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Which one do you suffer more from ? Suppression or Repression ?

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Luckylu · 61-69, F
I looked up the definitions of repression and suppression because what the image states was confusing to me.

Cambridge dictionary:

noun [ U ]

the use of force or violence to control a group of people

the process and effect of keeping particular thoughts and wishes out of your conscious mind in order to defend or protect it

Then I looked up suppression:
noun [ U ]


the act of ending something by force

the act of preventing something from being seen or expressed or from operating

Looking at both of these it isn't a matter of which I do more of. I do them both probably equally given the situation, such as, when I was a child I stopped myself from talking when I knew someone didn't want to hear what I had to say. This became a learned response around such people (my parents) after them telling me to stop talking or asking questions. I would just not talk when there were things I wanted to say or ask because I knew they didn't want to hear what I had to say.

I also learned to suppress certain thoughts and impulses because of what I was taught and later because of how negative thoughts impact me.

I think it should be more about whether it is harmful to ourselves and if so how much of what we is. Can we learn to stop the harmful patterns and make them healing patterns?
in10RjFox · M
@Luckylu So can we say What Parents did to you was Repression, and what happened to you as a consequence was Suppression?

I think it should be more about whether it is harmful to ourselves and if so how much of what we is. Can we learn to stop the harmful patterns and make them healing patterns?

It is harmful to oneself and to the society and the world. And Expression is how we release our Suppression, so it does not remain inside unresolved and in a benign state until it becomes malignant.
Luckylu · 61-69, F
@in10RjFox Of course what they did was repression but I carried it on not just with them but in other areas of my life, like at school, even when a teacher asked for input from the students I would not volunteer to talk.

I don't think all of it is harmful. If we are taught to do bad things and this becomes something we do, repressing it can be good if it makes us feel good about ourselves in the process. It doesn't become toxic or malignant. It would become toxic and malignant if we continued to do those bad things, especially if it made us feel bad about ourselves.
in10RjFox · M

From AI when I asked it to explain in terms of food and digestion.

Yes, that's a very apt way to think about it! Suppressing emotions or memories is akin to preventing oneself from vomiting, where there is a conscious effort to hold back and stifle the discomfort. Meanwhile, repression can be likened to regurgitation, as it involves a more passive and involuntary bringing back up of the suppressed emotions or memories. These analogies effectively capture the differences in the nature and processes of suppression and repression.
in10RjFox · M
@BloviatingBuffoon that comes under suppression of food.. it would be repression if you prevent yourself from vomitting.. 😀😀😀😀
in10RjFox · M

And ChatGPT for you.
Yes, that's a very apt way to think about it! Suppressing emotions or memories is akin to preventing oneself from vomiting, where there is a conscious effort to hold back and stifle the discomfort. Meanwhile, repression can be likened to regurgitation, as it involves a more passive and involuntary bringing back up of the suppressed emotions or memories. These analogies effectively capture the differences in the nature and processes of suppression and repression.
Neither. I let it out, which is healthy for me, but for some reason looked down upon.
@in10RjFox it's become exceedingly boring.
@PhoenixPhail Thank you. I think so too. I prefer things said plainly and honestly. Then save the imaginative speech for poetry or song.
in10RjFox · M
@SW-User True. That's why we stay away from the so-called real life and look for Foxes that speak and understand our language and where we can express freely without being judged. 😉
Neither. My honest self-inquiry and shadow work allow me to dive headlong into my issues. It can be really painful, but it's also very revealing. I don't want to suppress or repress anything.
PleasurePunch · 100+
Neither. I suffer from "flawed" thinking. It causes me to get lost in space when I know damn well where I'm going, and it causes me to not find objects when I know damn well where they are, and it causes me to be lost in reality when no one else gets like that. What did I do before that other thing? What is that thing that I cant recall? Was it this thing or that thing? When will the truth show up?? What do I have to do to retrace my steps?

or "Why did that thing end up like that" when I didn't cause it?

or How did that thing turn up here when it wasn't there a minute ago?
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
Suppression… but how would I know for sure? 🤔
in10RjFox · M
@WaryWitchWandering Suppression is what you do when you get an idea .. Repression is when you stop another from giving you ideas. How is that?
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
@in10RjFox repressed memories are gone from oneself until/unless uncovered

So how would I know
in10RjFox · M
@WaryWitchWandering When one door closes, other doors open. So it emerges in other ways that you least expect. Like anger, depression, mood swings etc.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Probably suppression. I know what are the problems, I just don't want to think about it. What for?
PerfectionOfTheHeart · 46-50, F
Supression. Big time. The unwanted thoughts are most definitely there, but there’s nothing unconscious about me going out of my way to deflect their effect on my mind.
RenFur · 70-79, M
Not much of either (as I age) even though being honest with myself isn't always easy.
Kae20 · 56-60, FVIP
Tbh I really couldn't do either of those .. never have done 🍍
deadteddy · 26-30, F

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