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Life imitating farce

Don't know whether to laugh or cry.

In my current semi-mobile state I've been using a walker to get around if I have to go out.
I've been advised (repeatedly) by physicians dealing with my case to stop walking the distances i have been because the stress on my pelvis/spine may be contributing to worsening of my 'condition'.

This 'condition' yet to be officially given a name despite it being nearly two years btw.

Ok, here's the 'funny'.
My next door neighbour has extended his property beyond ours without planning permission (which is annoying in itself because it blocks light coming into our house; obviously increases our electricity usage as we need lights on to compensate for the loss of light earlier in the day than necessary etc.) and the endless noise at odd hours of the day has made relations strained to say the least.

So this morning I go off shopping for the weekend bits. Take it slow. Stop and rest regularly. Get into town ok and do the shopping.
Couldn't get a cab home so again had to take a slow walk home.
So i get back to find this neighbour in my backyard with an electric disability buggy blocking the side access to my back door.

He says
This is a gift ! It'll help get you out and about easier !

So now not only is it difficult to get in and out of my front door due to steep steps but my side door is blocked because I have a lump of machinery blocking entry and exit from my back door because my neighbour thinks he's doing me a favour.

I've called half a dozen numbers and no local disability charity wants this thing because there's no official body that does safety checks on this stuff and is prepared to officially state it's safe for resale or gifted use.

The virtual scream in my head is getting louder 🫣
Blondily · F
I suggest you tell your good intentioned neighbor that you don't want it and to please take it away.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@Blondily After thanking him for his good intentions and generosity, explaining why it doesn't work for you unless there is some easily accessible spot on his property to park it. And if not, perhaps he can still return it for a refund.
Blondily · F
@dancingtongue He should take it back without any reluctance.
He should have asked him first if he wanted it which he didn't.
Another idea is he can put it back on his neighbor's property with a note saying thanks but no thanks.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@dancingtongue I'm pretty sure that's why he wants to lump me with the responsibility of having to get rid of it 🙄

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