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What's something that is actually really simple, that a lot of people think they can't do?

Cooking. Obviously some things are harder to cook than others, but there are some things that can be easily made without any kinds of directions. You don't know if you don't try, right?
Viper · M
I'd say it's simple for accountants, is figuring out the basic accounting of the NFL Salary Cap.

The hardest part is ignoring the media as they totally look at it at the hard/stupid way for actually trying to understand it.

Piece of advice, follow the money, not the accounting. The accounting is designed to always be 2 to 4 years behind the cash. So if you simply follow the active cash, you'll be ahead of the accounting of said cash.
I have burnt box Mac and cheese. Thank god I’m a lesbian and my wife can cook. 😅
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Cooking is straightforward if your aim is to make the best use of nice, fresh ingredients. The preparation does take a bit of effort though, which I think is what many people are averse to.

Singing is another thing many people think they can't do 😌
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@DarkHeaven Teach my daughter to sing in tune and she'll show you how to boil an egg!
@SunshineGirl some people just can’t. my beautiful niece is totally tone deaf and I can’t fix that.
@SunshineGirl and please don’t let me poison my wife.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
Having sex. Wait, that's just @deadgerbil🥔🤭
deadgerbil · 22-25
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@deadgerbil NO 🥔😡 I AM A SEXY POTATO 🥔😡
Skoolschool · 31-35
This was my philosophy growing up. Whatever I messed up Iearned a lesson. I'm not a gourmet chef, but I can handle some dishes...just don’t ask me to fry anything. That is one thing I never bothered with. I'd rather bake. If I'm on frying won’t turn out well.
@Skoolschool I'm not a professional chef like Gordon Ramsay or Aarón Sánchez, but I can cook some pretty good Mexican food.
Skoolschool · 31-35
@latinbutterfly That right there is my favorite!! The sad thing is I've developed a stomach problem where I have to limit my intake, but yaaassh me love it. I can fix the basic tacos and nachos, but that's about it for me in that category. is more of my range...just can't fry...i can make make homemade gravy...tho 😅
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Standing up for yourself.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
Removing yourself from situations and people that aren't good for you
BarbossasHusband · 36-40, M
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Basic math

Sounding out words to learn how to pronounced them

Writing a letter by hand

Changing a flat tire

Checking the oil level in a car

How to properly clean a house
elbbbslsbl · 51-55, M
What was the most simple thing you cooked
Goodluckwiththat · 56-60, M
Using your signal lights
Slade · 56-60, M
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
Framing a house. If you know how to use a tape measure, a reciprocating saw, and a nail gun, you can do it.
@LordShadowfire would you believe my weird county ass knows how.
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
@DarkHeaven I would, actually.
@LordShadowfire we had to do a lot of stuff on our own, so I know how to do a lot of stuff most people wouldn’t expect of a girl. running a cattle ranch is a lot of work in general.
Renaci · 36-40
Minding their own business. Lol

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