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Post About Abortion..

I feel like a lot of the people that are so passionate about the issue do not actually care about the topic as much as they make out. I think that a lot of times people attack others with opposing opinions because of their egos more than it is about believing abortion is okay or not okay.. they don't want to change minds they just want to pick teams and that is why they can't be civil.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
IMO, the abortion issue has no "right" answer. It is very complex and has countless views that affect everyone differently.

The fact is that over 63 million abortions have been performed in the US since Roe v. Wade. Around 19 million of them were Black babies. If you calculate how many additional children would have been born to those aborted children over the past 49 years you would get additional millions.

Look at from from a national security standpoint. Some of those kids would have been geniuses who could have help solve numerous problems that affect us all. Others would have been major liabilities as criminals. Most would have been productive citizens if given the opportunity.

There would have been the usual tradeoffs, requiring more resources for the infrastructure to support them, such as schools, hospitals, housing, food, etc.

Then there's the racial element. Since racists don't usually like Black people would they really want to eliminate abortion if it resulted in 19 million more Black people? But, looking at it nationally, it seems that the racist States are more against abortion than the liberal ones are. Therefore, even though the racists may say that they hate Blacks they seem to be willing to allow them to be born.

Over the long-term, what will be the consequences of a major reduction in native population over the coming years? There will be far fewer people who are actually Americans by birth and culture. The country is being invaded by millions of illegal aliens. How will that affect the future of the country? And then there's the basic self-interest question of who will take care of us as we get older if we have no younger family members because we aborted them?

From an individual pov, should women be able to have abortions? Of course they should. Otherwise, they will simply kill the child at some point in the future.

The bottom line is that there is no easy or right answer to the problem because it has many facets and each can give a reasonable answer. The solution may be to reframe the question and thereby get people to look at other parts of the problem.
missyann · 56-60
@Diotrephes Wow a very intelligent perspective. I mean WOW !!!! You covered both sides without showing favor. I only wish I had your ability to see issues without judgement. I will certainly try.

Thank you. I have definitely learned something. I will re-read your post. I am 100℅ pro life but no one has ever spoken in a way that has truly made me want to see the pro life side.

I'm so glad that I asked this question. Thank you again 😊
Yes usually that's the case, like don't take into consideration the context or anything, but anyway it's always been a controversial topic.
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@SW-User Personally I don't think it should be controversial. I have my own opinions on abortion but I think you should be able to discuss it if you want to but its when people just want to one up eachother it becomes distasteful.
@Misanthropic kinda like religions, but it's for the lack of tolerance different views..
missyann · 56-60
I so agree. Some people just want a reason to fight and be ugly. They have no intention of learning something new.
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@missyann People love to feel right.
4meAndyou · F
Relentless or abusive arguments are a good reason to use the block button, IMO. I have my opinions also, but I really hate to argue and can't stand to be abused.
missyann · 56-60
@4meAndyou I'm not trying to be a smartass, I truly want to understand. How can an adult be abused by words on social media ? I'm not talking about bodily threats or a child.
4meAndyou · F
@missyann No problem. I will explain. I was physically and verbally abused as a child, then married three husbands who were each abusive in their own way, and divorced them. I now have PTSD to a minor degree. My older brother has it, also.

Both of us are the same, (my brother and I), in that we now react extremely poorly to stress of any kind. It's what we perceive as stress that causes us to go into PTSD mode.

My brother and I both have ulcers, I used to get panic attacks, my brother was unable to chair his department at Michigan State because he would get SO freaked out at the realities of political infighting. He had to resign as chair. He is able to cope with major things in his life, (such as his spouse enduring a quadruple bypass surgery, a water heater flood in one of their homes, and a hurricane evacuation ALL in the same month), but can't deal with verbally cruel or abusive people.

Both of us are functional, yet dysfunctional...(I know...a contradiction), but we both recognize our triggers and AVOID them. One of my triggers is abusive language...( crude swear words directed at me or my friends). My profile "about me" mentions this. I was pretty traumatized during my 2nd and 3rd marriages, and the third marriage was the worst of all. In the first and later days, It was like being married to a violent insane gorilla with the mouth of a nasty construction worker.

I have forgiven, tried to forget most of it, and I have moved on to a safe and isolated life, and yet all I need to do is read abusive language on this site, toward me or my friends, and the stomach clenching and racing heart begins again.

I am sorry my explanation is so long, but...you did ask.
scrood · 31-35
Tell that to the clinic firebombers and the FBI
missyann · 56-60
@Misanthropic Do you think when people start throwing personal attacks , it could be because someone has said something that makes sense and they just don't have an answer?
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@missyann I think it is because they feel like they are under attack when someone has opposing views to them.. so they feel the need to defend their own views even if they are flawed.
missyann · 56-60
@Misanthropic I try really hard to state the reason why I believe the way that I do. I truly like to hear why people believe what they do. I have actually changed my stance because someone was civil and explained their position

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