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What is your quest in life?

Adogslife61-69, M
Love and happiness, both giving and receiving.
LilPrincess41-45, F
To be happier longer than a few hours 馃槖
XDHyperGirlXD131-35, F
To take over the world 馃槼
@XDHyperGirlXD1 [media=]
DeWayfarer61-69, M
To change.
Umile41-45, F
@DeWayfarer .... for the better, yes.
DeWayfarer61-69, M
@Umile change is progressive if you haven't noticed. Yes sometimes it takes two steps backwards to move a half a step forward. Yet it always is eventually progressive.
Umile41-45, F
@DeWayfarer True.
To follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far. 猸愶笍
Umile41-45, F
I just want to be happy.
Workerbee31-35, M
To eventually be happier for a longer time
Musicman61-69, M
To travel and explore the country.

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