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I think the time has come to put this account to rest.

I have met some really kind and wonderful people here... and you all know who you are. I just don't feel this place is right for me and I don't deal well with a lot of what I see and read.
It's not really helping me in ways I'd really like it to, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate all the positives and people who make this site a better place.
ShadowWorker61-69, F Best Comment
You make this site a better place!
You are one of the reasons I come here....the pressure is on...lol 鉁屸潳

I haven't been here much lately. I get what you are saying because... I need a place to come to when I need distractions, interaction, to ..help me.
But at times i come on and i read so much hate, fighting to prove each others opinions to be the correct one. Too much negativity. But it isn't the site's problem but humanity in big bold words. And words are magical spells
Don't you know... speak words of kindness and it magically makes a soul feel good. The opposite..words of harm..makes a soul feel sad and useless.
A person need to take the good with the bad..such is life. But when the bad oversees the good...馃槳

So... folks like you bring balance! Taking your light away ... it's going to be a darker site. Please take a break but come back and let your light shine bright....some souls are afraid of light..maybe we can scare them to leave then...lol..

Looky here at me preaching 馃槉 Blessings to you my friend!
@ShadowWorker I have always appreciated your posts and such. Thank you.

We have it in our own hands to do what brings us the positives and if a site is allowing others to post the way they wish... it becomes a bit too negative for me. Too much coming in from all over.
If you wish to email, I'd like that. 鉂わ笍
@ShadowWorker Approximately 44 hours left.
I'm sorry, I just can't stay here.
I appreciate you and what I've gotten to know about you.
I'm looking forward to using my greenhouse and have some plants started from seed inside already. :)
ShadowWorker61-69, F
@SW-User left a message for you.
(Hug) take care my friend.

DrWatson70-79, M
I understand completely.

But you have been one of the bright lights here, and I think it's a shame that this place is driving you away.

I will miss your presence here.
@DrWatson I think it's just too much for me. Too much of anything just isn't good.
People say to block, ignore, etc... but we all know we can't just ignore everything.
It's funny too how blocking some forums/categories doesn't stop all the posts from coming round since people post a lot in sections not really right.

I will miss seeing you around too.
I was just getting ready to send you a gift to tell you how much I enjoy your presence here. I truly do and I think we'd be losing one of our best members with your leave. However, I understand your conflictions and they are very much justified. I feel a lot of what you feel and hostility is rampant. I know Indy has faced some of the ugliest behavior here as of late. As much as I like helping people, I'm not the biggest fan of humans and I don't think I'll ever understand them. I know I'm far from perfect and can easily let me sensitivities get the best of me, but character attacks aren't necessary. On the same note, I can own the fact it's brought out some things in myself that I don't like. The place also seems to be losing it's appeal for substantial posts.

I can't deny, either, that the thought hasn't crossed my mind over the past month or so. For the most part, I've used the site more frequently due to health issues and bedrest over the past few years and things are finally looking up so i question staying. But it is called the Hotel Cali for a reason and I have several good and true friends I'd hate to abandon..馃槈

