and then make your allegations on that …shame on you for disclosing the other aspects lol…uuuggghhh these minions are something else
Ynotisay · M
@black4white Yeah. I wouldn't make a good conservative. 😆👍
JustNik · 51-55, F
Those who actually do not wish to be willfully ignorant can easily find more context about this post that originated on Facebook. It leaves out a good deal of insight that does not serve its purpose.
I'm so thankful that Jesus is here for us 24/7.
Because people are shopping online. This is just free market capitalism.
@LeopoldBloom solar panels, henna for hair, wind generator for the home, - Only Available Online. But only because we have no say in the matter as consumers.
@Roundandroundwego My point is that listing a bunch of brick and mortar stores that are closing without mentioning where their business is going is dishonest.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Because Trumponomics worked so well, more than 2.9 million people lost their jobs--the only president since WWII to lose jobs.
Walmart closed 23 small/tiny stores last year indeed. But you conveniently left out this was in preparation to open bigger ones this year. I wonder why...


Should I go through the rest as well or can I just assume the whole list is misrepresentation and propaganda?
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Ynotisay · M
@NerdyPotato It's never anything less than mind-blowing to me to see how EASILY the "real Americans" can be manipulated. Just can't wrap my head around it. And yet they have the stones to call others "lemmings." It's so twisted.
11 US embassy’s have been abandoned since Bidjong took office..

America gunna be the new North Korea to the international community soon.

Isolated and embargo’d to death..
graphite · 61-69, M
Never mind that gasoline that used to be $2 a gallon is now more than twice that, since Biden took over.
black4white · 56-60, M
@graphite the price of gas was less then $1 when I was in high school too and that’s the POTUS fault as well? OR have you thought about the gas and oil industry making record profits every quarter and never thinking about the consumer but more concerned with lining their pockets?
graphite · 61-69, M
@black4white https://www.heritage.org/energy-economics/commentary/bidens-latest-fuel-proposal-promises-drive-gasoline-prices-higher

"Biden’s Latest Fuel Proposal Promises To Drive Gasoline Prices Higher"

Excerpt: As any Econ 101 student knows, gas prices are determined by supply and demand. Instead of encouraging more supply, though, the administration keeps poisoning the atmosphere for investment in traditional fuels.

In the latest example, the Environmental Protection Agency has just proposed a change to the Renewable Fuel Standard that will once again push supplies of fuel lower and make it more expensive. The EPA is creating a new way to comply with RFS by allowing auto companies to generate “eRINs” they will sell to oil refiners. This should be raising alarm bells in every agricultural and oil-producing state and at every gas pump in the country.

Right now, oil refiners have to obtain and submit renewable identification numbers, or RINs, at the end of every year to prove that they’ve blended sufficient biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel into petroleum fuels.
The projected corporate layoffs from a number of fortune 500 firms are staggering
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Open your eyes a little wider beyond America and you'll see this is high street shopping WORLDWIDE !

Because local authorities are having to charge huge rents and rates because

1. Central government refuses to continuously subsidise business without assurance of return.

2. Retail itself is struggling with high interest rates thanks to banks refusing to lower debt ceilings and credit ratings.

3. Buying anything homemade is expensive for the reasons listed above but cheaper product imports are being delayed either by customs and excise under orders to slow or stop foreign or otherwise produce from hitting the high street and threatening sales of homemade goods already present.
Or staff in those roles are so few in numbers due to shutdowns and layoffs

China; India; Russia; the E:U are all huge economies all experiencing the same thing.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” Benjamin Franklin
black4white · 56-60, M
Online shopping and e-commerce is getting stronger by the day… oh and don’t forget places also close just because sales taper off just because it happens…and remember co-vid played a HUGE role in the economy which is finally on the upside but let’s not forgot we need to drink bleach to sanitize our system plus co-vid will go away like the common cold…
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Now ask yourself how much of the stock these places sold was American made??😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@graphite Thanks to our "FOX" in the land that brought you Rupert Murdoch..Keep it up Buddy. I dont worry about it. But you following me around in other peoples posts will get the moderators watching you.😷
graphite · 61-69, M
@whowasthatmaskedman You live in a police state so its not surprising you'd want SW to be one, too. I can go in any thread I want. If you don't like it, tough.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@graphite I agree. The more people you annoy the better. As long as they understand you are being paid for this.😷
Briggett · T
They are closing because they use borrowed money and now it’s time to pay up. Higher interest wasn’t even a thought at.
Stop lazy and start thinking for once; just business as usual.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Welcome to whats happening to America. And it has nothing to do with left or right. Too late to repent. "The End is Nigh!"😷
graphite · 61-69, M
@whowasthatmaskedman Meanwhile, this is what's happening in Australia:[media=https://youtu.be/SmCjRo9W9OA?t=179]
I read that in 2019 the USA lost over 4200 store fronts.
People are broke after rent and car stuff. It's by design.
@Roundandroundwego And yet the economy is booming.
Workerbee · 31-35, M
Guess Biden supporters don’t care at all about that stuff 😂🤷🏾‍♂️
Ynotisay · M
@Workerbee You're "Hmmm" motivated me. So here's what I did. I picked just one store off that list. Went with Home Depot. You know, good "Murican store.
Yeah. They're closing 15 under-performing stores. They're a corporation. That's what they do. They also have roughly 2000 stores nationwide. In 2024 they're OPENING four new huge distribution centers, which means a whole lot of jobs, along with 12 new stores.
Do you see how that works? Do you get it now?
Now maybe you have an issue with capitalism. Supply and demand. And that's fine. But don't "Hmmm" out of hand. Take a second, have some self-respect and LEARN to look past whatever you're fed. Not hard.
Workerbee · 31-35, M
@Ynotisay well im glad I motivated you, the irony also being I used to work for Home Depot
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