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So Tired Of All The Abortion Restrictions.

I have been in training for last year to assist in pregnancy termination. I have been volunteering at my aunt's clinic for that long, and she has been a provider for nearly 20 years. I am ready for the nonsense to end and people to wake up to the reality that women's reproductive rights are one of the most important issues of our time.
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
This is such a sensitive subject. Abortions should never be banned in any country for multiple reasons. Women and girls should always have a right to choose, when it comes to their bodies, and futures.
missyann · 56-60
@SlaveEt Amen !!! This thing still happens today. I’m 1976 I was 12 and was with my mom at the Dr and she found out that she was pregnant. She had an IUD, she didn’t know what it truly did. I heard the Dr say she needed an abortion before she sent me to the waiting room He said that it would be grow in the baby brain. !He said he could do it the next morning. I didn’t know what an abortion was. I listened outside my parents room that night . My Dad said that they would accept what God have them. We weren’t overly religious

The next evening her IUD fell out on its own . If she had listened to him I wouldn’t have my beautiful sister
@Lanie78 About 92.5% of all abortions are on demand birth control, no medical or ethical reasons due to violations.
@Lanie78 Here are the statistics,

Less than 5% are for legitimate reasons, 95.5% of abortions are on demand as birth control. That. Is. Murder. cc: @missyann @SlaveEt @TheDisciplinarian
Bleak · 36-40, F
Abortion for some stupid irrelevant reasons means a murder to me.

At least deliver a baby for God’s sake and then give it to any childless couple.
missyann · 56-60
@Bleak AMEN !!!
@Bleak If it’s relevant to the person not ready to risk her life bearing a child, it’s relevant enough. Few people claiming to be "pro-life" are stepping up to adopt unwanted children, or even fostering them. And they certainly aren’t putting any money towards helping anyone.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
For life saving and health preserving purposes I believe access to abortion should not be illegal, which so far it isn't. And for any other purpose, while not ideal, up to 12 weeks seems reasonable to me. I think abortion as a form of birth control is not an acceptable reason.
missyann · 56-60
@SlaveEt No unborn baby has had to be wilfully intentionally deliberately killed to save a mothers life. An ectopic pregnancy, the fetus which will never become viable has to be removed to save a mothers life. The intention is not to kill the unborn life, it is to save the mother.

There is a huge difference in a mother's life and her health
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Indeed, it is why I am personally against the practice of abortion and believe it should be illegal. However, I am also aware there are cases where it is nessisary. I am also a conservative libertarian and therefore believe in personal responsibility and personal freedom. This means I don't think the government should have a darn thing to say about any part of a person's life, especially when it comes to their bedroom, their doctor's office or their home. The government's obligations are stated in the US Constitution and anything outside those explicitly stated obligations is no bloody business of government.
missyann · 56-60
@SlaveEt I don't.believe.that someone.can be personally against.abortion but don't want Impose
on someones elses.rights. Are you personally against.child abuse, slavery, or the holocaust but don't think you have the right to step on someone elses.right.to commit these horrible crimes ? I would hope not. Do all innocent human lives deserve to be protected and the right to be born or only some.? Either all do or none do. Abortion is worst civil orights crisis today

We have had government intervention on slavery, civil rights of african americans in the 60s, women's rights.etc..... I haven't.heard.anyone saying the government didn't have the right to impose laws to.protect these.lives. Everyone seems to agree with the government. The government even protects the rights of criminals who have committed heinous crimes crimes against humanity. Why is it so wrong.for the government to protect unborn human beings ? They are human beings.in their earliest development.
SnailTeeth · 36-40
These Trump idiots just want to break democracy in order to validate their shitty behavior. They want to see the rest of the world get frustrated and devolve into being equally shitty, in order to feel better about themselves.
It's truly a sad state of affairs.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Did I miss something domewhere? Did the OP state anywhere in their post or responses that they were a Trump supporter?
SnailTeeth · 36-40
@SlaveEt Stalker.
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
Yet murder is still murder remember we all stand in judgment at the end.
missyann · 56-60
I am tired of euphemism's used by pro abortion. Reproductive rights, pro choice, anti choice, termination of pregnancy, products of conception, fetus, abortion rights advocates, anti choice advocates.

