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K-pop is overrated

When I first listened to and watched Kpop, it was something new and interesting. Attractive girl bands and boy bands wearing stylish clothing, signing catchy melodies in Korean adding some English in the mix and dancing in synchrony. But now, it's boring. I feel like K-pop goes by one formula and doesn't expand beyond that. The genre often lacks authenticity in its lyrics, the dance groups are the same; there are no differences in appearance, and in many songs there is one singer that tries to rap, etc.
kutee · T
on the day another poor k pop singer is found dead, very sad day
Isn't everything overrated by the people who like it ?
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Yeah, I'm not big on Kazakh pop either.
Elessar · 26-30, M

We should try this:

pancakeslam · 41-45, M
sounds annoying
Lilnonames · F
I always liked hyuna


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