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Florida Abortion Ban

Our great gov signed an abortion ban

We actually value life and family here in Florida

The only people crying about abortion bans are amoral radical feminists and baby killers
If you actually value life and family, you would support a ban on guns.

TheGreatestEver123 · 41-45, M
@SW-User I can’t find it. Perhaps it was someone else
@TheGreatestEver123 I think it was, to be honest.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@SW-User leading causes of death for those under 18 are auto accidents, drug overdose, and drowning; gun related deaths are insignificant by comparison.

If it's really about "saving the kids", perhaps we should ban distracted driving (cell phone usage and loud music account for majority of teenager dwi/dui crashes), drugs, and swimming pools... 🤔

when leftists cite gun death statistics, they conveniently leave out the fact that 75% of deaths are self inflicted/suicides as a result of depression and/or mental illness (how many of those are due to gender dysphoria, overmedication, and chronic recreational drug use I wonder?)

Firearms aren't a cause, they're an effect of a much more dire cause that's largely ignored. And it doesn't help matters when a biased media sensationalizes any story involving a firearm, to which, predictably, the ignorant masses respond emotionally, and remain oblivious to any rational/logical explanation.
What do you do to support children born into poverty or to drug addicted parents?
I am a fun, smart, irreverent guy with a clever wit. I am cheerful most of the time but can be feisty. Despite our zillions of problems I don't like it when people diss my country - especially if they are not from here.

I am single right now and would welcome meeting a nice lady who appreciates my edgy style. Failing that I wouldn't mind at all meeting someone for friends with benefits. I am in the New York City area.😊😎✌️





You smell like desperation
Slade · 56-60, M
@Ozymandiaz stay away from my profile dickhead.

Now go to an abortion factory and jerk off
@Slade Someone is upset 😂
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
I wonder how you would feel if you were made pregnant by a rapist?
@TheGreatestEver123 If it's not murder sometimes then it's not ever. I get that some people are irresponsible though.
Sorry I edited @TheGreatestEver123
TheGreatestEver123 · 41-45, M
@Spoiledbrat smooch
BlueVeins · 22-25
Unfortunately for you, those immoral feminists & baby killers make up 55% of the national population lol
pdockal · 56-60, M

BlueVeins · 22-25
@pdockal 💋
pdockal · 56-60, M

helmi · 46-50, F
Thinking statistically, Gen Z will soon be voting as a majority and "they" have conflicting viewpoints with the dying population of "white" wing ultras. (In fact, Z's seem to be more loving/accepting/inclusive humans compared to the last few generations or so.) They also happen to make up a significantly larger demographic than the few "Christian" nationalists who are screaming very loudly these days.

I am familiar with the words of Jesus and I have never read where he commanded his servants to judge, bully, cheat, intimidate, harass, or shoot others simply because they were different from us or they were doing things we didn't like or agree with. America may be suffering from a psychosis that Jesus is stuck in the old testament. Or maybe Americans need to revisit the New Testament and perhaps the Constitution if they are going to insist on imposing their views on a county that was founded on freedom of religion.

So, watch the upcoming generation and see how far some of the radical views fare.
chrisCA · M
@helmi Republicans are scared shitless of Gen Z.
Slade · 56-60, M
@chrisCA Tell us all about it Canuck
And women who have miscarried but the fetus is not expelled and then begins to become septic until she dies.

And 10 years olds that Uncle Jake or daddy.....or Matt Gaetz raped.
TheGreatestEver123 · 41-45, M
@MaBalzEsHari Aww, you’re butthurt because I destroyed your joke of an ideology. Guess you can’t handle a conversation with a real freethinker like me.
@TheGreatestEver123 If I had of noticed that you...the HUGE expert in Florida and GOP politics........was from the UK in beginning I would have just laughed you off. Of course you didn't know about anything in regards to moving the state of Florida and al other states back 100 years.............you're still bowing to a royal you didn't even elect. You're a joke. Bye Karen.
TheGreatestEver123 · 41-45, M
@MaBalzEsHari Oh my god, you’re a clown. I’m from the U.K. and I know 100 times more than you about your own country and politics. And all you can do is try to insult my by saying I’m bowing to the Royal family? I’m not a royalist, I don’t believe in the principle of hereditary monarchy at all and I don’t support it.

