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Why are women not going into S.T.E.M fields as much as men.

We always here that women only make 75% of what men make, but they only work about 50%
of the jobs that men do. Not only STEM, but also no women are working in sewers, oil rigs, etc.
these are high paying jobs. Also women are less likely to move for a job, and they are less
likely to work outside. Why do women not want to be equal to men?
JonUK31 · 36-40, M
Issue is you either make money with your brain or your hands. If you're clever - tech/STEM/lawyer/investment banker etc is the way to go. If not the best way to make decent money is by doing skilled work with your hands - as you say oil rigs etc. Tough work, you get your hands dirty and it might even be dangerous. But the money's good.

Women don't seem keen on those jobs, which is a choice issue.

We'd also consider women like to have time off to have kids. Clearly while they're away the world has moved on so they might lose ground in the workplace. Exactly the same as if a guy took 6 months to travel the world, fair play to him but the world will have moved on while he was away. He'd obviously expect/plan for that.

Reality is women want equality in rewards but not equality in effort.
Women don't seem keen on those jobs, which is a choice issue.

We'd also consider women like to have time off to have kids. Clearly while they're away the world has moved on so they might lose ground in the workplace. Exactly the same as if a guy took 6 months to travel the world, fair play to him but the world will have moved on while he was away. He'd obviously expect/plan for that.

Reality is women want equality in rewards but not equality in effort.
JonUK31 · 36-40, M
@NativePortlander1970 So nothing specific. Move along, nothing to see here.
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@JonUK31 Your analysis is dead nuts right on the money.
DogMan · 61-69, M
I watched a program that was interviewing random men and women.

They asked this question " which job would you prefer? A job in the
sewers making 100k per year? or a job in a beautiful high rise making
minimum wage?
Does anyone need to know how they answered? It was 100% for men
in sewers, and 100% for women making minimum wage.

But we are supposed to pretend that men and women are the same.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@MarthannBann888 Hi Martha, I am a proper husband. I have always cleaned my bathroom,
I also cook, and do dishes. And I clean up after all our dogs. Over the years I have had
to clean up messes that would make people faint, puke, or both Lol. I won't go into detail,
lets just say, I wish the dogs had diapers on to contain the explosions.

Sorry about your husband, is he sick?
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

Sorry to say he is deceased. He cheated on me so much he blew his brains up with viagra. After the stroke he used to brag about the women he had had.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@MarthannBann888 It sounds like your life has improved.
IronHamster · 56-60, M
During my divorce I fired as many attorneys as I hired. My first was a woman lawyer that I thought would work well for me. Pfft.

On her Facebook page she was celebrating the month of the woman and women's accomplishments, which are a joke. Women only sleep well because they are protected by men, in houses built by men, with electricity provided by men, and water provided by men, and drive to shopping malls in cars built by men, fuelled by gasoline refined by men from oil drilled for by men. Remove men from earth and women would rejoice until seconds later when the lights went out, and they'd mostly be dead in a week.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
@IronHamster Iron, I am glad you are Iron, you need to be! I was one of those second shift women. Work all day, work all night. Husband gambled so I actually paid for all the stuff you listed. One time he told me that I really couldn’t buy two fifty dollar outfits in a month, and I said we spent a thousand a month on his golf, drinking and gambling! I made sure I spent $100 every month after that. 😊😊😊 I think this stuff is why they say life is hell! I did too much, and you did too.
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@MarthannBann888 I hope you are finding your happiness. Life is too short for shitty relationships, and I am glad I have a few good years left to be free of that.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
@IronHamster Thank you so much for your kind words! Life is good. Lost significant other at Thanksgiving and was really sick in December, but have been on the mend. I have to learn to balance life as fairly as possible. 😊
Jstbanannas1991 · 31-35, F
I can tell you why I’m not….. I’m married and don’t wanna work with a bunch of horny men! Women that work in those fields are constantly getting hit on.
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@Jstbanannas1991 Most women I know, are able to shut down men that act inappropriately.

Unfortunately many women are brought up to be the weaker sex, and they do not learn how
to shut down men. Also there are women that love the crude attention. I think you
have hit on a big problem that people have. They do not know how to stand up for
themselves. This is why the PC culture was invented. Back when I was young
we learned stick and stones. Now days we are told that words are violence, because
people are weak.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

So right! I was never ever allowed to fight back against my older brother! He broke my right arm in four places, beat in the stomach till I couldn’t have children, beat 20% of my hearing away, and then there is this big scar in the back of my head?

Boy, if I could have gotten away with it, he would have been dog meat!
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
Why do you care?
DogMan · 61-69, M
@WintaTheAngle I am inquisitive. I have asked questions all my life.

Why do you care, that I care?
Workerbee · 31-35, M
@DogMan XD
PleasurePunch · 100+
We effing DO. How do YOU feel? Of wait you already said it.

They (we) want the same kind of respect as the guys and your post shows we're all a loooong way from that.

Its not just about paid work. I won't say more, I shouldn't have to spell it out. Libraries already exist on this one subject.

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The way this is framed screams privilege. To work a job you actually have to be hired.

The fact this escapes your notice speaks to someone who coasted through life with no struggles.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Ummm. You also have to apply, before you can
be hired. Women are not getting turned down, they are not applying. How can
you be truly equal, if you are not willing to do the same jobs?

Women actually make as much or more than men, if you remove all the good
paying jobs that women do not apply for.

For instance.....A woman at the company I own, makes far more than the men.

She actually makes more than I do, since being a conservative, I put all extra
money into capital to keep everyone employed during things like recessions,
and Chinese viruses.
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are they banned from doing these jobs? that's the point to equality; having equal opportunity to work
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@Northwest All the data is available. The 75% number, includes all the hard jobs that
women do not apply for. Oil rig workers, Sewer workers, Electricians, Carpenters,
Plumbers etc....... The fact is, when you take all of this out of the equation, (which you
need to if you are talking equality) you will find that they make similar salaries.

Like I said above in another post. The highest paid employee at the company I own,
makes more than the men, and she has not been it the business as long. I pay her
over 100k per year, and it keeps going up.

Do you pay your male employees more than the females?
Northwest · M
All the data is available

Not that I don't trust you, but where is the actual data?
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