Whatever your decision, just know you're appreciated beyond words ! 馃尫
@ML2022 Thank you so much. To me, understanding, kindness and care are among the best gifts you can give to another.
I use this site most when I can't be doing other things... so maybe out of boredom? lol
Yet, I find there are other things I could be doing.
I also find I'd rather have quality conversations with people... email, text, phone call, etc... vs. being on a site where it's the usual chit chat and not much really said or learned...for the most part.
Fun thought for today...
I relate to everything you've mentioned and hope you stay, but only you know when you've had enough and it's no longer beneficial or too toxic to do so. I wish you well in whatever you decide. I think others support me in saying you're one of most beautiful souls.馃挄馃拹 In more specific orders, we request several clones before the original is allowed to flee.馃槒 Love the meme 馃き@SW-User
@ML2022 I take a look at this particular post... and it's sort of like a text or email. I stick right to this, to replying to comments and I don't look anywhere else to post anything... no comments and whatever. So, yeah...pretty much "over" the site and what it's really intended for. (not sure exactly what that is! lol )
I do appreciate the kind words and hope all is well in your world.
NO clones, please! lol
I'm glad you appreciate the meme. I'm never sure if people will "get" my sense of humor! 馃檭鉂わ笍
You are a wonderful and true of heart person. I totally understand where you are coming from. You need to do what's best for you. Just know that you will be dearly missed!! Thank you for all your kindness!! You've brought so much to this site!! 馃馃ズ
@SW-User Thank you for being kind and decent about this post. I really do think it's best to be off this site and others that bring me down or aren't what I need. I may be like anyone else and not be able to stick to that without deleting again, but it's just sad feelings when others make fun of us trying to do what's right for us.
You've been great to have as a friend on here. Thank you.
I have email for anyone wishing to keep in touch. 鈾ワ笍馃
Maybe some see me as a sad person for seeing some internet people as friends, but I think friends, love and all that good stuff can be found anywhere. :)
@SW-User your words are so true. You're not a sad person at all.....internet friends are good, plus you can have internet love too. Nothing can change that. There are good people here.....they are hard to find at times. But, somehow I do come across great people like yourself. I've been hurt a lot on this site by people making fun of me and bullying me. I still get bullied from time to time. But, I choose to ignore and not engage anymore. I use the block button quite frequently now. It's been an honor and a pleasure to know you!! 馃馃挅
@SW-User Those who feel a need to make fun of others and bully have their own issues... even if they don't think so.
Stay true to what matters to you.
Thank you for the kind words... it's been an honor and pleasure to know you too. :) 馃
I'll miss you 馃槬
@Fluffybull I'll miss you too. If you care to email, let me know. :)
Ambroseguy8056-60, M
Sorry to hear that SW isn鈥檛 helping you in any of the ways that you hoped. It can be a challenging place to navigate at times. I wish you well in your search for something better.
@Ambroseguy80 Thank you. I think I'm just going to get back to life and not look for anything better than what I've been given... some friends off this site. :)
Ambroseguy8056-60, M
@SW-User well there is a positive! Best wishes
Justmeraeagain56-60, F
Eventually, it won't be desirable to be here unless they stop strong arming people...I still disagree with treatment of Kingkylie(? Think that was right name)
Eventually, I couldn't even DM him, some warning came up and I wasn't allowed to.
If he had a different persona that was problematic, I wasn't aware of it .
He did give the sight a bad review somewhere, I know.
@Justmeraeagain I have not heard of that user name til now.
As for messaging, it's why I had people give emails while we still could and can.
If he gave the site a bad review, he surely made admins upset. lol

71 hours and this account will be gone. Not too worried if they put a warning on it and "limit" me.
This site isn't much like I once was told it would be.
Justmeraeagain56-60, F
@SW-User Like most sites started out good
Virgo7961-69, M
I'll miss you here馃
@Virgo79 Thank you. I have ideas, but not for here anymore. 馃
Virgo7961-69, M
@SW-User we will see how it goes馃檪
Ciao Bella 馃
@SW-User 馃槑Take care.
@SW-User Don鈥檛 let the door hit ya on the way out馃槈 馃き
You鈥檒l be back anyway. 馃槀
Coldplay61-69, M
I hope you stay
@Coldplay Thank you. I'm undecided about deleting, but really find this site is too much for me. Either way, I'll be shutting it down.
rrraksamam31-35, M
@rrraksamam I look through this thread and see one user's comments are hidden. He has been "FACT CHECKED" by this site admins and given warnings on his account... makes me feel he's being made an example of....and he's not the first.
I see some posts never make the "NEW" list to be seen.
I see people getting posts closed that are about the feed and such.
rrraksamam31-35, M
@SW-User Yeah I see that. There's another user too, quite younger, who's comments have been hidden by default
Still here
@MsSwan 48 hours left. Thanks for caring. Bye
@SW-User Your account is active. How can there only be 48 hours left?
@MsSwan First, I'd like to point out you are one of those NEW accounts we are all warned to be nice to but yet you come to my post with only two words... and give the impression you are being a bit of a jerk.
Second, it's the way this lovely site works.
Again.... bye
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@Stereoguy A lot of this site seems to be that way and the bits of good and decent things get lost when the negatives are sent around in the feed. And you can't say anything negative about the feed or the "NEW" accounts because someone in the higher powers gets upset and dumps on your post. lol
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@RogueLoner I tried to find "similar worlds" to post but it didn't come up and I just tried searching it and it still didn't come up...
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