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Since the overturn of Roe vs. Wade, it's gonna be interesting to know where talks on abortion go from here and beyond

The idea some people have in preventing an abortion is to not get pregnant is a lazy way of thinking, as it ignores all the possible reasons a woman might end up needing/getting an abortion. For example, some women experience severe complications during pregnancy that might result in an early termination, they may have been eager to become a mother but shit happened in the process.

Though, It doesn't help that since the overturn of R v W, depending on which state a woman lives in, if she lives in a state where there's a 6 week ban but is in need of an abortion, she may be denied that procedure due fear some medical professionals trained in that field have of going to prison if they perform the procedure or prescribe her an abortion pill. From accounts I've read, being denied help has to be an awful/scary experience that will continue for others in the future. Due to this and more, I honestly think the decision will eventually cause more people to lean more to pro-choice and/or a greater support for women's reproductive health as this effects everyone.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
There has been one recent development. The Biden Administration's Health and Human Services is proposing to shield the medical records of women to prevent states from going after them. The Attorneys General of 19 republican states are protesting and demanding that they have access to records in the event that a state resident goes to another state WHERE ABORTION IS LEGAL and has an abortion. They want to be able to prosecute those women in the future. Here is an article from Kentucky where it is discussed.


But wait, it even goes beyond that. They want access to information on "pregnancy, contraception, fertility, prenatal care, miscarriage management and abortion." So should a backward state like Kentucky outlaw the use of contraception, they want the right to prosecute women who receive contraceptives.

And it isn't just reproductive rights. Tennessee is already seizing medical records of trans people, and other states are sure to follow.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@exchrist Which is exactly why they are asking that HIPAA not be applied to these situations or enforced. They want complete medical control over their state women residents and their reproductive health.
Puppycat23 · F
@windinhishair I don’t know how any lawmaker or citizen can read this plan and be okay with it. I hope it backfires
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Puppycat23 19 Republican states think it is exactly the right thing to do.
HannahSky · F
New generation of people learning what it was like before r v w, and will ultimately take a stand, one way or another. Education regarding women's health in general is needed in the general population.
Yeah, but I think the advent of the morning-after pill and the 10-week abortion pill change the situation in fundamental ways. Far fewer women will need to go to an abortion provider; they can take a pair of pills and have an abortion in the privacy of their own homes.

Also none of the abortion statistics will accurately reflect the rate of private at home pharmaceutical abortions, so the data for public debate will be highly suspect. I think women will still shun anti-abortion states on principle, but those who remain will always have the pharmaceutical option.
exchrist · 31-35
@ElwoodBlues that's true but it'll be even more fun when women choose not to pass on the genes of the men trying to control their choices in those states. I have 137 already 102 guaranteed . with at least 2 more en route. Id say it's happening
exchrist · 31-35
@exchrist I've used this site to document to the extent possible every single one of my kids. No joke 102 for sure 95 guaranteed and possibly 137 I stopped tracking it when it hit 82. It's amazing but unbelievable. And they keep asking for that donation I made close to 30 years ago
JPWhoo · 36-40, M
Seems like we’re already seeing an increase in support among the general population for women’s freedom of choice in reproductive care, polling and failures of several states to pass further restrictions on abortion seem to bear this out; however, now that the right’s got a young 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court, it likely won’t matter a whole lot what the majority of Americans want regarding abortion. Abortion in the US is practically dead at least until everyone in my generation is dead too.
JSul3 · 70-79
@JPWhoo It is now a states rights issue. Go to the blue states that provide abortions or go to Israel, as they provide free abortions.
exchrist · 31-35
It'll be fun when women flock out of abortion restrictive states. Thatd solve this.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@exchrist I agree. I think the states that are restricting women's rights the most are going to suddenly find themselves experiencing a shortage of women.
exchrist · 31-35
@LordShadowfire or a rise in homosexuality. That'll b fun too. One might lead to the other but both is gonna be rediculous I've already noticed a at least 20% increase in total number of women here in Albany. Which is fantastic. Might just be summer though
Then there’s the fact that pregnancy can occur as a result of rape or forced incest. People trying to downplay how often it happens aren’t denying that it does.
exchrist · 31-35
@bijouxbroussard that's messed up ur right yet again. Jeez tough times are coming especially in the south and midwest
JSul3 · 70-79
Now red state AGs are demanding the private medical records of women who travel out of state to get an abortion.

Adrift · 61-69, F
@JSul3 Doesn't that violate HIPPA?
I believe it would.
JSul3 · 70-79
@Adrift We shall see.
This was done in state:
Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) confirmed Tuesday that it turned over transgender patients’ medical records to the Tennessee attorney general as part of an investigation into medical billing—a move that stirred controversy and privacy concerns.

"Medical billing"????? They want to stop any transgender care and arrest the parents.
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F

Always rules for thee, but not for me.

It's fun to listen to people ignore the complete lack of fertility and the low to non existent libido in the aging population.
Abortion? Lolz. Thoughts and prayers for the dying people on the dying planet you don't want to talk about. And LoLz.
exchrist · 31-35
I'm saying women are the only way the country continues. They are the majority of ppl. Leave them be. I kinda get it though a few of mine have been abort I have a seizure sometimes when that happens
Renaci · 36-40
They knew this would happen. It's a feature not a bug.
With RvW those that needed one could get one and those that didn't want one didn't get one.
Now it's a mismash of red tape meant to prosecute everyone. Birth control is next and then premarital sex. Once sex is controlled the church can be brought in to rule as a theocracy.
exchrist · 31-35
@Renaci I'm worried too I plan to lead the revolution after it gets going
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I certainly hope you're right, But we've seen several states try to go the opposite direction.
exchrist · 31-35
@LordShadowfire they will get what's coming to them Texas going gay would be so much fun to observe. Just think of the 180 they'll have to take

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