We have no problem saying the words that mouthwash & bleach kill germs. What do weed spray, mouse traps or bug spray do ? They kill. What does the abortion procedure do ? It kills a human life. If a fetus is such an insignificant " thing " why avoid saying the word kill when discussing abortion ? If pro abortion are so proud of a " womans right " they should be shouting from the roof top.

They won't use" political correct terms " because they are offensive and judgmental.
Euphemism's are more polite and kinder to women. Once again, if someone believes that abortions are a positive moral action for the good of society, they wouldn't have to hide behind sissy soft euphemisms The purpose of an abortion procedure is always to produce a dead human being. Nothing else can be expected.

An abortion doesn' t make a woman unpregnant, it makes her the mother of a dead baby
missyann · 56-60
@Wales Where do you get your information from? It is NEVER the intention of the US military to kill innocent civilians. Definitely not terrorism.

The government is limiting the international and deliberate killing of innocent human lives. Women do have choices. One of these is called contraception if she doesn’t want to be pregnant. Another is abstinence.

The reason we have elections is to vote for politicians who support our ethical and moral values. US citizens have every right to stand for laws that they believe are better for society. I believe a law that says that it is wrong to intentionally and deliberately kill an innocent human life is good for society

I will always make it my business to protect and defend all innocent lives
Wales · M
@missyann Believe what you want. The United States military has murdered innocent people all over the world. I will never stand behind the United States government.
missyann · 56-60
@Wales Okay believe what you want. Support anyone you want
Oster1 · M
You look and act like a blood thirsty Demon, to me. Same for your quack Aunt's, 'business'!!!
Its not a right. Its a wrong.. on so many levels .. but you just enjoy being an invasive perv who annihilates infants
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Fo it is a choice and is what should be preserved
missyann · 56-60
@PTCdresser57 A choice for who and for what.?
lol, shut up
JosiahForSure · 26-30, M
@SW-User No, you STFU! 😆
Slade · 56-60, M
@JosiahForSure what a brilliant comeback!
@JosiahForSure get lost, troll
hope your uterus will survive this ..
Slade · 56-60, M
^First Class Putz^
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Kill all the babies you want, don't expect the rest of us to pay for it
missyann · 56-60
@sunsporter1649 If you believe that its ok for people to be able to.kill all the babies they want, then you must think it should be legal. You should have no problem with your tax money helping to.pay for it
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@missyann Abortion...the screwing you get for the screwing you did not get
missyann · 56-60
HannahSky · F
Volunteer? I don't want a volunteer in any medical office.
@HannahSky I used to be a volunteer for Planned Parenthood, but of course I wasn’t involved in any medical procedures. Only doctors were.
If this person is in the U.S., they must be in a state that has outlawed all abortions, where doctors would risk losing their licenses. The scary part is that if abortions are completely outlawed nationwide we’ll go back to the days when abortions were performed by medical school dropouts, nurse practioners, and people with even less experience.
Are either of you actual doctors or have legit medical training?
JosiahForSure · 26-30, M
@V00doo I don't have to be a doctor, to assist. I have a bachelors in Elementary Education and I know this business in and out.
@JosiahForSure Just curious. I wouldn't be comfortable having someone without the nursing/doctor background assissting. Im a teacher, I wouldnt qualify in any medical sense other than giving someone a plaster on a cut.
JosiahForSure · 26-30, M
@V00doo I get it. I can only assist.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
This is a very sensitive topic. On one side I believe if parents aren't ready for the baby then it shouldn't happen and abortion helps.
On the other side I feel it shouldn't be taken as a game and play with women's organs.
So, you admit to being a baby butcher, tell us all the FULL abortion procedure, whether it's burning them alive with salts, or cutting them apart while alive.

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