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how can i find a partner at my time of life

i'm past my mid 40s now, and i haven't found a partner - girlfriend so far because i had difficult mental problems to deal with, difficult social problems too and unfortunately i missed out and never had opportunity's....the opportunity's i got i wasted and threw away because i was young immature and troubled.

now i live alone, lived alone 19 years in a little apartment and get lonely, i only have my elderly parents for support and they live childhood dream was to find a can i find one now? is it too late for me?
Blanchy · 31-35, F
I think you would need to drastically change both yourself and your life, because I have trouble seeing how you'll catch up on all the life experience most men of your age have. They have experience with young love, cheating, loss, mature love, what types of people they fair well with, and the list goes on. Most people don't stay together with their first partner, because that's when they learn. In that sense, it could be unlikely that you'll stay with your first partner, but your partner will already have gone through several relationships and might only look for something serious and stable. First relationships are almost never stable. I don't mean to scare you, but the reason I said you might have to drastically change yourself and your life, is because the angle would change if you could say that you're someone who truly turned around, said goodbye to the past and went to experience a lot of new things, travelled, became social et cetera. That's a very charming scenario, and some people have done that successfully. I don't think you'll have much luck if you're desperate to experience a relationship in the first place, as that would come across as naive or immature, so think about all the other things you want to experience in life, first. Nothing is ever too late, but happiness requires effort, and some situations require more effort than others. I know this is a lot to take in, but I hope I was able to give you some food for thought, if nothing else.

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