You must be about 13 years old. You’re so ignorant, uninformed and childish. I think it’s obvious you are the Karen because you’re the one ranting off to me hysterically calling me a racist, a bigot, a fascist. That’s what a Karen would do.
Wales · M
You value invading the private moral decisions of women and denying them safe and legal access to medical care. Your governor's actions were inhumane and appalling.
helmi · 46-50, F
@TheGreatestEver123 and you presume to "know" mine?
helmi · 46-50, F
hold up:
"pro-choice people don’t seem to believe that an unborn child actually is a child. They treat it as if it is a growth or a tumour that can just be removed."
"They don’t think there is any moral implication of abortion"

This sounds very judgmental to me....presuming what others believe.

Blessings to you and yours,
@helmi and yet, when the child is born, the pro-lifers essentially do a 180 and couldn’t care less if the child is tossed aside.

As long as babies are born, and women suffer, they’re happy (though they will never admit it)
Changed my mind on this kinda thing..

Nice I think Men and Women also teens who have sex and Women who get preggers should keep baby.

You know why "abortions" and others things where really allowed e.g. condoms & other things aswell as "vaccines" oh plus why all this LGBTQandsomanylettersaddedon bullshit are allowed..

Well its for population control..they want a certain amount of people in the world so its easier to CONTROL and Keep an eye on them.

Also reason why they start wars and that kinda thing.

Only with "rape" the woman should be allowed or decide if she wants to get rid of baby or not..
@PrincessRoarBuddy yup it's all about control
Yeah, sadly that and other things.
@Matt85 this is the answer I was meaning in ur question saying that I answered a question a few days ago. Well here it is, what do u think 🤷🏼‍♀️

Kodel · 26-30, M
I'm thinking of coining a new term.
Impregneosis: Definition: A sexually transmitted disease that typically lasts for 9 months give or take a couple of weeks. Symptoms include morning sickness, elevated hormones, abdominal swelling and potentially producing another small human if the condition reaches its maximum duration. Recommended treatments are; abortion.

Quite a sad state of affairs when people start treating babies as STDs, not to mention being amazed at the fact that the one singular action designed to procreate does exactly what it's supposed to do. I'm definitely not addressing the freak occurrences where preventative methods were used and they didn't work, or where impregnation was involuntarily (if you understand what I mean there), but people who genuinely do treat pregnancy as an STD. Abortion exists entirely for those freak occurrences and involuntary impregnation. Not as a get out of jail free card for laziness or naivety.
Kodel · 26-30, M
@SW-User Nope, I'd still be saying it if I was a woman.
Both men and women are responsible for "preventing" a pregnancy, however women have MANY more preventative methods than men do. Plus women are also the ones who get pregnant. Like I said before, in the freak occurrences where preventative methods failed or when there was involuntarily impregnation, I don't have a problem. When abortion is treated like a form of contraception, that's where I have a problem.
I couldn't care less about vilifying women. That's not the point. My point isn't to shame women. It's to encourage women to educate themselves so they don't feel like they can rely on abortion. If you really want to play it as a question of "fault" then I'd simply ask, "If you're trying to avoid getting pregnant, why did you have unprotected sex?" It makes no sense.

Clearly in that case you have no idea what hate speech is. I don't hate women or even abortion. I just don't like people misusing a system to alleviate responsibility prior to or after a poor decision has been made.
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Kodel · 26-30, M
@FaithfulDamagedSoul You could always try abstinence? If you really don't want to have a kid, that's a 100% guaranteed method of achieving that without compromising your hormones. Either that or just avoid vanilla sex. There are a few alternatives.
I love it when people quote me but leave out context.

"When abortion is treated like a form of contraception, that's where I have a problem."

