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how can i stop getting angry so quickly with people

i have always been very sensitive, the touchy type..i tend to take things if someone uses a word i don't like or keeps using a word over and over again, it can leave me feeling very angry....i was on the phone earlier and the woman kept using the word 'already'...and i tried to keep patient, but her using that word really wound me up and in the end, i came off feeling uptight with her on the phone...i put the phone down to stop myself from being threatening.

how can i learn to relax and not take what people do so seriously? i think half the time it's because i don't know how to take people.
HannahSky · F
She's using one word you didn't like and you were going to be threatening? I think I'd ask yourself how ridiculous that really is.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
One way to avoid anger at others is to try to learn to redirect the anger into sympathy. Most people are either unaware or unable to control habits you find annoying. Rather than be angry, consider feeling sorry for them.
canwenot · 18-21, F
I am considered to be a very calm person. The only thing I do when someone gets on my nerves is to pause that feeling or thought and wait until my anger wears off. I get angry a lot too, I just don't let it show and after I calm down and clear my head I just let it go.
For example, my mom is talking loudly on the phone while I try to do my homework. Of course I get a little pissed but I keep it to myself until the call ends so I can calm down too. It's called being patient.
BOREDAFPA · 41-45, M
Somewords are used out of habit because its regional or the way people around them talk. For instance I find the way a lot of baby boomer era people speak as self absorbed and dismissive. I also have a friend who is an elementary educator and they speak inna way as though they are lecturing you. Another reason why we rarely talk. Id aay just consider factors like their job, surrroundings or region and it becomes more explainable and acceptable
You did it right. Put your phone down and walk away. In a situation that the person keeps getting in your face, you can explode your anger right back in their face because they totally deserve it.
ArtieKat · M
I get angry with people who don't use capital letters and correct punctuation. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
In all seriousness, consider an SSRI. It helps with irrational feelings like this.
Start practicing Apathy.
It is helping me.

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