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"I want to love myself the way that you do" what does this mean?

How would you interpret this. What exactpy does it mean im confused
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
To love and see yourself the way someone else seems to

To see yourself through their eyes
Ontheroad · M
@WaryWitchWandering Yep, that's it exactly.
Ontheroad · M
Sounds as if the person saying this doesn't love/accept themselves like their friend/lover/spouse does.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Love means many things. I have mentioned before, recently, that the greeks have nine forms of love.

Yet even nine forms isn't enough. Because while greeks do have self love (Philautia) it doesn't explain many types of love others have for one another.

Your saying makes huge assumptions. One being there is only one type of love. For even the greeks gave the word philia (sexual love).

Under this definition (philia) your saying would only be impossible. For how can a heterosexual experience the same love for an opposite sex and still be heterosexual? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Yet the same applies to other forms of love.

I can only assume, yes assume, that the other loves themselves (Philautia) better than you love yourself.

This is the only way I can see this possible.

To say "To see yourself through their eyes", is clearly impossible. You would have to be that person, to experience that form of love. Not referring to other forms of sexual love, because that is possible with some forms.

No two people are the same.

Today's society refuses to acknowledge that everyone is different. Hence, the messed up, single word for love.

This saying only shows how messed up this society is pushing control over others. Limit the number of words you force only one point of view.

Is it no wonder that this society doesn't want more than two genders? More words means less control! 🤷🏻‍♂️
They wish they could bend over a little farther.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
For a lot of people, loving themselves is difficult. They don't understand why they are worth the love, so they wish they had the perspective of the people who seem to love them easily.
Well said . Thank you. 🌿 <3 @ViciDraco
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
I would assume that this person means that they want to love themselves the way you love them, but it's a weird way of phrasing it. Ambiguous.

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