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I Remember Life Before the Internet

When I was a kid, internet wasn't remotely close to what it is now. I really thought I had something when we finally got dialup. Nonetheless, I was outdoors pretty much all the time. We (the other kids and I) made camps all throughout the woods, and we occasionally went to war with one another because we wanted their location or we were just mad at each other. I've probably torn down more camps than I've built. It got pretty serious at times. We were using blunt weapons with nails and barbed wire. I don't know how any of us survived. I miss those days.
Ynotisay · M
You can tell younger people that it was a completely different world pre-internet but without the context and experience most will never really understand. Not their fault. But I do feel sort of sorry for them sometimes. Not as much fort buildin' these days.
My grandmother gave me tools that had belonged to her grandparents. I appreciate the way things were back then even though I'm only 24. I still like antiques.
Anon88 · 36-40, M
@DaveStevenson My dad collects antique tools. I'll get some photos later for you.
@Anon88 Cool.
No that's the way to live. I want to live like that.

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