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What's the least private part of your body that someone can touch ?

HannahSky · F
I don't want anyone touching anything randomly
@HannahSky okay I'll apply at least a week in advance
HannahSky · F
@SW-User maybe a month
It depends on who it is. From most people I don't even like a hand shake. The pandemic was great in that regard, but most people went back to random touching.
elafina · 36-40, F
@NerdyPotato perhaps that's what we call skin
paradox to both crave and fear touch
elafina · 36-40, F
@NerdyPotato I'm going already 🙈
QCDog2659 · 61-69, M
It does depend on the person, but when somebody touches me, I must be aware of it prior to contact.

No surprise touches
elafina · 36-40, F
@QCDog2659 oh no 🙄 hope it'll get better 🙏
QCDog2659 · 61-69, M
@elafina After 40+ years, I am not counting on it happening. Lol
elafina · 36-40, F
@QCDog2659 yeah that's okay too, life has so many stuff to do and to focus 😺
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Probably feet. It doesn't feel threatening at all.
elafina · 36-40, F
@CrazyMusicLover huhu depends. A long lasting touch on the thighs ? Creepy 🙈
deadgerbil · 22-25
@CrazyMusicLover mmm,,, feet 🙂
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@elafina Noo, not even quick touch on thighs. 😅 That's a very private part.
dimfok · 22-25, M
Strangers: Everything apart from a handshake or maybe a hug if I like their vibe
Most people I’m close with: Fine to touch everything apart from the commonly referred to as private parts
People I’m really close with: touch away babies haha
elafina · 36-40, F
@dimfok I can stand a good shoulder's massage from an aquientance too..
dimfok · 22-25, M
@elafina yeah I think that sounds good too.
smiler2012 · 56-60
exexec · 61-69, C
I freely give handshakes or fist bumps, so my hands are usually accessible. Like any gentleman, I don't shake a lady's hand unless it is offered, so you ladies are safe with me.
I really don’t like being touched at all, unless I’m very close with the person.
elafina · 36-40, F
@DarkHeaven I'm like that too, although with certain people I can feel very comfortable from the very beginning. Usually these are some hippie huggers:) I haven't met any in China though so far..🤭
@elafina I’d give you a hug, but I don’t feel like we are strangers. At least not completely.
elafina · 36-40, F
@DarkHeaven yas!!! 🥺😁
Coldplay · 61-69, M
I'm a hugger. So I don't mind that. Obviously if I don't know them there are limits.
scorpio611 · 41-45, M
Don't like being touched by random someone.
elafina · 36-40, F
@scorpio611 it seems most people don't.. So far none answered otherwise...
ClydeKoolray · 46-50, M
Hands, arms, shoulders. Anything else just starts to get weird.
deadgerbil · 22-25
Hands, then arms and shoulders
elafina · 36-40, F
@deadgerbil yep. A lot less intimate than legs, never thought of it until now?
Degbeme · 70-79, M

then I sanitize them. 😬
I'm open to most touches wherever.
wackidywack · 22-25
Arms, i feel
elafina · 36-40, F
@wackidywack it seems like it.. or hair . .?
wackidywack · 22-25
@elafina hair is 99% off limits
GlitterEater · 36-40, F
If you touch me Imma murder you.
I guess my shoulder
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
I don't have a least private part. If someone I date wishes to touch me anywhere......they can.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
elbow or shoulder
My left pinky
candycane · 31-35, F
My stripes😝

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