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They Arrested Another Oklahoma Teacher For Lewd Acts Against Children…

Middle-school teacher who would tap them on the butt with a yard stick or lanyard and make lewd remarks. The charges for incidents from 2012-2017. This brings back junior high memories of an older math teacher who would stand in the doorway of his classroom holding a yardstick during class changes and watch for girls walking down the hallway and start tapping them on the butt with the yardstick. The cheerleader types would giggle and scurry off. He did it to me one time in 9th grade (I usually tried to walk on the other side of the hall) and I stopped, took the yardstick out of his hand, and looked him in the eye and said “Don’t you ever do that again!” And he never did. I am not blaming the students in this teacher’s case because he shouldn’t have done what he did, but did even one of them speak up that to that teacher? We should be teaching our children to be assertive when such things happen the first time.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
I'm glad they did away with all that
its fuckin barbaric
@cherokeepatti Complete physical emasculation might make them think twice about repeating.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@NativePortlander1970 My daughter’s teacher said it wouldn’t because they are sadistic at heart. Thinking that even castration is not going to be a cure for it.
@cherokeepatti Total emasculation means castration amd removal of the penis as well, it's what they did to eunichs that guarded the harems in the middle east for centuries. Legend has it that that most eunichs were violators of women and children, that they had a choice of execution by beheading, or become eunichs.
I went through Catholic grammar school where being physically accosted by hand, strap and yard stick was common. It was not sexual but supposedly “ discipline”.
I saw it a few times in H.S.(Catholic) , but I also know of male students not standing for it and physically challenging teachers both lay and religious.
It’s been years since I left H. S. and I think those practices are gone. At least I hope they are in the NYC archdiocese school system. My schools were closed years ago.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@soar2newhighs I talked to a psychologist who retired from the prison system. He said you can’t cure them of it, the only think that MIGHT help is to teach them ways not to get tempted and places to stay away from children. He works now with sex offenders at a half-house trailer park in Oklahoma City. He told about living in West Virginia and how many children of incest there are there.
and I stopped, took the yardstick out of his hand, and looked him in the eye and said “Don’t you ever do that again!”

Good for you, for standing up to such a weirdo teacher at such a young age! 👍
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I have been saying that for quite some time. Yet there are many that refuse to acknowledge the problem. 🤷🏻‍♂️
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@DeWayfarer Students need to be taught to be assertive, communicate with their parents and even to go to the principal with such things. If the principals refuses to do anything then they can be charged with a crime as well for not reporting it. It is way past time for this to be addressed.
Adrift · 61-69, F
We had a teacher in Jr high that would do that.
He was creepy.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Adrift This teacher had been in WWII and he would tell stories of being stationed in the Phillipines and other places in class. Interesting stories. And he patronized all the girls and was mean to the boys. One boy was sitting quietly listening to him speak and his pencil rolled off his desk and that teacher chewed him out for making noise. A girl could probably lift her leg & fart and he would laugh about it. I couldn’t stand the cold way he treated the boys and got transferred to the math class across the hall.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Some workers and unions are against background checks
Jimbo7 · M
Good for you Lady 💪
My science teacher in the 8th grade hit me on the top of the head with his pointer, it hurt, I cracked him across the face with my text book, I surprisingly did not get in trouble.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@NativePortlander1970 I think he knew he shouldn’t have done it. I was in 9th grade walking past classrooms in the hall and a math teacher tapped me on the butt with a yardstick. I saw him do it to the 9th grade girls when I was in 7th and 8th grade and wondered why none of them reported him, the cheerleader types would giggle and scurry down the hall. I took the yardstick out of his hand and looked him in the eyes and told him never to do that again. And he didn’t. If he had of i would have taken the yardstick and broke it and then walked downstairs to the principals office and showed him and told him why I did it.
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@OldMan70 This wasn’t a spanking. The old man would stand there with his yardstick slapping girls on the ass with it and think it was funny. He hated boys for some reason, so hateful in my math class with a very-polite group of boys and would yell at them for the most minor things, such as a pencil rolling off their desk. I got transferred out of his class within a month because of that, too stressful to watch a teacher flirt and patronize the girls and act hateful toward the boys.
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