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I just got an email shaming me for my inability to grow garlic

"Any idiot can grow garlic. Seriously. When's the last time you watched a television special on the "Remarkable Garlic Growing Person"? Never. Because you do not have to be remarkable in any way, shape or form to successfully grow garlic. But you do have to plant it - and the time to plant is October...."

...guess I could follow some directions this time.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M Best Comment
If anything to be ashamed of is your inability to grow garlic bread 🤤
@caPnAhab OMG.. you are so right!!
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
@nonsensiclesnail second best thing is making it from scratch

@caPnAhab Would be the perfect food if it weren't so terrible for me.

This got me thinking of penning something about garlic and vampires. I lost my direction, though. Oh, people who uselessly put down are emotional bloodsuckers, and perhaps finding the book, 'The HitchHikers Guide To Growing Garlic" will help.
@nonsensiclesnail You even caught my lostness in direction, I meant it's not a book already, outside some fabled land that needs to be written.... but how could I know you had visited that land?
@thewindupbirdchronicles Well, I don't get out much these days so your unintentional assumptions are spot on!!
@nonsensiclesnail I see some inspired imagination in you 🤤

Does it show I don't get out much? Imagine that whole conversation at a hotel lobby, or a bar.... wait, ..... nevermind, I'm just thankful my assumptions and some wit about garlic came in story together.

You are missed, too. :)
Pfuzylogic · M
aren’t there any cheats for growing that you can use? 🧐
@Pfuzylogic I m certain there are, like listening to growers.
I'll do It right one day....
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
Amazingly rude.

Good luck with your exploration in growing it.
@Zeusdelight thank you!!
brokensignal · 46-50, M
Wow - Garlic shaming… pre-the garlic. You gotta be in a minority of humans to experience that! Haha (Although plenty have been shamed post garlic for the bad breath!)
@brokensignal Oh, I'll show them!! I'll do an amazing job with garlic and the ginger this time.
brokensignal · 46-50, M
@nonsensiclesnail Yeahhh! Do itttt! That’s awesome! 🙂👍
@brokensignal You are so supportive!! 🥹 Thank You!
popmol · 22-25, M
they think themselves superior becasue they know a bit more about garlic? who cares as long as you put it in the food to make it delicious
I guess i should plant some too as its almost October 😅 i did plant a pineapple top that grew in the shade.. the one in the sun died
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Meh. I buy it in a jar already minced. Except of course when I'm hiking in the bush and find some wild Garlic to bring back with me.

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