It's not the kind of problem that hurts my feelings or my virtues. I'll stay away from whoever I choose to stay away from. They may have had an abortion for a reason I would condone, or they might not have. I can disagree with people without hating them. If they ask my opinion, absolutely I'll give it to them but it doesn't mean I hate the person and wish to avoid them. You can't help people with hatred after all.
It’s a foetus not a baby
TheGreatestEver123 · 41-45, M
@SW-User they are not women’s rights. There are two lives to consider - the baby and the mother.
@TheGreatestEver123 no, until it’s born there is only the mother
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AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
I swear I never thought in a million years roe v wade would be overturned .
TheGreatestEver123 · 41-45, M
@AthrillatheHunt good thing it was
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@TheGreatestEver123 I didn’t complain when California said screw the fed and legalized weed . I can’t complain now.
States rights are a thing .
Slade · 56-60, M
@AthrillatheHunt I knew it'd be. It's legal foundation was as sturdy as a sand castle. Even the most liberal lawyers agreed it was not based on anything sound
What rank do you hold in the Moral Police Force? Is the pay good?
chrisCA · M
@MaBalzEsHari Some of these people should move to Iran or Afghanistan where this attitude would be accepted.
TheGreatestEver123 · 41-45, M
Would you ban abortion in the case of an ectopic pregnancy?
TrashCat · M
If they care about unborn babies, i wonder what they do to stop kids getting illed after they are born.
These child rapists and killers have no solutions.
Florida is a third world country
Slade · 56-60, M
@TrashCat you fetishize abortion abd claim others jerk to dead babies.

You belong in a rubber room. Or preferably, swirling down a toilet
TrashCat · M
@Slade What do you propose to keep kids safe? 😶
Slade · 56-60, M
@TrashCat is that my responsibility?

One thing that would work is not chopping them up in the womb
TheGreatestEver123 · 41-45, M
It’s not an abortion ban. It allows abortion up to 6 weeks and 15 weeks in the case of incest or rape.
TheGreatestEver123 · 41-45, M
@MethDozer maybe I misunderstood one of your comments. You believe there should be term limits?
MethDozer · M
@TheGreatestEver123 how many times does a person have to say no?
TheGreatestEver123 · 41-45, M
@MethDozer so you do agree that a woman should be allowed to have an abortion the day before she is due to give birth? You don’t think there should be any limit (12, 15, 24 weeks).

Do you know what ‘term limit’ means?
eMortal · M
This is a false debate. A 6 weeks is enough time for most women to know they’re pregnant. There is no issue there. I support the woman’s right to choose.
That law is essentially political, to make his base feel like he’s doing something.
chrisCA · M
@eMortal Really? Let's hear from some women on that.
eMortal · M
@chrisCA Of course, but you won’t get a general consensus there. The range could vary from 0 to 9 months.
If you’re worry about r@pe and incest, there are some provisions for that.
Philth · 46-50, M
Pro-life nations don't glorify war.
graphite · 61-69, M
Democrats insist Republicans don't care about babies after they're born but funny thing, Republicans actually have babies while Democrats, too busy with their careers and activism and terrified of "climate change," don't.

@eli1601 I don’t care about a being with no sense of existence. It’s not a life if you don’t know you’re alive. You’re essentially a vegetable.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
@MorbidCynic As is Joe Biden, but he has no hope of a life. A fetus does.
@eli1601 a fetus is not a conscious being.
You could almost feel sorry for the country, but it chose this.
chrisCA · M
@Roundandroundwego Change is coming.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
You disgust me on a deep level.
TrashCat · M
"Great Gov"
Was Desantis replaced? 😃
Renaci · 36-40
I should have know someone with a flag in their pfp was a traitor. Tell me, how many actual children have you abused? Being aborted is far better than what you are doing.
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TheGreatestEver123 · 41-45, M
@FaithfulDamagedSoul consciousness emerges long before birth. Do you understand the principle of fetal viability?
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TheGreatestEver123 · 41-45, M
@FaithfulDamagedSoul ok. That’s a defendable position. There are some people out there who think a foetus is never a child until it is born. They treat it like a tumour. I think the term ‘unborn child’ is a reality.

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