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She plays with your strings and breaks your...

Once there was a girl, a little girl, barely over eight years old, that was very curious and asked lots of unwelcome questions to grown-ups that always had something better to do. One day, granny-spilled-it told the little girl that her mother had played the violin when she was little, when she was between the ages of five and ten, but then had stopped. The little girl thought she was very lucky to play music and that it was a shame she quit and she asked why she had. But neither granny-spilled-it nor grandpa-embarrassed-silence had a forward answer. The little girl was not satisfied with their soundlessness and wrapped the violin in its wooden box at the back of her head until she went back home after the holidays and she asked her mother why had she quit playing the violin? Her mother exclaimed with an equally surprised face and tone of voice: "the violin?!" Like she had never played it in her life. "Yes, when you were between 8 and 13", persisted the little girl without being corrected on her mistake. "Oh.. that", her mother sounding uncertain then quieting. The little girl insisted, why had she quit playing. And her mother looked at her and said: "I don't know." And the little girl withdrew from her mother's space to her room. And the little girl grew up, and so did that fiddly violin, now way too big for its wooden box at the back of her head.

The fiddle / The mind traveler
The moral of the story being, what?
@Blackoutladydreader Got it, like what my mother is norotious for.
@NativePortlander1970 it's a small world after all.

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